L L LTC Squire Mar 2, 2012 Rodger that towboater, I've got 13 yrs. with 333 in NY Harbor A few more with MEBA Woods Hole Ma. but been in the "assistance" towing industry since 86. Good to know others on here. Jim S. "Boathook"
Rodger that towboater, I've got 13 yrs. with 333 in NY Harbor A few more with MEBA Woods Hole Ma. but been in the "assistance" towing industry since 86. Good to know others on here. Jim S. "Boathook"
L L LTC Squire Feb 26, 2012 You happen to be a Sea//Tow or a Boat//Us Tower ? Just wondering been in the industry several years myself.
You happen to be a Sea//Tow or a Boat//Us Tower ? Just wondering been in the industry several years myself.
L L LTC Squire Feb 23, 2012 Towboater Ky ? This would happen to be Capt. Don from the FTC site by any chance ?