In April of this year in North Carolina I went to a late/10:30(ish) showing of the movie Fast Five alone on a Saturday night. I tend to see alot of movies alone, anyways back to the incident. The movie ended about 15 minutes after 1. The parking lot was packed when I got there, so I had to park over 100 yards away. When I got within 10 feet of my truck a white Chevy Blazer parked about 10 spaces away turned its lights on and quickly came my way. A black guy probably in his early thirties was driving, and a white guy probably the same age got out of the car with a small wooden club in his hand, saying toss me the keys and you won't be hurt. My heart sank to my feet as my instinct and training took over and I drew my Taurus 605 .357 snubbie. The driver took off with the passenger door still open, and fled the scene leaving black marks in the parking lot along with his partner. Everything happened to quickly it seemed, all I remember next was screaming "ON YOUR FACE NOW" to the man with the club. A couple walking to their car only parked a few spaces in the other direction saw the whole thing do down. I held the man at gun point while, they called 911 and told them exactly what was going on. The police arrived, and took over from their disarming myself, and apprehending the man on the ground. Some of it is a blur today, and thinking of it and just writing this brings those chills back. I'm grateful the police successfully diffused the situation and did not mistake me for the bad guy (probably due large in part to the witnesses who called 911) I was only taken in for questioning and let go with no charges. The driver was snitched on by his accomplice and taken in to custody the next day. The police told actually told me I did the right thing in the situation, by preventing the other assailant from running away and possibly causing harm to someone else to get away. At the time it seemed like the only logical thing to do,he had no car to get into, and giving him the opportunity to flea on foot did not seem logical at the time. I cant thank the eye witnesses for their testimony in the situation. I hope I never have to go throw anything like that again, and hope none of my fellow law abiding citizens on this forum have to experience for themselves either.