Gunman Opens Fire in London Restaurant

This can't be right. I think they have gun controle over there to prevent things like this from happening.:fie:
Let's stick to the truth on this forum. We all know gun control works every place it is used. The libs are always telling us this and private ownership of firearms is not allowed in England. :sarcastic:
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I wonder what they will want to outlaw next over there.... Maybe tables to hide under will be on that list.....
It sounds like everyone started hiding under the table like a bunch of sheep.
What the hell else could they have done? I suppose someone in close proximity to the shooter could have tried to take him down. He wouldn't be expecting it since he was focused on the one guy he was chasing. But even if I had that chance, I don't think I would try wrestling a guy with a gun in each hand.
How's that gun control working out for ya, England?

What the hell else could they have done? I suppose someone in close proximity to the shooter could have tried to take him down. He wouldn't be expecting it since he was focused on the one guy he was chasing. But even if I had that chance, I don't think I would try wrestling a guy with a gun in each hand.

Somehow, utimmer, I don't believe you. Faced with the same situation, and given your non-sheeple mentality, I think that you would do JUST THAT!

I found a couple of interesting points by one of the diners, a Mr. Billy Osbourne:

"Then all of a sudden a guy in a motorbike helmet came in - he had two automatic pistols and he starts firing at the guy."

Wow, automatic pistols?!? That seems like a LOT of lead being thrown with only two injuries as a result.

"As soon as I smelled the cordite I was under the table."

Double "Wow"!!! I guess the bad guy is definitely a reloader, considering cordite has been obsolete for a long time. It's use was seriously waning by the time WW2 rolled around, and the only cordite ammo manufactured since has been for some legacy .303 Enfields that people had set aside. Of course, with the virtual firearm ban, the last of those makers closed in the late eighties/early ninties.
Well, since there are no guns in the UK, this guy must have been from another planet. No one saw his face because he was wearing helmet! And by the time Mr. Know-It-All had "smelled the cordite", he would have been full of alien lead had the shooter been aiming at him.

Let's hear the BBC and other media sources put the spin on this shooting in a country with no guns. We're waiting.......

Oo, oo, I know. The guns came from the U.S., where the Mexicans get theirs. We'll get the blame, for sure, courtesy of the BATFE.
Somehow, utimmer, I don't believe you. Faced with the same situation, and given your non-sheeple mentality, I think that you would do JUST THAT!
Well, of course I'd like to think that I would try to take him down. As in any situation such as this, one never really knows how they would react until the time comes. As a fairly quick thinker, I would probably be able to rationalize that the guy would never see me in his periphery. In the same thought, I'm just thinking two guns would be tough to gain control of without getting shot by one of them. I guess I'd just have to smack him so damn hard that he'd lose consciousness and drop both of them. :nhl_checking:
Let's hear the BBC and other media sources put the spin on this shooting in a country with no guns....... [maybe] the guns came from the U.S., where the Mexicans get theirs.

We'll get the blame, for sure, courtesy of the BATFE.

Well, regardless of whether the media place blame or not, I'm guessing the current administrations propensity for making the United States out to be the bad guy will necessitate an apology.

UK Gun control has NOT been effective in reducing crime. And, we should be clear in framing this discussion properly—it never really was about making the UK safer. It was about disarming the citizenry. It was about revoking freedom!

There are a whole lot of people in America who want the exact same thing. Whether you speak of guns, or your choice in automobile or energy use, even down to the types of food you like. These people will frame their arguments around statements like, “we want to make our streets safer,” or, “we only want to conserve the environment for our children,” or “we just don’t want you to be fat!”

They’ll continue to build a case against the evils of corporate America and demonize capitalism, and do their best to convince all Americans that we are all just victims in need of a hero in Washington to save us from the greedy bullies! All along, their true aim is on revoking your freedoms! They're not interested in helping the small guy; their only interest is in making US all small.

Let’s be alert and quick to speak out against these lies! We are not victims! We are Americans! We do not need politicians in Washington to tell us how to live our lives!

Vote! Let your voice be heard in Washington as well as in your local and State politics! AND fire any politician who seeks to erode American liberties and freedoms!

In an article in the Edmonton Journal, England's gun-crime statistics for the first five years following the gun-ban indicate a very different outcome than that which was forecast. According to the article, "the incidence of gun crime in England and Wales nearly doubled from 13,874 in 1998 to 24,070 in 2003. And the incidence of firearms murder, while thankfully still very small, has risen 65 per cent."

Statistics from another report issued by Britain's Home Office reveal that there has also been a dramatic increase in robberies in recent years.

Do gun bans serve to reduce violent crime? When law-abiding citizens are disarmed, is their society a safer one? England's plight is just the latest example to show us, yet again, that the answer is "NO." (Link Removed)
Gun control is the ability to hit your target. Other than that it only works for the criminals and politicians. Oops criminals and politicians are the same.

Let's not forget the Long Island Railroad Massacre, 6 dead & 19 injured, I believed he was on his third reload. If the London restaurant incident happened in NYC, I believe the patrons would have done the exact same thing, because in NYC or DC, most people and I mean MOST people are unarmed and probably helpless.

Bad Guys are very resourceful and they will always be able to get their hands on a weapon rather it be a gun or a knife. A crook is a crook, no matter what!! So why disarm the public and leave them helpless???

"A Gun In Hand is Better Than A Cop On The Phone"
Gun free zones or countries are not safer. How many massacres have occurred at gun shows or shooting ranges? Name one. :sarcastic:
Unfortunately Gun Range Suicide is becoming a method of choice for people wanting to do away with themselves. Rent a gun with ammo, practice a little bit, then do yourself in.:cray::mad: When you think about it, it's pretty easy. You don't have to spend a lot of money, No background check or forms to fill out, no waiting period, free instruction, and bang, it's over.
Cant have happened

Theres no way under the sun this is possible. I agree with everyone,firearms arent allowed in the UK. Oh yeah,,,paddle faster ,,,we're uncasing the banjo's :biggrin:
I just can't believe the bleeding heart liberals didn't try to talk to him and reason with him about the error of his ways. :wacko:
Can't they just get along over there. :to_pick_ones_nose:

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