Do you still conceal carry into posted "No Carry" businesses?

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Originally Posted by Bikenut View Post
I don't need to prove whether or not you are a hypocrite. All anyone needs do is read your own postings and decide for themselves.
Um, yes you do. You might wanna recheck my post that you quoted. It has since been edited.

But your gonna be unhappy because it still proves your mega-fail.
I edited my quote of your post to reflect your changes. Didn't even need a screenshot to do it.

Just to be clear a person can be a hypocrite as evidenced by their actions/behavior.

Let me repeat that definition of a hypocrite:

hypocrite Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary


someone who says they have particular moral beliefs but behaves in way that shows these are not sincere:
He's a hypocrite - he's always lecturing other people on the environment but he drives around in a huge car.

Or... said in a way that applies to property rights:
He's a hypocrite - he wants his right to bear arms be respected but he doesn't care about my property rights.
Please note that in that definition above the word "behaves" refers to..... actions.

And in the discussion of synonyms of "behave" from Mirriam-Webster below:

Synonym Discussion of behave
behave, conduct, deport, comport, acquit mean to act or to cause oneself to do something in a certain way.-snip-.Bold added by me .....

As for failures, mega or apocalyptic ... all that is necessary is to let folks read both our postings and decide for themselves who speaks from a perspective of facts providing cites and links and who uses insult and ridicule hoping for an emotional response.
I edited my quote of your post to reflect your changes. Didn't even need a screenshot to do it.
Well, I wouldn't think so, I wasn't trying to cover nothin up like you were.

Just to be clear a person can be a hypocrite as evidenced by their actions/behavior.
Yeah. But, how am I a hypocrite? You have yet to prove that other than needlessly quoting the dictionary definition of the word hypocrite so, MEGA-FAIL... [emoji117]You.

Let me repeat that definition of a hypocrite:

---Snipped all that useless diatribe--
No need to, really. MEGA-FAIL ... again.... [emoji117]You.

As for failures, mega or apocalyptic ... all that is necessary is to let folks read both our postings and decide for themselves who speaks from a perspective of facts providing cites and links and who uses insult and ridicule hoping for an emotional response.
They know the MEGA-FAIL is............. [emoji117][emoji117][emoji117][emoji117]You...

Your wimpy cites and links are MOOOOOOOT.... They proved nothing except your ability to link a definition to a word.
Originally posted by Bikenut:
As for failures, mega or apocalyptic ... all that is necessary is to let folks read both our postings and decide for themselves who speaks from a perspective of facts providing cites and links and who uses insult and ridicule hoping for an emotional response.

Your wimpy cites and links are MOOOOOOOT.... They proved nothing except your ability to link a definition to a word.
Again I will just let your own post speak for itself.
Again I will just let your own post speak for itself.

It has. lol. That's just it, YOU LOSE!!

Give it up, buddy. Your little, "I'll let your own post speak for itself" routine means you have nothing more.

YOU.... [emoji117][emoji117][emoji117]MMMEEEGGGAAA FFAAIILL.....
Do you still conceal carry into posted "No Carry" businesses?

Now that is beyond a doubt the very best post in this entire thread!:lol:

My gawd, I believe we agree on something!!

Quick, Bikenut, say something witty again so we can go back to disagreeing!!
Originally Posted by Bikenut View Post
Again I will just let your own post speak for itself.
It has. lol. That's just it, YOU LOSE!!

Give it up, buddy. Your little, "I'll let your own post speak for itself" routine means you have nothing more.

YOU.... [emoji117][emoji117][emoji117]MMMEEEGGGAAA FFAAIILL.....
Quoted for posterity.
Do you still conceal carry into posted "No Carry" businesses?

.... sigh....

Posterity is a noun meaning "future generations."-snip-

I quoted your post so it will be available, in all it's lackluster, for future generations to see.


I know what posterity means, I just don't know why you basically reposted my post when it's right there for all future generations to see.

Trust me, it didn't need your magnification. It's clear you need the last word.
Originally Posted by Bikenut View Post
Again I will just let your own post speak for itself.
It has. lol. That's just it, YOU LOSE!!

Give it up, buddy. Your little, "I'll let your own post speak for itself" routine means you have nothing more.

YOU.... [emoji117][emoji117][emoji117]MMMEEEGGGAAA FFAAIILL.....
It isn't that my saying that I will let your own post speak for itself meaning I have nothing more. It is that your own myriad of posts show you have nothing of substance to offer so all you have left to use is ridicule.

While I will always respond in favor of supporting the rights of others, including private property rights, (whether I stand to benefit from doing so or not simply because it is the right thing to do) it is also so sadly obvious it really is you who desperately has to have the last word so in regards to this urinating contest you so desperately need to win..... you may have that last word.

Have a nice day.
I don't believe someone else's "property rights" supersede my own 2nd Amendment rights.

They do not have a right to put a limitation on my patronage.

It happens a lot but that does not make it right.
Do you still conceal carry into posted "No Carry" businesses?

It isn't that my saying that I will let your own post speak for itself meaning I have nothing more.

It is that your own myriad of posts show you have nothing of substance to offer so all you have left to use is ridicule.

Um no, you saying you will let my posts speak for themselves clearly means you have nothing more to blather about and resort to making stuff up.

Of course all I have is ridicule, I never wished to get sucked into and re-sucked into this black hole of an argument in the first place, the one known as your derailment of the topic.

---snipped all your over and over repeated blathering that I highly doubt anybody wishes to read....again--- is also so sadly obvious it really is you who desperately has to have the last word so in regards to this urinating contest you so desperately need to win..... you may have that last word.
Yeah, says the one who made post #1273 directly after my post #1272 talking about your pitiable need for having the last word. I believe that was you, Bikenut...a.k.a, Mr, "I gotta have the last word but, I'm gonna disguise my immaturity by making it look like the other person is suffering from last word-itis".

[emoji117][emoji117][emoji117][emoji117] YOU.... MEGA-FAIL...AGAIN!!!!

Have a nice day.
A very well-overdue good day to you, too. Maybe, just maybe you'll do us all a favor this time and stay gone. But since you made it so blatantly obvious today with your post about you so desperately needing the last word, I'd be very, very surprised if this is my last response to you in this over-worn out thread that you changed the subject in so many times.

Tip o' the hat to ya, sir!
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