An (ex) Muslim's point of view.

Masshole Why is it you keeping bring this up? You have yet to give any factual information about your opinions of Muslim Americans or Muslims in America. All that you have been doing is posting fear based attacks against Muslims base on the action of a few.

I can do the same to try and prove that our government was behind the 09/11/2001 attack. But instead chose to let people find out for themselves.

You probably feel alot safer flying now with everyone being molested that boards an airplane. But did not notice until it was pointed out by the pilot that the boarding staff at the airport is not screened or checked and are able to get things onto the airplane without anyone knowing. Or ask anyone with an A&P license where most of the airlines send their planes to be fixed. I can tell you it is not here in the USA but to foreign countries where an EED (Electronic Explosive Device) can easily be installed in a location that the airplane part or section would need to be removed to find it. But keep feeling safe by giving up your liberties and being afraid of all Muslims.

Instead why not try focusing on the Muslims that are trying to harm us and doing things that will make us safe without costing us to give up some of our liberties.

And please don't say that is what you are trying to do by labeling all Muslims as a threat. For I don't believe all Muslims are a threat.
That's the problem with (f)ear. It make you do and/or say stupid things. When the object of the fear is an (u)certain entity, alien or different, not easily understood, the fear is amplified. You begin to (d)oubt your fundamental security and the basic foundation of your world seems at risk. So there you have it:


Have a great FUD day all you muzzie haters! :pleasantry:
Two muslims are walking towards you, both robed. One is a terrorist who is gonna decapitate you when they reach you. You can't tell which one it is.

Get the point?
[B said:
JJFlash;173957]Two muslims are walking towards you, both robed. One is a terrorist who is gonna decapitate you when they reach you. You can't tell which one it is.

Get the point?

Duh:hang3:The one with the weapon that can be used to decapitate you. That much I can tell. Another better question is why do you fell that one of them has to be a terrorist? Why can't they both be terrorist? Why can't they be law abiding citizens that are on their way to pray at their place of worship that is located behind me explaining why they need to walk past me?

You and the rest that keep telling us to fear Muslims are being terrorist.

How did I come to the conclusion well here is the definition of terrorist from Merriam-Webster -->a person who uses or supports the use of terrorism

the definition of terrorism from Merriam-Webster -->Definition of TERRORISM

: the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion
— ter·ror·ist adjective or noun
— ter·ror·is·tic adjective

So you are a terrorist due to your systematic use of terror to coerce us into believing that they (Muslims) are all out to attack us and there is no way to tell them apart from each other. Well I gave you the first clue on how to do that If you know someone is trying to decapitate you, you look for the people carrying weapons that can be used to decapitate you.
You have to make alot of assumptions in order to buy into the muzzie FUD. They are all out to kill us, they are terrorists, their religion supports violence, yada, yada.

You know what happens when you A-S-S-U-M-E ?
I don't believe all muslims are a threat. In most exstreamist groups there are a few that set the tone for the group. Look at the enviromental and animal rights groups. As for the US Government behind 9/11, the only proof is that GW was president and he is the root of all of the US problems sense 1775. Some how for those eight years. congress had no power to do anything, but the president did. If Al Gore had been president this would be a non issue.:pleasantry:
Obviously, you didn't get the point. And your post isn't worth much. Anybody else?

Well state what your point is. And that is your opinion and you are welcomed to it others with reason will see that the word terrorist can be used to describe you and your post on this forum. As not being worth much I told you how to tell who in your scenario would be the one to shoot by using logic to solve the problem instead of saying just shoot em both and let god decide.

What you are failing to realize is that your fear will cause Muslims to fear those who think like you do. If that happens it will become lets attack them before they attack us stupidity. Which will lead to useless violence that could have been avoided.

So unless you think most American are going to become Muslim you are worrying about what ifs. Unlike Europe and the UK we Americans have arms that can be used to defend our constitution. And if the need arise for it I know some will use their arms to protect the US constitution while others will just stand by.

Most have forgotten the reason for the second amendment was to remind the government that they are only there to server the people. By that I mean that if the government decided to do things the people did not want they would have to worry about the people taking up arms against them. Why do you think that no other country allows their citizens to have arms it is to keep them as subjects. You are a citizens if you have arms to defend yourself and your rights without arms you are forced to follow what the government tells you to do or die resisting.

So thinking that Muslims laws will be enforced here in the USA means that you must believe that most Americans are going to become Muslim. I find that hard to believe for that is the only way for their laws to take effect here in America.
My point is a serious one (and I thought, readily apparent, but obviously not) and has nothing to do with "hate" and for cryin' out loud, stop calling me a terrorist. Makes you look like you're 6 yrs old.

This country and western civilization has an enemy which wishes to destroy it. They've stated it, their "religious book" states it. For the sake of the discussion, I will concede that not all muslims are terrorists. However, a serious percentage of muslims worldwide are either terrorist or support "soft" or "hard" jihad. Their intent is surely well-known.

So, the question becomes what are we to do? This enemy is serious and dedicated. Does anyone doubt that a nuclear strike would be imminent were they to get their hands on the goods?

My point is we don't know who is who. So, the issue is one of identification and trust, not fear or hate. If you have any good answers besides simply ignoring the reality of the situation, I'd be willing to listen.

(BTW, in my original scenario, the muslims were robed, specifically to hide the knife which would be used to cut your damn head off. And I don't recall saying to shoot them both. Crikey...)
I don't believe all muslims are a threat. In most exstreamist groups there are a few that set the tone for the group. Look at the enviromental and animal rights groups. As for the US Government behind 9/11, the only proof is that GW was president and he is the root of all of the US problems sense 1775. Some how for those eight years. congress had no power to do anything, but the president did. If Al Gore had been president this would be a non issue.:pleasantry:

Bush is not the cause of all that is wrong since 1775. But he is the cause of why most of the world hates America. How can you say Do what America says not what America does and expect to be liked. Bush did things that America was telling other countries it was wrong to do. He came out an listed the axis of evil which China was a part of but forgot that they were the ones suppling the USA with the money to fight the war so now America is in debt to China no one who was alive in the 50's would believe that the USA would ever be in debt to a communist country like China. So while Bush is not responsible for all of the problems in America he is responsible for the major problems. Clinton left the USA with no deficit and in 8 years Bush put us back into a deficit and now the deficit is getting bigger with Obama due to no one wanting the tax cuts Bush put into effect to end.

As for the US Government behind 9/11, the only proof is that GW was president and he is the root of all of the US problems sense 1775. Some how for those eight years. congress had no power to do anything, but the president did. If Al Gore had been president this would be a non issue.:pleasantry:

For my reasons believing that the government was behind 9/11 -->Link Removed

After watching this it brought up some questions that no one was willing to answer and the answers given why the building collapse the way it did did not add up with all the data proving how a building should behave when set on fire. If you are willing to take the time to watch the whole video you will see that there is more proof or mistakes made by the reporters that support prior knowledge to what was about to happen. As far as definite proof goes that has all been removed.

As for
If Al Gore had been president this would be a non issue.:pleasantry:

Unforchantly we will never know.
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I can see we are on different sides of this coin and I will agree to disagree. Nothing I have to say will change your progressive liberal stance and that's ok. That is what makes the good ol' USA great.:pleasantry:
(BTW, in my original scenario, the muslims were robed, specifically to hide the knife which would be used to cut your damn head off. And I don't recall saying to shoot them both. Crikey...)

Sorry JJflash I owe you an apology since you did not say to shoot them both. I was the one who said it not you.
Guys you can not change the mind of left leaning lib tards because they have little mind to strat with.
I believe point is/was that some people seem to be afraid there is an increasing likelihood of encountering robed Muslims with hidden swords intending to behead strangers walking the streets of the good 'ol USA. :sarcastic:

Why don't you try addressing the issue I raised, instead of wading in with your usual bullsh-t.

I'm willing to discourse with anyone of serious bent of mind, but you're just not cutting it so far. Try harder.