Thank God No! Closest I've gotten was pulling into a parking lot with my wife when some AH ran the stopsign and almost hit my front end. I blew my horn to let him know I was there then moved on. I guess that pissed him off even though it was totally his bad when I pulled the car into a space, he had circled around and parked his truck behind my car blocking me in.
I told my wife, just stay in the car for now and let him make whatever move he wants, but if he gets out of the car and comes toward us, this situation could get nasty. I had my hand on my weapon and just waited out the situation.
Happily, I guess he was waiting for me to jump out and agrevate the situation so after a minute or so he just pulled off without ever getting out.
And hell yeah, I wanted to get out and confront him but I was very pleased that the circumstance had defused without action and realized that my self defense training had taught me that it is better to seem the wimp and wait it out than to be the macho dude and push the situation to the brink!
I posted this scenario on another thread, so I'll skip some of the details. Two men pulled their truck in front of me on the highway, began slowing down, and blocked me when I would try to pass. It was obvious they were trying to force me to stop. The one on the passenger side kept looking back at me, and then turning to talk to the driver.
At the time I had a Taurus model 66 .357 in the glove compartment. I reached over and got it out and laid on the seat. When i looked back up, the one on the passenger side had pulled hs head back in and was talking and gesturing to the driver, and they quickly sped up, pulled away, and exited at the next exit. I wasn't sure what prompted all of that until I realized that when I pulled the gun out of the glove compartment, I inadvertantly raised it above the dash making it visible through the windsheild.
I never knew exacly what their intentions were, but it was obvious that the sight of the gun quodkly altered their plans.
I own a road service which takes me to places good and bad at all hours of the day and night (truckers never stop). Shot a man who drug me out from under a truck at 2 AM. Actually before we had concealed carry in Arkansas. He shot at me standing over me and missed. Jackass held his gun sideways gangstyle. I shot him in the neck severing his spinal cord. Died on the spot. Suckiest night of my life, but at least I wasn't charged with anything (we had journey law). I agree with the man who said avoid it at all cost.
Sorry to hear that you had to take a life.
I chuckled a bit a part of your story remembering about a week ago when I went to the range and at the station next to me on the line were two "dudes" with shirts to their knees, pants that started just above that and hats on at 45 degree "gang" style shooting some cheap looking semi-auto (I could not figure what brand) looked like .32 auto holding it "gangsta" and missing the target most of the time.
However, I was impressed that they were paying for range time to play rather than just shooting up the street somewhere...
Good gangstas? Their mama won't let them gangbang?
Twice last year. Time number 1 I was in Virginia. A beat up car with expired out of state (Massachusetts) plates ran a stop sign. Man pulled up next to me and started yelling obscenities and then pulled a weapon and started waving it at me. Then he cut me off and braked, forcing me to stop also. He had reholstered his weapon before exiting his vehicle. So, I beat him on the draw upon exiting and dialed 911 on the cell, so that everything was recorded. He said he was a Police Officer and ordered me to put away my weapon. He kept reaching for his weapon, and I warned him repeatedly that if he touched his weapon, I would put a 44. mag slug in him. Local constabularies arrived and it turned out he was an off duty police officer from another jurisdiction. They notified his superiors and sent him on his way with a warning. I was sent on my way also, without further incident as everything was recorded.
2nd incident was in Alabama in April. I was harrassed at night for over 50 miles by a car with 4 young folks in it. When I finally approached a town where I had previously lived and knew my way around, I pulled off of the interstate, dialed 911 drew my weapon and ordered them to put hands where I could see them. Someone yelled, "He's got a gun!!!" and they sped off. When the local police arrived I gave them tag number and vehicle description. Officer asked if I had time to go with him to the registered owners home. I did. The girl driving had gone straight home and the car was parked in the driveway. When questioned, she told the story and identified her friends that were with her (2 girls, 2 guys). They were underage drinking in Chattanooga, TN and got the bright idea to harrass and rob an out of stater on their way home. With my statement and her confession, again I was shortly on my way.
Before that, I had an incident in the early 80's with some dogs on a lonely road, that I had to put down while riding my motorcycle (Road had dead ended and I was turning around).
Well it sure does sound like you have needed your weapon a few times. That was a smart move dialing 911 so that the encounter with the off duty cop was recorderd. It's absurd that they let him off with a warning, if a civilian would have done that it would have been a different story. Smart thinking on your part!
I have never drawn a weapon since I became a permit holder.
Back in 83, I got transferred to Naval Training Center Millington, TN. I crossed the river into Memphis and made a wrong turn off of I-40. I found myself in the projects with a U-Haul truck, towing a car. I came to a dead end and had to make about 17 attempts to get turned around. When I finally got straightened out, there were roughly a dozen angry young men blocking my exit. I put my Marine Corps camo cover on my head and then reached down for my .45. I held it up where they could see it, chambered a round, and then layed it on the dash. I then put both hands on the steering wheel to indicate that the next move was up to them. They stood there for maybe 30 seconds and then parted in the middle to let me pass.
Against todays gangs, I think my actions would probably get me killed. I got lucky that day and it all worked out ok. If I had to do it over, I think I would just start driving slowly and use the truck as my weapon if things went bad.