Does Evil have a name?


New member
I wonder how many on this board, like me, believe that evil has a name? I don't believe that evil acts are the result of poor potty training, poverty, socoi-economic class or any of the other factors that modern sociologists put forth. I believe that evil exists and has a name and an agenda. I believe that evil seeks out the feeble-minded and the down-trodden and plays upon their fears and/or jealousy and goads them into their heinous acts. I also believe that evil tends to avoid the good who are prepared to defeat it. I believe this is one reason that so few CCW holders are targets of criminals. All too often the mass murderers seem to target the locations where everyone is unarmed. I know that often this is because the places that are targeted are off-limits to firearms - even for CCW holders - but it seems that even in those places where firearms are allowed no good guys are around with a gun when the sh&^ hits the fan. It seems like there is a knowledge of where/when to strike. For us this is good because it means if we're prepared we'll never be in a situation where we need to use force. Thoughts?

I wonder how many on this board, like me, believe that evil has a name? I don't believe that evil acts are the result of poor potty training, poverty, socoi-economic class or any of the other factors that modern sociologists put forth. I believe that evil exists and has a name and an agenda. I believe that evil seeks out the feeble-minded and the down-trodden and plays upon their fears and/or jealousy and goads them into their heinous acts. I also believe that evil tends to avoid the good who are prepared to defeat it. I believe this is one reason that so few CCW holders are targets of criminals. All too often the mass murderers seem to target the locations where everyone is unarmed. I know that often this is because the places that are targeted are off-limits to firearms - even for CCW holders - but it seems that even in those places where firearms are allowed no good guys are around with a gun when the sh&^ hits the fan. It seems like there is a knowledge of where/when to strike. For us this is good because it means if we're prepared we'll never be in a situation where we need to use force. Thoughts?

I believe that evil has many names "barack hussein obama", "barry soetoro", "barry soetoro obama", etc..... :haha:

Hey GlockFan: Don't you think that AvidshooterTX really has a specific answer to his question and you just reiterated it for him? I consider myself a student of history and have read a lot in my 68 years. I truly believe that we are witnessing the rise of a dangerous dictatorship in this country akin to Hitler's Germany with Acorn and Seiu brownshirts leading the charge. To me the key is November, 2010. Either the elections are held correctly and lawfully and throw out enough dems in Congress that effectively stalll and end this shithead's power grab or, as Rahm Emmanuel says, there is a "crisis" that necessitates action--essentially upsetting any lawful and real election in 2010. If that happens baby, grease your guns--we're in for a rocky road to freedom. Watching the State of the Union speech, I heard this shithead diss and dismiss the Supreme Court and Congress literally in 2 sentences. He is a demagogue and on his way to becoming a dictator. It's just a question of whether he ignores our democracy, shows his full true face, dismisses Congress, and decides who goes to which labor camps in Idaho.
Hey GlockFan: Don't you think that AvidshooterTX really has a specific answer to his question and you just reiterated it for him? I consider myself a student of history and have read a lot in my 68 years. I truly believe that we are witnessing the rise of a dangerous dictatorship in this country akin to Hitler's Germany with Acorn and Seiu brownshirts leading the charge. To me the key is November, 2010. Either the elections are held correctly and lawfully and throw out enough dems in Congress that effectively stalll and end this shithead's power grab or, as Rahm Emmanuel says, there is a "crisis" that necessitates action--essentially upsetting any lawful and real election in 2010. If that happens baby, grease your guns--we're in for a rocky road to freedom. Watching the State of the Union speech, I heard this shithead diss and dismiss the Supreme Court and Congress literally in 2 sentences. He is a demagogue and on his way to becoming a dictator. It's just a question of whether he ignores our democracy, shows his full true face, dismisses Congress, and decides who goes to which labor camps in Idaho.
I know they elected "him" but at this point I have to have faith in my fellow Americans. They will wake up and finally "get it"! The real danger is will they wake up and "get it" in time!!???
I posted something like this previously. A few years ago, I attended a mental health conference. The keynote speaker's presentation was entitled "The Psychology of Evil". The premise was that today's counselors and mental health professionals attempt to give a diagnostic label to almost every behavior and every person they are asked to evaluate and that sometimes there is no other rationale other than the person is "just evil". By giving some of the horrible people a diagnosis, I believe it tends to reduce their responsbility for their action in the eyes of the general public. Thankfully there is the diagnosis of sociopath and psychopath which helps to identify the ones that are the worse.
I don't think you're alone in your thinking, KelCarry. I just can't help but wonder, when/if it actually DOES "hit the fan", how many of us are up to the task of standing up, much less standing tall. Like combat, I guess you really never know until you're staring into the eyes of inevitability and you have to make the choice. Others have, and we haven't all fully embraced those lessons: Ruby Ridge . . . Waco . . . should serve as examples to us all of what potentially exists for any of us somewhere down the road.
I truly believe and my retired neighbor, who was a Colonel assigned to the Pentagon, also believes that today's
armed forces' leaders (the generals etc) are basically political wusses who will not venture outside of the norm regardless of what this shithead in the white house does. Just look at Ft. Hood, where up and down the line, they did not dare question who the schmuck was even though the evidence was as plain as day. If my doomsday scenario comes true and the shithead and the Rahm Emmanuels have a "crisis" in time for the Nov 2010 elections and act on it contrary to our normal rule of law and the Constitution, we have to hope that there are armed forces regulars who will not go along with the wusses in charge and act accordingly. If no one in the armed forces will act, it will become more of a local matter ie police, national guard etc. If everyone goes lockstep with the shithead, we cannot win against those odds unless somehow or somewhere at sometime they back down from the populace and their mass demonstrations.History is a proven source of real "what if" and as I have said, my sad opinion is that we are close to Germany in the 30's as hitler and the nazis began their rise and we are close to Russia in the teens, when lenin and the communists began their rise. I truly believe the answer will lie in the Nov 2010 elections IF the voters ballot a different change from the one the shithead wants. If they vote lockstep with the shithead, after all that has and will happen during this year, we are finished as a prosperous nation, we will become a socialist country, and, for all intents and purposes, will be "owned" by China without them even firing a shot.
What kelcarry said, if we get a chance to vote and the voters do not kick out the progressives and RINO's we are doomed. Keeping these people in power is verifying that the constitution is just a piece of paper that means nothing. :angry:
That's exactly what I was thinking. He goes by Beelzebub, Bahl and even Allah.

I had an interesting read recently (which I have NOT verified) in which the author had some enlightening viewpoints about Islam. He state that the many tribes in the Middle East historically had their own gods and that 'allah' was simply the god of a particular tribe. The author made the claim that these 'gods' were demons which, as a Christian, I could buy. He then went on to describe how 'allah' became the god of all the tribes.

Some years back, I watched the beheading video of Daniel Perl. I don't recommend this as I was nauseated for the rest of the day. However, my very first thought was that this was 'pure evil' that I was witnessing, that these were Satan's minions. My second thought was that I could execute any of these bastards, by any means, without hesitation.

Frankly, from a Christian perspective, it all makes sense. The Bible tells us that God has given Satan dominion over this world (for a short time) and that Satan's plan, of course, is to wreak havoc and encourage defiance against the Lord. So, today we have Muslim terrorists, socialists, NWO...hmmm...

A recent thread (don't remember where) talked about the B. Hussein's spiritual advisor being the same as O. Winphrey's. A guide who tells his followers that they are all 'gods' and that their goal is to spread this enlightenment over the whole world. If true, and I've no reason to doubt it, this puts B. Hussein in a whole new light for me (satanist?).

I don't know how non-Christians tie it all together...just all random chance, I guess.
For my money things are going along just as they're predicted. I can only hope that my role in this play has the blessing of the Author and I play my part satisfactorily within my limitations and considering my (many) flaws. I'll do my best and I pray that that's acceptable. In the end, we all know the outcome. It 's the "getting from here to there" that's the challenge.
I'm with you JJ...

From a Christian perspective its does make sense. I find it hard to understand that despite the Bible doing a good job of laying out and explaining everything that is going on in our midst today, many people just refuse to consider it's lessons.
Everywhere we go, every time we speak, with everything we do, we are surrounded by evil!

Also see the video's of what's going on in Venezuela today. Military firing on their own people...tear gas...civil unrest being put down by force. Kent State comes to mind. I wonder what the trigger will be to start that action here?
Also see the video's of what's going on in Venezuela today. Military firing on their own people...tear gas...civil unrest being put down by force. Kent State comes to mind. I wonder what the trigger will be to start that action here?

Yeah, I wonder that, too.

As has been posted by others on this site, I think we need to be careful we're not "goaded" into anything. I'm so suspicious anymore about "behind the scene" manipulation. We need to be sure we're not pawns in someone else's chess game.

.02 cents
I had an interesting read recently (which I have NOT verified) in which the author had some enlightening viewpoints about Islam. He state that the many tribes in the Middle East historically had their own gods and that 'allah' was simply the god of a particular tribe. The author made the claim that these 'gods' were demons which, as a Christian, I could buy. He then went on to describe how 'allah' became the god of all the tribes.
The Muslims claim that Allah in pre-Islamic times was the biblical God of the patriarchs, prophets, and apostles, his origin is Arabia . Such religious claims fall before the results of hard sciences such as archeology. The hard evidence demonstrates that the god Allah was a pagan deity, in fact, the MOON-god who was married to the sun goddess and the stars were his daughters.
The Bible tells us that God has given Satan dominion over this world (for a short time) and that Satan's plan, of course, is to wreak havoc and encourage defiance against the Lord.
God did not give dominion over this world to Satan, God gave dominion to Adam. Adam relinquished dominion to Satan when Adam chose to disobey God.
I believe Evil does have a name! It just varies,,
For some its the abusive-father,boy friend or husband
Yes even the Mom,girlfriend or Wife,
The guy down the hall or street where you live,
The bullies who walk the halls of our schools,
Sad thing is we don't see the face till its to late ,,,,,,,,,,

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