I will answer this the same as I would answer the open/concealed question, do what you want, and don't try to persuade others to your way of thnking, if you want or need to go n a place with a no guns sign go and keep your weapon concealed and keep your yap shut about it do your business and leave, I have open carried in resturants with gunbuster signs and have never been asked to leave, now a couple of places we had been going to for some time that had signs, a manager did ask me once if I had seen the sign on the door, it was a little maybe 3inch sticker in a lower corner, and I said to him yea I seen it some time ago, and since I had seen others in there with guns and nobody said nothing to me or them at the time, I though the sign was no big deal, I guess he thought not to push it, as he just said don't shoot nobody and walked off shakeing his head, we went in about two weeks later and the gun sticker was gone............in our state the permit is a handgun carry permit, open or concealed our choice, and any gunbuster sign on any door that the general public may go in is just that a sign with no law to back it up, if the owner/manager ask's you to leave because of the gun then you should leave, you may get a trespass ticket, I know we read about this here on the forum and you see it every once in a while on the general news, that there was a confrontation somewhere because of a gun, but I have never heared of any sort of thing around here, I got my bank manager interested about 2 years ago she finaly got her permit two months ago and now she's a little pissed that she cannot carry while on the job, she does keep it in the car, she makes dam good money so there's no point to screwing up her job, my doctors officer is another place with a sign, since my doc found out I have a permit and carry he ask's what I have that day, he like's the 1911s, he took my Kimber to the range one day, next time I seen him he had his own, and pissed and moaned about what it cost..............I have been seeing him for 15 years or more and NEVER did he mention the sign on the door