Another dead jackass


New member
I hate it that the mainstream media will lock onto a story like this, while systematically neglecting the hundreds upon hundreds of pro-gun, RESPONSIBLE gun-owner stories.

And this is a Fox report... and yes, I consider them just as 'mainstream' as ABC, CBS or any other.

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"A Missouri man reportedly shot himself in the head accidentally while teaching his girlfriend about gun safety.

According to witnesses James Looney was insistent on giving his girlfriend a personal lesson in firearm safety Friday before taking her to a shooting range, MyFOXMemphis reported.

As part of the tutorial, Looney demonstrated different safety features on several firearms then put the guns to his head and asked if they would fire, Jefferson County Sheriff told the station. The third gun actually went off.

The 40-year-old was pronounced dead at a local hospital the next morning — the same day he was to take his girlfriend to the range, the station reported."

What an idiot. Stupid should hurt.
"A Missouri man reportedly shot himself in the head accidentally while teaching his girlfriend about gun safety...
... Looney demonstrated different safety features on several firearms then put the guns to his head and asked if they would fire... The third gun actually went off.

Anyone who puts a gun to his or anyone elses head and it goes off is NOT an accident. It is total negligence. You can almost bet that this "girlfriend" will never pick up a gun as long as she lives after this incident, IMHO.
Seems like there was another rocket scientist did the same thing a couple months back. Looks like he was appropriately named. :fie:

The Four Rules

1. All guns are always loaded.
2. Never point the gun at anything you are not willing to destroy.
3. Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on target (and you have made the decision to shoot).
4. Be sure of your target and what is beyond it.
Hard to believe

This is just the way God thins the stupid ones out of the gene pool. It is unfortunate the girlfriend had to go through this trauma.
I think he got so cought up in his bs he got distracted from what he was teaching, and blasted him self. never keep a loaded mag or any ammo near a weapon your displaying or teaching on. your asking for trouble. People shoot themselves while cleaning thier guns all the time. Thier not idiots, they just become distracted for a short period and pay for it with thier lives.
People do crazy stuff all the time just think of all the stuff you have done , and all the close calls u have had.
I think he got so cought up in his bs he got distracted from what he was teaching, and blasted him self. never keep a loaded mag or any ammo near a weapon your displaying or teaching on. your asking for trouble. People shoot themselves while cleaning thier guns all the time. Thier not idiots, they just become distracted for a short period and pay for it with thier lives.

As part of the tutorial, Looney demonstrated different safety features on several firearms then put the guns to his head and asked if they would fire, Jefferson County Sheriff told the station. The third gun actually went off.

Putting a gun loaded or not to your head is not very smart. He failed to observe two of the four major rules of gun safety. The gun is always loaded, and never cover anything with the business end of the gun that your are not willing to destroy.
I think he got so cought up in his bs he got distracted from what he was teaching, and blasted him self. never keep a loaded mag or any ammo near a weapon your displaying or teaching on. your asking for trouble. People shoot themselves while cleaning thier guns all the time. Thier not idiots, they just become distracted for a short period and pay for it with thier lives.

Dunno about you, but when I'm cleaning my gun it's either in pieces or the action is open. Not sure how the gun can fire if it's in pieces or the action is open. :confused: As an added precaution, no live ammunition should be in the area where cleaning the firearm.

Safety rules are better than safeties.

Common sense and a respect for what the weapon can do will keep you alive longer than all of the firearm engineering in the world.
Well... looks like I've been testing the safety on my guns the wrong way all this time...I keep shooting the cats...

DUUUUHHHHHHH... Looks like the safety lesson was a failure...
Nature has a way of taking care of those who would eventually do harm to others.
Truly Stupid People… Proving there is a need for a filter on the gene pool time and time again…
Looney Gun Safety Lessons… Now that has a ring to it…:blink:

The Media… Finding the negative in all the positive things that happened today… Yea we love dirty laundry…
I think he got so cought up in his bs he got distracted from what he was teaching, and blasted him self. never keep a loaded mag or any ammo near a weapon your displaying or teaching on. your asking for trouble. People shoot themselves while cleaning thier guns all the time. Thier not idiots, they just become distracted for a short period and pay for it with thier lives.

Seriously? You're making excuses for this guy? He deliberatley put several guns to his head and squeezed the trigger. Distracted? No. Terminally stupid. Yes.
Stupid, stupid, stupid! Some people must not have learned that you never, ever point a gun at something you don't intend to kill ! One of the worst blessings I ever got from my grandfather was when I accidently pointed a pistol near him when I was cleanning it when I was younger. I learned fast that even if you know for a 100% fact that the gun is unloaded, even with the action open, you still never point it at anyone! including yourself. Looks like though he was trying to impress the girl more than teach her anything. I bet he sure made an impression on this poor girl.
:fie::fie::fie::fie::fie: It's just ironic that while the gun had "safety" features to make them supposedly "accident proof," there weren't any features that made the gun "idiot proof."
:fie::fie::fie::fie::fie: It's just ironic that while the gun had "safety" features to make them supposedly "accident proof," there weren't any features that made the gun "idiot proof."

Just when someone thinks they've come up with an 'idiot-proof' device... the world produces a better idiot.

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