.45acp vs 9mm

My carry caliber of choice is...

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why dont you put your other foot in your mouth as well.
live firw was once a month, low crawl while a 60 is shooting....basic training. qualify...try a little more than once a month....but i guess if you had any expieriance in the military you would' ve know that. as far as your concept of leo training...i'm guessing you never had a uniform on in youre life. as far as my military backround is concerned ( and in your case, it isnt ) i'm also guessing you dont know how rangers train or swat. you obviously dont know how the army trains armorers or never heard of frontline. as far as seals...i never mentioned that. i'm guessing, judging from your location,...that anyone who doesnt marry their cousin, in your opinoin , is odd
Ballistic Gel Testing

Since most of us do not have access to controlled conditions, endless ammo selection and vats of ballistic gel, we have to rely on the data produced by the labs. For every opinion there is a counter opinion. Good information to read and review when it’s posted in one place…

I found this website - some interesting results for ballistic information - Brassfetcher..

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why dont you put your other foot in your mouth as well.
live firw was once a month, low crawl while a 60 is shooting....basic training. qualify...try a little more than once a month....but i guess if you had any expieriance in the military you would' ve know that. as far as your concept of leo training...i'm guessing you never had a uniform on in youre life. as far as my military backround is concerned ( and in your case, it isnt ) i'm also guessing you dont know how rangers train or swat. you obviously dont know how the army trains armorers or never heard of frontline. as far as seals...i never mentioned that. i'm guessing, judging from your location,...that anyone who doesnt marry their cousin, in your opinoin , is odd

If you where as high speed as you claim, then I suspect you would alway's capitlize "Ranger" when using the term for the Regiment when typing. Same goes for SEALs. I notice you didn't capitilize it either. Not something that anyone who has served with the 75th Regiment would make the mistake to not do. Nor SF or any other SOF element under the umbrella of USSOCOM.

So you where an "armorer?" That means you knew how to fiddle with the operations and parts on a few weapons in your arms room. Not exactly an 18B Weapons Sergeant now is it ?

By the way, I train SWAT and HSD elements. I'll pm you my company site and our instructors bio's.

I'm calling BS on your experience. No, I don't want to ever wear the uniform of Law Enforcement officer. ....................pffffffft

For the sake of this thread I"m going to take my questions for you to PM. Plus your spelling and grammar are entirely unsat for someone who is beginning to claim he was an SOF soldier with 75th and SWAT Team member/LEO. Thus far your posts are like reading a 16 year old that is still in his "Wannabee" stage.

What RS class number did you graduate from ?? Since you said that "I don't know how Rangers train" What RIP class did you attend and where ???

As for your last comment, which is a direct insult to my area of residence and all that live here, would you be willing to say that to each and every soldier of the 5th Special Forces Group (A) at Ft. Campbell, Kentucky ????.............................I highly doubt it, unless it's over the internet where you stretch your beach muscles without being put into impunity.

That's all for now. This board and it's adminsitrators are probably tired of your and my comments back and forth. So, once again I am taking my concerns with you to PM off the main board.
For every man who has the ability there is another who has it and then some.
I was on a plane some time ago with a woman from Mississippi. She was older and was recovering from a stroke. She spoke softly and with music in her voice. She said and I quote “Honey, there ain’t no child born to woman born know’ in, we all born learn’ in”. The conversation was one of the best I have had on a long flight. Learn from others, don’t insult their knowledge, and remember there are always those who know more, and with luck and manners we can be allowed to take some of that knowledge for free. Please be respectful and peaceful to all here.
I found this website - some interesting results for ballistic information - Brassfetcher..

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Very Cool... Thanks melloyello... I like the 45acp for that "First Shot Impression"... God forbid that I will ever have to, but if I do it's gonna be me asking to speak with a lawyer not the bad guy. If I can help that so be it…
I also like the .357 Magnum for the stopping power and the flexability for ammo choices. I will still carry mine in cool weather as it's hard to hide a medium K frame revolver in the summer.
My pick....357 magnum. Reasons .... can defeat most attempts to block penetration, easily concealed, ammo is versitile (can shoot 38 spl) WILL NOT JAM OR STOVE PIPE.
I didn't feel like reading all the comments festus so sorry if this was already said but. The military switched to 9mm for the same reason they switched to 5.56. It's lighter to carry, more can be carried, and higher magazine capacity. I spent 4 years in the infantry and they teach proper shot placement to the point where a near perfect Mozambique can be executed from a dead sleep. The NAVY seals still use the .45 in the MK23 because that is considered an offensive weapon. Hope this helps
The real reason the military switched to 9mm was to be standardized with NATO. The Seals use the 45acp because it is a better stopping round. You have to remember that a lot of the weapon decisions are made by politicians who are not really knowledgeable about the subject, not military people. :frown:
I must add to this discussion that petty jealousies and nit picking about spelling have no bearing on the discussion. I find the inability to disagree agreeably without invective to detract from the argument. Let's keep things based upon fact and not personal attacks!!!!
And it's use for it's stopping power in the MK23 ONLY because the military considers it an offensive weapon as opposed to the M9 as a defensive weapon. Way to take what I said and try to make it seem like you know what the hell you're talking about. Keep your google'd opinions to yourself or come up with some educated opinions of your own.

Semper Fi
the REAL deal 45 vs 9mm

You carry what you feel best with... Most defensive situations happen within 21 feet, so trajectories aren't much consern. Terminal ballistics, outright stopping, bullet design and the users ability to control/follow up the double tap is of primary consern. Who cares what you have if your afraid to shoot or can't control? Outside of the military/law enforcement use, the lowly 22 rimfire has taken many, many lives. Having said all that, the 9mm would be a great fit for most folks with weaker arms, grip, arthiritis...you get the picture.
Now, me personaly..If I had to pick...the 45 hands down, heavier bullet means less critical shot placement with acceptable results. Center mass shots will atleast temporarily short circuit an attacker for you to get ready for another shot or escape.
My carry gun is a Dan Wesson 14 357 magnum...I prefer wheel guns.:tongue:
The real reason the military switched to 9mm was to be standardized with NATO. The Seals use the 45acp because it is a better stopping round. You have to remember that a lot of the weapon decisions are made by politicians who are not really knowledgeable about the subject, not military people. :frown:

True, the seals did switch over to 45acp however they did not switch over unitl the late 90s. I am a former Force recon marine and we use to share the same VBSS platforms with them in Chessepeake bay, Force recon companys were one of the units who never went to the 9mil when the entire conventional military went to the berettas. recon marines have always used the 191145 socom which is a tricked out $3000 piece. we used it for knock down power, the shitty thing is we still had to qualify with the 9 mil beretta to have credit for the Marine Corps pistol badge. the Seals followed with their own 45 in the sig.
and while we are on following.............................recon marines switched over from the mp5 9mil to the m4(ar15) for cqb before the seals did as well..................................and while we are still on following.....................Seals learned their jungle techinques from the Green berets and force recon in Vietnam.
it puzzles me why people think they are the best................... they have socom so far up their asses that they get all the good high priority missions....................i remember the Jessica lynch resuce was going to recon and the seals stepped on our toes and took it................i was on ship for tHE CAPTAIN Ogrady mission and the seals were on their way to take that one over but the Meu coloniel went ahead and launched the mission anyways so the marines would have it.
But the topic is which caliber do i prefer to carry concealed and that would be 9 mil. it all comes down to first shot and many shots at close range.
I appreciate your service and knowledge. I'm aware of the publicity associated with various special ops folks. Seems like the SEALS have mastered the publicity/image tactic best ;) SAC (Stategic Air Command) did the same thing with publicity/image making. I've flown both fighters and bombers in USAF and I know as fact that SAC pilots are not that great.


Thank you for voicing your opinion and your experience, It seems like these certain units like sac and the seals only have the civillians fooled because plenty of guy like me and you have seen them operater and know better,

thank you for your service as well
Nothing better to start a balistic food fight than asking that ... :pleasantry:

There's about a million opinions on that one ... it's a compromise or personal choice between recoil, mag capacity, price of ammo (rather important for us civilians who have to pay for our own) and size.

Personally I have an XD9SC and a XD45 compact, the first for everyday CCW and the second more for HD.
True. Too true, and the argument is endless. So just make your decision and live with it -- or have both and take turns. For that reason I do not knock one or the other. It's sorta like what's better, blondes or redhead?

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