DC: Police to seal off city

Where is the Mad dadsor the or the guarding angles? When GUNS ARE OUTLAWED we won't have this thread!!!!
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"The enforcement will take place at random hours and last for at least five days in Trinidad, with the option of extending it five more days. Checkpoints could be set up in other neighborhoods if they are requested by patrol commanders and approved by Lanier."

How is this any different than checkpoints for dui, seats, etc.. There not baracadeing people in and not letting them out/in, if you have a legitamate reason for being in the area then your wlecome to come and go.

"The program is aimed at the city's most troubled areas. The 5th Police District, which includes Trinidad, has had 22 killings this year, one more than all of last year. Since April 1, the Trinidad neighborhood has had seven homicides, 16 robberies and 20 assaults with dangerous weapons, according to police data. In many cases in Trinidad and across the city, gunshots are fired from passing cars, victims are found in cars or cars are used to make fast getaways."

Put yourself in the residents shoes here, that poor single mother trying to raise a family, or imagine your own significant other living in that area and you were out of country or out of town, would you still be so against these check points? You guys are acting like this is the first time checkpoints like this have been used.

"Some residents expressed support for the plan yesterday, saying they are willing to submit to the checks if it makes the neighborhood safer. "We can't endure any more homicides," said neighborhood activist India Henderson"

Of course this whole thing is an inconveince but isnt the check points at airpoints an inconveince, but yet we deal with it because in the grand scheme of things its for our safety. Im pro gun all the way but simply allowing citizens to legally carry guns isnt gonna just make this problem go away, what about the people who cant afford guns? Yes it would definately decrease crime but its only a band-aid, as this check point is only a band-aid. Imagine a tragedy happend in this town, say someone cracked out gangbanger gets his posse together and goes on a killing spree with deaths in the hundreds, we'd all be crying "why didn't the government do something" ala 9-11 and Katrina. This plan isnt gonna work but it may help, i really can't see a safer way for the residents and the police to handle this matter.

Council member Harry Thomas Jr. (D-Ward 5), who represents Trinidad and other parts of Northeast Washington, said he had informal discussions with Lanier in which she had mentioned the possibility of the checkpoint announced yesterday, but he got little notice before the news conference. Civil liberties are always a concern, said Thomas, who maintained that residents are so concerned about violence that they will be willing to give the latest program a try.

"I think the general consensus is that we have to do something because people live in fear," he said. "What would you rather have?" he asked. "A positive pattern of [police] checking things . . . or these folks who come into the community and wreak havoc?"

Some of you guys need to come back to reality, everyone's not out to get you, every police man isnt dirty, and life is precious!:64:
Words of Wisdom from the founding Fathers

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How is this any different than checkpoints for dui, seats, etc.. There not baracadeing people in and not letting them out/in, if you have a legitamate reason for being in the area then your wlecome to come and go.

Put yourself in the residents shoes here, that poor single mother trying to raise a family, or imagine your own significant other living in that area and you were out of country or out of town, would you still be so against these check points? You guys are acting like this is the first time checkpoints like this have been used.

Of course this whole thing is an inconveince but isnt the check points at airpoints an inconveince, but yet we deal with it because in the grand scheme of things its for our safety. Im pro gun all the way but simply allowing citizens to legally carry guns isnt gonna just make this problem go away, what about the people who cant afford guns? Yes it would definately decrease crime but its only a band-aid, as this check point is only a band-aid. Imagine a tragedy happend in this town, say someone cracked out gangbanger gets his posse together and goes on a killing spree with deaths in the hundreds, we'd all be crying "why didn't the government do something" ala 9-11 and Katrina. This plan isnt gonna work but it may help, i really can't see a safer way for the residents and the police to handle this matter.

Some of you guys need to come back to reality, everyone's not out to get you, every police man isnt dirty, and life is precious!:64:

Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Patrick Henry

Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both. Benjamin Franklin

The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government -- lest it come to dominate our lives and interests. Patrick Henry

Liquid G we may have to agree to disagree on this topic.
Quotes are fine and dandy but how are quotes gonna protect the inocent in D.C.? Everyone here can "arm chair quaterback" this subject all you want but the fact is you need to put yourself in the places of the residents, would you really mind takeing 10 min.s out of your day to flash your id and give an explanation, when the alternative is being swamped with drug dealers and shoot outs, constaintly in fear for your life. Its easy for us gun owning guys to say this is bull crap we would deal with it on our own, but these are not middle class gun owners, these poverty stricken citizens.
It upsets me to see people put these checkpoints in the same light as airport and DUI checkpoints. For one, airplanes belong to a business. So really, what the government is doing is suppling the airline industry with security. People have the right to refuse being search at these FAA checkpoints but the airlines have the right to refuse the passenger passage on their planes if they refuse.
Second, DUI checkpoints, really depend on how the officers handle themselves. I've seen some where the vehicles were just slowed to allow them to visualize the registration and inspection stickers of vehicles. but if you really read and understand the constitution, even these DUI checkpoints are unconstitutional.
It upsets me to see people put these checkpoints in the same light as airport and DUI checkpoints. For one, airplanes belong to a business. So really, what the government is doing is suppling the airline industry with security. People have the right to refuse being search at these FAA checkpoints but the airlines have the right to refuse the passenger passage on their planes if they refuse.
Second, DUI checkpoints, really depend on how the officers handle themselves. I've seen some where the vehicles were just slowed to allow them to visualize the registration and inspection stickers of vehicles. but if you really read and understand the constitution, even these DUI checkpoints are unconstitutional.

DUI check point is the same thing plain and simple. In every DUI checkpoint i've been in i was stopped, showed my license, stated why i was on the road so late, and sent on my merry way, same thing will happen here, no big deal. There not even gonna stop pedestrians only automobiles, its a check point, there not searching your car or person (unless they have reason). These people being stopped are not gonna be questioned for hours hours. Regardless of how they do the police need to make there presence known in this part of D.C., this seems like one of the safer (for all parties) way to go about it. What makes me sad is the fact people that arent having to deal with the dangers the people in Trinidad are, are so paranoid of the cops and government are trying to stop the police from helping this neighborhood. Yeah D.C. is screwed up, yeah guns being illegal is stupid, crime is bad, these are facts.
DUI check point is the same thing plain and simple. In every DUI checkpoint i've been in i was stopped, showed my license, stated why i was on the road so late, and sent on my merry way, same thing will happen here, no big deal. There not even gonna stop pedestrians only automobiles, its a check point, there not searching your car or person (unless they have reason). These people being stopped are not gonna be questioned for hours hours. Regardless of how they do the police need to make there presence known in this part of D.C., this seems like one of the safer (for all parties) way to go about it. What makes me sad is the fact people that arent having to deal with the dangers the people in Trinidad are, are so paranoid of the cops and government are trying to stop the police from helping this neighborhood. Yeah D.C. is screwed up, yeah guns being illegal is stupid, crime is bad, these are facts.

1) Some states have used the DUI check points as an excuse to check for
2) If they want to serch your car or home for that matter they will invent
a reason. Say an anonomus tip.

It is easy to give up a little freedom. Then next time just a little more. Let them chip a way little by little. A dictatorship is not usually built over night but over time little by little.
It's a little misleading to have addressed this thread as "Police to seal off city," that's a blatant exaggeration. What they're actually doing is tightening the screws, so to speak, in Trinidad, a neighborhood IN D.C.

And have you ever been to the Trinidad area of D.C.? Probably not. Do you know why you've never been to that part of town? Because any individual that's not retarded would immediately recognize it as one of the most dangerous places in the country and either avoid it like the plague, or flee if they wandered into it accidentally. It's like Compton. In fact, statistically, it's worse.
I got lost there once on foot late at night while walking back from Virginia, and none of us were armed. We saw a lot of creepy people, but didn't get any trouble at all. It was a pretty stupid thing to do, and I wouldn't do it again...but we made it out just fine. It was in December and it was very cold out; bums in northern cities apparently huddle around steam vents. It was like something from Bladerunner.

What it really comes down to is that civil liberties are only valid when they don't need to be protected. If they face a serious threat, then it's pretty much ok to just roll over, because we can come up with all kinds of rational-sounding reasons why.
[sic] if you have a legitamate reason for being in the area then your wlecome to come and go.
Why must someone decides whats legitamate to me or not ?

If a Black cop decides a white person doesn't belong somewhere you would be screaming racism
If a male cop decides woman aren't allowed you would be screaming sexism
I can go on, but most get the idea

If ok to lose your 4th Amendments rights
but its not OK to lose your 2nd, right ?
you're only happy with ones that benefits you ?

I hope people that think like you don't vote
Its people like you thats helping .gov to take our Constitution apart

ATFE giving leathermen tools to agents that have think forfiture on them See GOA for more info.
Why must someone decides whats legitimate to me or not ?

If a Black cop decides a white person doesn't belong somewhere you would be screaming racism
If a male cop decides woman aren't allowed you would be screaming sexism
I can go on, but most get the idea

If ok to lose your 4th Amendments rights
but its not OK to lose your 2nd, right ?
you're only happy with ones that benefits you ?

I hope people that think like you don't vote
Its people like you that's helping .gov to take our Constitution apart


Why must someone decides whats legitimate to me or not ?

Exactly. What about our wonderful bureaucrats that want us to have firearms that have a "sporting purpose"only. I don't care one bit about having a rifle to hunt with. I do not hunt. I buy my firearms with the intent to protect me from criminals from with in or with out. If hunting were the only "legitimate" reason for a firearm then I would be out of luck. If someone else wants to hunt then I support their right to do so. I get tired of hearing people use the excuse of crime as a pretence to trash the constitution especially when it is the officials that have caused this crises in the first place that are so ready to offer this kind of :Poep: as a solution.
So what they're saying is that if they don't like your reason for driving into the neighborhood (not that you should have to provide one in the first place) then you will be denied entry. Just like with their harebrained gun laws, they are punishing law abiding citizens for the actions of criminals, and in the end, crime is not going to go down.
Detroit Used To Have a High Murder Rate

Detroit was at one time one of the worst cities in the US. Michigan brought back CCW and in just a couple of years the crime rate in Detroit dropped to below the national average. Once SCOTUS strikes down the gun ban in DC hopefully things will reverse there as well.:58:
Remarks by Governor Bobby Jindal (R-LA)

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It wasn’t limited to rich people, poor people,
or people of any one race.

And that’s the way freedom works.

Which is why we cherish it so much…

Freedom protects us all equally, and when it is taken away we are all equally threatened.
Detroit was at one time one of the worst cities in the US. Michigan brought back CCW and in just a couple of years the crime rate in Detroit dropped to below the national average. Once SCOTUS strikes down the gun ban in DC hopefully things will reverse there as well.:58:

yes imagine that.. let the people protect themselves, as following the constitution, and all of a sudden the police don't have to work so hard. now if we can just get rid of the pointless registration requirement of firearms as well as "no carry" zones.. then we will be in even better shape.
I think DUI and seatbelt roadblocks are not right. I don't have a belt on my bike.Pushing the limits of the Law to protect us is sticky.
Detroit was at one time one of the worst cities in the US. Michigan brought back CCW and in just a couple of years the crime rate in Detroit dropped to below the national average. Once SCOTUS strikes down the gun ban in DC hopefully things will reverse there as well.:58:

Detroit is a special case. Concealed carry or no concealed carry, a look at the list of America's most dangerous cities each year, always shows Detroit to be among the 5 most dangerous cities in the nation, something that has not changed since the advent of concealed carry there. Allowing concealed carry by law abiding citizens doesn't make it any more or less dangerous; it gives law abiding citizens a chance to defend themselves against the thugs, criminals, and gangbangers who prey on the law abiding, as that's the way it should be. Detroit and other big, majority-minority cities are always going to be dangerous and crime infested regardless of what the law says about lawful concealed carry.

Camden, New Jersey is one of the most impoverished cities in the U.S. and also one of the most crime ridden, and it happens to be located in a state that is may issue with regard to CCW permits. Even if it were to become shall issue, it would still be one of the most dangerous and crime ridden cities in the U.S., and I don't believe that law abiding gun lovers would all of a sudden start flocking there.

I live in Gary, Indiana, which for most of the past decade, has led the nation in the number of homicides per 100,000 residents (last year, even though the population fell below 100,000, the city still had 71 homicides, far higher than NYC's 6 per 100,000). Indiana has virtually no gun control and NYC has a lot of it, yet look at the disparity in the crime rate. What this shows is that it takes a lot more than a change in gun control laws to lower the crime rate.
I stand corrected!

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Detroit has moved back to #1. Bummer I was thinking about a nice vacation there.:06:
Detroit is a special case. Concealed carry or no concealed carry, a look at the list of America's most dangerous cities each year, always shows Detroit to be among the 5 most dangerous cities in the nation, something that has not changed since the advent of concealed carry there. Allowing concealed carry by law abiding citizens doesn't make it any more or less dangerous; it gives law abiding citizens a chance to defend themselves against the thugs, criminals, and gangbangers who prey on the law abiding, as that's the way it should be. Detroit and other big, majority-minority cities are always going to be dangerous and crime infested regardless of what the law says about lawful concealed carry.

Camden, New Jersey is one of the most impoverished cities in the U.S. and also one of the most crime ridden, and it happens to be located in a state that is may issue with regard to CCW permits. Even if it were to become shall issue, it would still be one of the most dangerous and crime ridden cities in the U.S., and I don't believe that law abiding gun lovers would all of a sudden start flocking there.

I live in Gary, Indiana, which for most of the past decade, has led the nation in the number of homicides per 100,000 residents (last year, even though the population fell below 100,000, the city still had 71 homicides, far higher than NYC's 6 per 100,000). Indiana has virtually no gun control and NYC has a lot of it, yet look at the disparity in the crime rate. What this shows is that it takes a lot more than a change in gun control laws to lower the crime rate.

Thank you for finally helping Festus realize what i have been tellng him for weeks at work. Yes CCW is a great thing, i dont think anyone on this site feels otherwise, but its not an automatic fix it for crime! You should have seen his face here at work while he was googling this stuff and realizing you were correct. Classic!:coolb: