I edited my quote of your post to reflect your changes. Didn't even need a screenshot to do it.Um, yes you do. You might wanna recheck my post that you quoted. It has since been edited.Originally Posted by Bikenut View Post
I don't need to prove whether or not you are a hypocrite. All anyone needs do is read your own postings and decide for themselves.
But your gonna be unhappy because it still proves your mega-fail.
Just to be clear a person can be a hypocrite as evidenced by their actions/behavior.
Let me repeat that definition of a hypocrite:
Please note that in that definition above the word "behaves" refers to..... actions.hypocrite Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary
someone who says they have particular moral beliefs but behaves in way that shows these are not sincere:
He's a hypocrite - he's always lecturing other people on the environment but he drives around in a huge car.
Or... said in a way that applies to property rights:
He's a hypocrite - he wants his right to bear arms be respected but he doesn't care about my property rights.
And in the discussion of synonyms of "behave" from Mirriam-Webster below:
Synonym Discussion of behave
behave, conduct, deport, comport, acquit mean to act or to cause oneself to do something in a certain way.-snip-.Bold added by me .....
As for failures, mega or apocalyptic ... all that is necessary is to let folks read both our postings and decide for themselves who speaks from a perspective of facts providing cites and links and who uses insult and ridicule hoping for an emotional response.