New member
I am in the in the military. And I love to travel the states. I am looking for a CCW for one state that most states will recognizes, that I will not have to jump through hoops for. Can anyone help me out?
The real "best carry" state still comes down to the "best case law/jury decisions" in a state. It may be as simple as paying a small fee and putting a stamp on an envelope but it is what happens AFTER you have exercised your understanding of a state's CC law and have to face the investigation and disposition of your particular circumstance. Any comments on how these states (ie Utah and FL) fair on the final disposition of actual shootings?
Recent ad in our Charleston SC local paper from a local gunshop indicates that in addition to offering the SC CCWP class they are now offering a Utah CCWP class that expands CC permission to 29 states (I think the SC permit gets you into only about 5 or so states). I guess Utah has something goin for it if you want to travel around with your CCW.