DC: Police to seal off city

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June 4, 2008
Police to Seal Off D.C. Neighborhoods

2008_0604_police.jpgCan you say Police State? The Examiner has the scoop on a controversial new program announced today that would create so-called "Neighborhood Safety Zones" which would serve to partially seal off certain parts of the city. D.C. Police would set-up checkpoints in targeted areas, demand to see ID and refuse admittance to people who don't live there, work there or have a “legitimate reason” to be there. Wow. Just, wow.

Some of the words used to describe such a plan by those quoted in the Examiner story include "breathtaking" and "cockamamie," but that hardly begins to scratch the surface. Interim Attorney General Peter Nickles actually said that measures of this sort have "been used in other cities.” Which cities are those, Mr. Nickles? Warsaw?

Today's proposal appears to be a desperate attempt by the city to tamp down recent violence that has ravaged the city, especially in Ward 5. The "Neighborhood Safety Zones" would last up to 10 days. It's a struggle to think of words to describe such a plan other than authoritarian or ghettoization.

The full description of this plan from the mayor's press release is below.

The Neighborhood Safety Zone initiative has been developed to help increase security for those who live in high-crime areas around the city and to help residents reclaim their communities. The program will authorize the Metropolitan Police Department to set up public safety checks to help safeguard community members and create safer neighborhoods in the District by increasing police presence aimed at deterring crime.

The safety zones will be established only upon request by a District Commander where there is evidence to support the existence of neighborhood violent crime, such as intelligence, violent crime data, police reports and feedback and concerns from the affected community.

Potential Neighborhood Safety Zones must be approved by the Chief of Police, and will be in effect for a maximum of 10 days. Public safety checks will be established along the main thoroughfares of the established neighborhoods. Anyone driving into a designated area may be asked to show valid identification with a home address in that neighborhood, or to provide an explanation for entering the NSZ, such as attending church, a doctor’s appointment or visiting friends or relatives. Pedestrians will not be subject to the public safety checks.

“The Neighborhood Safety Zones is just another tool MPD will employ to stop crime before it happens. The Neighborhood Safety Zone initiative will help residents terrorized by violent crime to take back their neighborhoods,” said Chief Lanier.

Initiatives such as the Neighborhood Safety Zones have been accepted by federal courts as a legitimate law enforcement practice in keeping with the Constitution’s Fourth Amendment. The constitutionality of the NSZ initiative has been reviewed by the D.C. Office of the Attorney General.

The NSZ will be launched next week in the Trinidad area.

"Papers please !!"
How long before we see tanks in the streets? Many citizens there will embrace this.

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
Franklin's Contributions to the Conference on February 17 (III) Fri, Feb 17, 1775
Just to light a fire what is the difference between this and a "Gated Community" which no one seems to have a problem with.
They just don't get it do they. Dearming and putting everyone on house arrest is not the way to stop violence. GRRR. I hope scotus gets this revamped. It will be interesting to watch the crime rates when and if guns are allowed back into the innocent.
Just to light a fire what is the difference between this and a "Gated Community" which no one seems to have a problem with.

Gated Community:
Sometimes card key or code in access. Other times privite security.
People that move in to a gated community know that is the way it is when they move in.

Gastapo stopes you at their check point.
Citizens did not get to vote on the idea.
i'll tell ya!

a gated community is one where people CHOOSE that area for themselves. in this case the govt. controls your movement. thid is a well known soviet/nazi style policy that was/is every day life for people. the only reasons to do this is in case of disaster like katrina, or to get the population adjusted for tyranny. i prefer liberty!
Those idiots just can't get it right can they!

Who in the hell supports this type of shit???
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In all seriousness what can be done to un-fu*% the situation in that city?

I would think that at some point they would have to see that what they are doing is not working.
Do you think they can keep the UN people out. This is why we have camps all over the country for people that don't like Obama. Part of the plan.
Listen, they're putting those checkpoints up because the city absolutely needs them. It's a dangerous place and it has been for many years. D.C. leads the nation in homicides year after year and people have had enough. Innocent citizens are getting hurt. It's not like they're blocking off Connecticut Ave. with tanks and instating a city wide curfew, they're trying to control a crime problem. This is a pretty reasonable response to a situation that has spiraled completely out of control. Cities often implement these types of policies after natural disasters, frankly, this is no different. Just like a natural disaster, what's happening in Washington is an emergency and it requires an immediate action.

D.C. is so horrible that during peak crime hours on Friday and Saturday nights, there are as many as 5 robberies an hour across the city. You go hail a cab with those odds.
It's so scary. What's even worse is when I read all 58 comments from the people that live there and NOT ONE mentioned a word about giving the citizens the chance to defend themselves as an alternative.
Listen, they're putting those checkpoints up because the city absolutely needs them. It's a dangerous place and it has been for many years. D.C. leads the nation in homicides year after year and people have had enough. Innocent citizens are getting hurt. It's not like they're blocking off Connecticut Ave. with tanks and instating a city wide curfew, they're trying to control a crime problem. This is a pretty reasonable response to a situation that has spiraled completely out of control. Cities often implement these types of policies after natural disasters, frankly, this is no different. Just like a natural disaster, what's happening in Washington is an emergency and it requires an immediate action.

D.C. is so horrible that during peak crime hours on Friday and Saturday nights, there are as many as 5 robberies an hour across the city. You go hail a cab with those odds.

This is a pretty reasonable response to a situation that has spiraled completely out of control

I have a better response. Let the citizens have guns to protect

Just like a natural disaster, what's happening in Washington is an emergency and it requires an immediate action.

Nothing natural about this disaster. This one is man made by the left of center buracrats that have left the citizens defenseless and at the mercy of criminals.(I mean street criminals not the ones in charge of the city). Of course if you create a problem then you can bring in your pre planed solution to the problem.
Listen, they're putting those checkpoints up because the city absolutely needs them. It's a dangerous place and it has been for many years. D.C. leads the nation in homicides year after year and people have had enough. Innocent citizens are getting hurt. It's not like they're blocking off Connecticut Ave. with tanks and instating a city wide curfew, they're trying to control a crime problem. This is a pretty reasonable response to a situation that has spiraled completely out of control. Cities often implement these types of policies after natural disasters, frankly, this is no different. Just like a natural disaster, what's happening in Washington is an emergency and it requires an immediate action.

D.C. is so horrible that during peak crime hours on Friday and Saturday nights, there are as many as 5 robberies an hour across the city. You go hail a cab with those odds.
The problem is, this won't work in the long term. It may provide short-term relief, and it may work while the program is in place. But, it won't solve the overall problem of the neighborhoods, so it's really just sticking a finger in the dike.

More importantly...the Constitution doesn't get put on hold whenever it's convenient! We have rights so that whenever the cops think they have a "pressing need" to do something, we have a reason to tell them to hold off.

"Well gee, something needs to be done, so we can go ahead and not observe the rights of citizens...because it's really urgent or something."

I for one am glad to be seeing all this info on D.C....what that really tells us is to STAY OUT of D.C. I see no reason to visit there anymore as we all know, it aint safe!
This is from the washington post.....

"I guess the plan is to hope criminals will not walk into neighborhoods," said D.C. Council member Phil Mendelson (D-At Large). "I also suppose the plan is to take the criminal's word for it when he or she gives the police a reason for driving into a neighborhood."

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