I was under the impression that there is no longer ANY fine for carrying in a legally posted building in Kansas. I believe this changed last year. Even properly posted---no weight of law. Here is my source.
The following is offered as food for thought. Y'all decide for yourselves what you want to do....I live in Idaho, no gun signs here carry no weight of law, and the only place I have ever seen a no gun sign was at a salvation army store. So far I havn`t seen any other no gun signs any were around here.
Which means that 47 were not.
Anyone who enters a business that they know has a no guns rule/policy likely IS breaking the law. Not a specific gun law but they could be breaking the trespass law...Maybe a crazy question but I wanted to hear what some of you think and/or do about this. Do any of you still carry into a business that has a "No Handguns" sign posted?
No one on this website knowingly breaks the law.
And even if they did, they shouldn't be posting it here for all to see.
Anyone who enters a business that they know has a no guns rule/policy likely IS breaking the law. Not a specific gun law but they could be breaking the trespass law...
Trespass | Wex Legal Dictionary / Encyclopedia | LII / Legal Information Institute
Trespass is defined by the act of knowingly entering another person’s property without permission. -snip-
And since trespass is against the law (the trespass law) in many States then a person who carries a gun into a business they know has a no guns rule/policy does not have the owner's permission to be there and is guilty of trespass... which is against the law. Just knowing and walking in anyway is the act of trespass.... being asked to leave is getting caught in the act of trespassing. Check the trespass laws in your own State to find out what constitutes being "notified" that guns are not allowed since in some States the mere presence of no guns sign and/or a list of prohibited conduct with carrying guns on it as one of the prohibited conducts could legally be "notice" and, at least in Michigan, there is no legal requirement to be "asked to leave" before being arrested for trespass.
Edited to add....
And while the penalties for trespass might not be too bad please consider that those in charge of issuing and revoking carry permits frown on those who act irresponsibly and get in trouble while carrying and could decide to revoke your permit if you get in trouble for trespass.
Here in FLA the signs have no backing of the law so I ignore those signs, in places that I travel to like TX or NC where the signs do have the backing of law, I respect the law.Maybe a crazy question but I wanted to hear what some of you think and/or do about this. Do any of you still carry into a business that has a "No Handguns" sign posted?
Here in FLA you are not breaking any laws until you are requested to remove yourself. failure do do so after a request could result in an arrest.Anyone who enters a business that they know has a no guns rule/policy likely IS breaking the law. Not a specific gun law but they could be breaking the trespass law...
. ........The weird thing is that every liquor store I've been in, has legal state supplied signs that specifically state that the ''UNLICENSED CARRYING OF A CONCEALED WEAPON IS PROHIBITED", which means that as long as I have my license on my person, I can carry my gun. .......