Licensed to Carry/Armed Decal


New member
I found this "Licensed to Carry" armed decal at at Armed Decal.Com. By the way, I have to note that it is a registered trademark so please do not copy it and... do the right thing. I have no affliation with this organization but I did purchase mine.

I guess this is supposed to be the recognized decal, created by law enforcement, for law enforcement officers to easily recognize. I was wondering if any body has seen these around and if there are states that prohibit them.

I for one would not post anything like that on any of my vehicles. Many on these forums have opened my eyes to the fact that posting any kind of GUN decal on your vehicle is just inviting trouble..I tend to think that it could be very plausable. If I am pulled over, I will wait for the officer to ask for ID and then he/she will know that I am armed..thats just me
Interesting... I somehow thought it would be a very good idea, especially for alerting BG's and for placing on my home doors, sort of like an alarm deterent sign. It says- "Don't break in here this house has an alarm on it and the owner will be armed!" I was thinking the same would be true of my wifes vehicle and my own.

I am really very interested in hearing the detailed reasons behind all of your opinions on this, would any of you share?
Interesting... I somehow thought it would be a very good idea, especially for alerting BG's and for placing on my home doors, sort of like an alarm deterent sign. It says- "Don't break in here this house has an alarm on it and the owner will be armed!" I was thinking the same would be true of my wifes vehicle and my own.

I am really very interested in hearing the detailed reasons behind all of your opinions on this, would any of you share?

Putting the decal on your home is worse than putting it on the car. Your average "gun guy" has more than one gun. Most folks carry only one gun at a time. Having the decal on your home tells the BG that you have firearms in your home at some point. It would be a great motivator to encourage the BG to break in to look for said firearms while you're not home.

Putting the decal on your home is worse than putting it on the car. Your average "gun guy" has more than one gun. Most folks carry only one gun at a time. Having the decal on your home tells the BG that you have firearms in your home at some point. It would be a great motivator to encourage the BG to break in to look for said firearms while you're not home.


Ditto about giving the BG info about your car. There are 'no-carry' places in this country--meaning you had to leave your weapon in the car at that location. Also, in a state where anyone can have a gun in their vehicle, such a decal indicates which vehicle should be robbed first.
It would be a great motivator to encourage the BG to break in to look for said firearms while you're not home.

WOW!!! Very Good point... although I have pretty big gunsafe it may make my home a target for BG's to comeback and try to break into that safe. Never thought about that, although it is a rare occassion that somebody is not in my home (wife is a telecommuter) and our neighbors are very close friends that are appropriately and appreciative nosey with a housewife in one case who is ALWAYS home.

Please don't think I am tearing down your advice, I am stacking pro and cons. So far your point trumps my thinking becuase my reasoning in not applicable for every persons situation and your thinking is applicable in most to almost all cases.
Ditto about giving the BG info about your car. There are 'no-carry' places in this country--meaning you had to leave your weapon in the car at that location. Also, in a state where anyone can have a gun in their vehicle, such a decal indicates which vehicle should be robbed first.

Indeed, once again another fabulous point!
Well Said!!!

So I have my decal proudly proclaiming to all that I am a CCW driver!!!
I think I'd get my car keyed by some anti-2nd freak for their statement about mine. :58:
I think I may leave my pistol in the glove (locked), in courthouse, school or Federal land parking and come back to my window busted out and the inside tossed with my shooter AWOL. :58:
I would bet I get pulled over more by 'freeway' LEO's just to check I was good and legit, not 1 drink, and every tail-light good, and all the items on my DL and POI checked 3-5 times, makes for long trips. :58:
Your plates tell the cops U may be a carrying or at least the owner has a CCW permit, something all non-LEO's can't run! :58:
I see that decal as trouble, the whole concept of CONCEALED is not to advertise you are carrying, this [IMHO] blows that right to bits when U get in your wheels, & may lead to you losing your CCW-permit or even your piece (car too!). :icon_question:
If I were an armed BG and wanted to rumble with owner of that car (say road rage) I would prolly shoot 1st and not take chance I could just settle things with less agro.
I can think of a decal about as much trouble: "Proud owner of a $5K ROLEX watch I wear it ALL the time!" :58:

Canis-Lupus :ranting2:

I can't agree more. The best idea is to fly under the Bad Guys RADAR so to speak. Do not stand out. Do not advertise. Always be sensible. You can't always be with your stuff. You gotta work sometime to eak out a living. Get an alarm and a dog. Bad guys hate both.

I don't do anything to advertise because the only thing that sucks worse than getting shot is getting shot with your own gun.
I tend to agree with the being incognito as far as my gun carry. I don't want to call attention to myself and I like the element of surprise to be on my side.
I tend to agree with the being incognito as far as my gun carry. I don't want to call attention to myself and I like the element of surprise to be on my side.

Yep, it's concealed carry for a reason. I personally don't want the BGs to know who is carrying and who is not. Makes us all safer.

Remember, those law abiding who carry are making all safer, and doing a serivce to society.
I for one would not post anything like that on any of my vehicles. Many on these forums have opened my eyes to the fact that posting any kind of GUN decal on your vehicle is just inviting trouble..I tend to think that it could be very plausable. If I am pulled over, I will wait for the officer to ask for ID and then he/she will know that I am armed..thats just me

In Ohio they know once they run your plate in computer. So when I inform them upon their coming to my window i'm just fufilling the letter of the law.

Attention BG's...their might be a gun in the car.

I could also see someone being spiteful with you and seeing that sticker they could call the police and lie saying " I think I saw them with a gun." It's a long shot, but there are peace loving sheep that would love to force us to give up are guns and be thrown in jail because we are just one step above the criminals." NO ONE SHOULD BE ARMED...except the police...and even then not all of them....just the one I call toe come to my house."
Kinda like the PETA memebers that will tar and feather your suv.

I'm probably way out in left field on this one...or is it right field....i'm confused.
Like I said in the other thread; No stickers, no badges, noting on my home or vehicle to tell the BG that I'm armed. I'm going to let them find out the hard way!
In some states, such as Arkansas, your CHL is tacked onto your drivers license and not your car tags. I can see if it were by car tags, and my wife, who is NOT licensed, gets pulled over, the cop goes on alert if he ran the tag and it came back to possible gun in car..things "could" be tense..where by drivers license, no reason to be alert to gun in car, he runs her info, no permit pops up, everyone is calm, for the gist is, some states tag your permit to your drivers license, not your car tags.
In some... states tag your permit to your drivers license, not your car tags.

Washington State is one of those States. There in no picture on the Washington CWP. However, your drivers license number is indicated on the CWP, and the two must be carried together.
I agree with what has been said. I don't advertise nothin'--no stickers ,badges,tatoos. Not even an NRA sticker.
One other thing too--if you have the decal and some BG wants your car--he will just walk up and shoot you because you've indicated that you're armed.
Interesting... I somehow thought it would be a very good idea, especially for alerting BG's and for placing on my home doors, sort of like an alarm deterent sign. It says- "Don't break in here this house has an alarm on it and the owner will be armed!" I was thinking the same would be true of my wifes vehicle and my own.

I am really very interested in hearing the detailed reasons behind all of your opinions on this, would any of you share?
Probably because it eliminates the very tactical advantage that you gain from having a concealed weapon in the first place. Some LEOs may also find it annoying. If you go somewhere where uninformed officials might think people should not have guns in their cars, you'll probably end up being singled out.

Sun Tzu says...if you are strong, appear weak. If you are weak, appear strong. My car has car alarm stickers (these are from a real installation on someone else's car) because I do not have a car alarm. My house has ADT stickers because I do not have ADT. If I had any of these things, I would not have stickers advertising it.

Thus, it stands to reason that if one has a firearm, one would want to be as low-profile as possible about it.

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