Which is the best AR15 for the money

a quality AR

Stag Arms is a reputable manufacturer. I own a Rock River and a buddy has a Stag. Turns out that Stag makes lowers for Rock River! It's easier to find quality guns as opposed to crap these days. Wasn't always so. Rock River rifles do come with the best trigger(NM two-stage) and barrels(wilson premiun) as standard.
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I have a Rock River Arms entry tactical model and I love it. It shoots sub MOA and has never had a problem with any ammo I've tried. I asked an instructor at a gun training school, which I attend often, what AR15 to purchase. He said that of the thousands of AR15's they see each year, there were less problems experienced with the Rock River and Bushmaster brands than any of the others.
You can buy kits to build an AR15.I have gotten them from model1sales.com and akpartskits.com.
You get their kit and built it on whatever lower receiver you want.
On another note,you guys have AR's with 14.5 and 11.5 inch barrels?What about ATF regs that state that the barrel has to be at least 16 inches?
On another nother note,I was looking at some lower receivers on the websight of a distributor and they had them from various manufacturers,and I saw one that was 'California legal'.It had no mag well.It was a single shot.I was a little sad.
You can buy kits to build an AR15.I have gotten them from model1sales.com and akpartskits.com.
You get their kit and built it on whatever lower receiver you want.
On another note,you guys have AR's with 14.5 and 11.5 inch barrels?What about ATF regs that state that the barrel has to be at least 16 inches?
On another nother note,I was looking at some lower receivers on the websight of a distributor and they had them from various manufacturers,and I saw one that was 'California legal'.It had no mag well.It was a single shot.I was a little sad.

As far as I know there are 2 ways for you to legally have a "short barrel" AR. You can have a 14.5" or 11.5" If the flash hider is permanently attached and the combined length of barrel and flash hider is 16". Or you can get a hold of the ATF, pay (I believe) $200, and fill out some paper work. I just started looking into it myself. I'd love to have a small 14.5" version.
If I hadn't bought my Bushmaster M4, I would have bought the Smith and Wesson M & P. My friend has one and it's really nice.

What I have:
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I think it's fair to say RRA is the best for the money. You can find good deals on used rifles though.

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