Where is your favorite camping spot?

I used to like camping and sleeping outdoors in just about any kind of cool to cold weather. Today I prefer a room in the Hilton. :)
Galatian canyon is gorgeous! Unfortunately I haven't been anywhere off the main road. I'm thinking they would kinda frown on semi's off road. :-)
Johnee84302: "Galatian canyon is gorgeous! Unfortunately I haven't been anywhere off the main road. I'm thinking they would kinda frown on semi's off road. :-)

No doubt by "semi" you mean "semi automatic" LOL
I was there in 1980 ,yes your right no vehicles ! But the effort to get there is worth it ,it will stay with you forever !!!! And you don't need a camera (good to have) but you mite want a good side arm !!!!!
i don't have a favorite either as there are countless awesome places on this planet to camp out atLink Removed
that is a pic of my last most awesome camp experience last year in misol-ha in palenque mexico where the tarzan show was filmed and a crew from the terminator movie made cabins there that place is really neat the waterfall the caves the jungle was the first time i've ever been deep inside a cave so it was quite an experience
Spanish pecks ,bee-hive basson in Galitan canyon range MT. It will take your bearth away !

Ahh, miss that area. Went to college at MSU in Bozeman.

Now, my favorite place to camp is in the wilderness. this is in the Eagle Cap Wilderness, NE corner of Oregon:

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i boat camp. as in island camp. but im still armed. sometimes i sleep in the boat anchored off shore. but im always armed.
My favorite place is the deer camp in the Clark County Forest. Lights out at 7, no noise, everybody pretty much returns the next year so you get to know some of the other campers. It's also on the natural gas pipeline that runs down towards madison, so the deer are thick and it's easy to find your way back to the truck. Great time, although somebody ALWAYS lets loose about an hour too soon while everybody else is still setting up.

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