Why Open Carry is a bad Strategy


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Open Carry has many fans, but when it comes down to a firefight, it will fail you.

When you Open Carry, you are signaling the world that you are prepared for a fight, even if you are just bluffing!

Bad Guys are not afraid of you unless you are actually ready to fight.

And they aren't going to give you that chance.

Combat Strategy demands that you have the offensive, the edge, the element of surprise.

Tactics learned on the conventional firing range are worthless in a real fight. The Bad Guys aren't going to give you time to get ready, and sight in on them. They want to win, at your expense.

Concealed Carry is the way to go on the streets. You get the element of surprise.

Do you realize the can of worms you've just opened up?

I too prefer concealed, but just because it's the carry method of choice for you and I that doesn't make it ideal for everyone.
This is the way i feel also, but its a persons personal choice to carry the way they want to. The only time i open carry is when im out riding the trails on my ATV, otherwise i conceal carry all the time.
Well, is it a can of worms to make sure that the good guys come home safe?

And each can carry as they see fit.

As long as they have thought through the effectiveness of their strategy, then it's their choice.

I prefer having the edge!
"Cops" is the operative word here.

You are going to be fighting alone, not with a partner, backup forces, a dispatcher listening in, and an arsenal in the patrol car!

There is no comparision.
Cops walk beats alone and drive in a cruiser alone most often in most towns and cities. Cops call for backup when something bad happens just like a citizen calls 911 (which usually goes to the same dispatch).

Again, why do cops open carry?
I conceal carry because my wife is uncomfortable when I open carry. However, when I'm alone and open carry I don't think I'm at a tactical disadvantage. If anything, I think that an openly carried gun will deter some gang banger from trying something because they know that you aren't easy prey.

But, to each his own.
Police open carry because they have BADGES pinned on their shirt... (Not CCW badges.)

I like the availability to open carry, just in case my shirt gets hung up covering my weapon. I would rather CC, as noted, just for the surprise factor. Although, OC is probably a little quicker on the draw.

Just stirring the popcorn! :sarcastic:
I conceal carry because my wife is uncomfortable when I open carry. However, when I'm alone and open carry I don't think I'm at a tactical disadvantage. If anything, I think that an openly carried gun will deter some gang banger from trying something because they know that you aren't easy prey.

But, to each his own.
I agree that open carry could deter some...but i have been in situations where there are some people so stupid or drugged up to reason as '' normal people would''....to each his own but i perfer concealed carry.
This subject has been debated and debated and debated and debated and debated and debated and debated and debated. I support talking about it as long as the discussion remains civil. So here is my fence-riding opinion. I CC most of the time but now and then I OC. I think that it is an individuals choice. There are times I think that CC is better and other times I think OC is better. I support laws allowing BOTH. Now back to the debate and pass the popcorn.
I have no issue with either, individual choice, just spent 3 weeks in Sedona Open carry no issue God Bless USA and AZ.
There's only one reason to open carry: to get liberal-minded morons used to seeing it! That's it! If you're dedicated enough, you will practice and train to be very nearly as quick to present your weapon from under a shirt, or from wherever. But all that having been said, desensitizing liberal sheep is no justification to forfeit the huge tactical advantages that concealed carry provides you. Think about it. And the question about cops? Uniforms arent concealed; no reason for the weapon to be. Plain clothed cops carry more discreetly. They go hand in hand. If you're not a uniformed officer, your weapon is best out of sight.

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