What state has the best CCW


New member
I am in the in the military. And I love to travel the states. I am looking for a CCW for one state that most states will recognizes, that I will not have to jump through hoops for. Can anyone help me out?
It's kinda sad that the Bill of Rights is a Federal document and the 2nd amendment is for all, but each state has the right to make the call who can and who can't carry a weapon in state. A “Federal Firearms CCW or LTCC” would be nice especially for members of the US Military. The maps on the main page have links to which states honor the others LTC or CCW permits. Take a look and pick away!!!
Hello Soldier

I am almost certain that Florida will get you the best bang for the buck. They are also the most aggressive about adding more states to their reciprocal acceptance.

It is a little pricey, but now the license is good for 7 years. Contact them here to e-mail a request for the package. They mail it.
Concealed Weapons or Firearm Program - Division of Licensing, FDACS

Or call and they mail it out. This of course means you need a Fl resident D/L license, or settle for a few less states with a FL non resident license. Some states won't accept non resident licenses.

Here is the reciprocity list form the FL Dept. of agriculture Link Removed

Hope that helps. Thank you for your service to the country.
Not sure about "bang for the buck" vs. Florida but UTAH permit is honored in just as many states, I think. Make sure you check that out, too. The map at the start of this website can help, and it seems pretty well up-to-date although seems to be a "lag time" in this map being updated when a state changes its reciprocity (understandable).

Thanks for your service to the country.
Leaving aside reciprocity, I kind of feel jealous of my Texas brethren, who are still living in the Old West and perps better be very very wary of anything they do. Cannot understand it all but the case of the guy on the phone with 911 who blasted the hell out of perps robbing his neighbor's house and did not get prosecuted gave me a little smile even though I have reservations about the scenario.
Probably Florida or Utah. Many of the states will not issue a Concealed Carry Permit unless you are a resident. Those two states wil issue a non-resident permit. In addition, some states recognize an out-of-state permit, but then stop honoring the out-of-state permit within a certain period after establishing residence. I would probably go with the Florida permit.
Idaho's permit isn't honored by that many states, but they do honor permits from every other state, resident and non-resident, bar none. So whichever permit you get, you can come here and vacation anytime. :biggrin:
Arizona has no residency requirements - they issue AZ CCW Permits to US Citizens, period. Regardless of where in the US you live - provided the training occurs in AZ. Recognized by more than half the US and still a very reasonable cost.

AZ is extremely pro-citizen/pro-gun when it comes to CCW and gun laws.

I train many many GI's here near Ft. Huachuca and Davis Monthan airbase. Happy CCW hunting and thanks for serving.
I'll echo Utah and Florida. I have my Florida and am looking at getting Utah. As far as the best states to live "in" for concealed carry laws....VT and AK do not require a permit at all. In fact, in VT, you need not even be a resident of the state to enjoy the right to carry in VT. You can also open carry in VT and again, no permit rquired. I love when we take ski trips up to VT in the winter! If the other 48 would just follow that Gold Standard, the world would be a better place!
If were talking solely reciprocity then Utah and Florida have the best permits. If we're talking carry rights and privileges then Im going to say Indiana has the best permits. No classes needed to get a permit (this may or may not be a good thing depending on how you look at it), you can take your gun anywhere really, except schools and government buildings. No such thing as a gun free zone here except for a government building. Oh and LIFETIME permits now, gotta love that.
Not sure about Utah but Fl will accept your military service (current or former) as required training.
Thanks for your service.
The real "best carry" state still comes down to the "best case law/jury decisions" in a state. It may be as simple as paying a small fee and putting a stamp on an envelope but it is what happens AFTER you have exercised your understanding of a state's CC law and have to face the investigation and disposition of your particular circumstance. Any comments on how these states (ie Utah and FL) fair on the final disposition of actual shootings?
The real "best carry" state still comes down to the "best case law/jury decisions" in a state. It may be as simple as paying a small fee and putting a stamp on an envelope but it is what happens AFTER you have exercised your understanding of a state's CC law and have to face the investigation and disposition of your particular circumstance. Any comments on how these states (ie Utah and FL) fair on the final disposition of actual shootings?

Kinda agree, except this question is more of matter of what state the shooting takes place in, not where issued.

Why isn't Penn listed??

P.S. thanks for your service.
A couple of other states to think about are North Carolina and Michigan. Both of those stats' licenses are honored in more states than Florida's and Utah, but with a catch. MI and NC only issue licenses to residents, and Michigan, while it's permit is widely honored and it honors permits from every state, but only if the person is a resident of the state from which the permit is issued (meaning that nonresident FL and UT licenses are a no-no there). Furthermore, if you reside in MI, you'll be required to register your handguns.
Based on the reply from VN6869. let me rephrase my question. It seems this thread has touched on several states that seem to have easier CCWP requirements and some states seem to have more CCWP reciprocity, but which states, assuming we are talking about a CCW shooting by an individual in the same state that issued the CCWP, have the best record of siding with the CCWP shooter (I keep thinking about the fellow in TX who, while on the phone with 911, went over to his neighbor's house and killed two guys breaking into the house while the 911 operator was pleading with him to wait in his own home for the police and do not go over there); of course this comes down to the specific circumstances of each case but does anyone have a "feel", based on news articles etc of the most CC "shooting friendly" states ---just asking out of curiosity even if, on second reading, my question sounds a little "funky" to me. I can tell you that in some recent cases in SC, there were no charges brought in cases that I kind of looked a little askance at--then again I did not have the facts as presented to the prosecutor.
Utah or Florida

It's my understanding that when you have a permit, state laws still apply. For example, if you have a Utah permit and travel to Colorado, your permit is honored as if it was a Colorado permit. You're still required to honor Colorado state law. In the event that there is an "incident", what matters is where it occurred, not which state permit you're holding.

I don't think it matters whether your in CO with a CO permit or CO with a UT permit. I think everything applies exactly the same.

This is my opinion. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

As for your initial question, I think Utah permits give you a couple extra states compared to Florida. Use this map to check it out.
I love Texas. Great story: When I had been here only a few weeks they led the news with the acquittal of a guy who had chased a perp (who had burgled his girl's van) down the street and shot him in the back 3 times, killing him. Back in my birth state of PA he would have gone to prison. He was tried in the most liberal of all Texas cities - Austin. The District Attorney who lost the case was asked by the news reporter why the jury acquitted him. In his Texas drawl he replied "well, you have to understand: this guy had a record as long as your arm and the jury just decided he NEEDED KILLING". He didn't even seem upset that he had lost! At our CCW class we have to learn the Texas deadly force laws. The Texas gun laws still have a section titled NECESSITY. Basically, it was looked upon as doing society a favor. It didn't seem to matter that the shooter didn't know anything about the guy's record.
Recent ad in our Charleston SC local paper from a local gunshop indicates that in addition to offering the SC CCWP class they are now offering a Utah CCWP class that expands CC permission to 29 states (I think the SC permit gets you into only about 5 or so states). I guess Utah has something goin for it if you want to travel around with your CCW.
Recent ad in our Charleston SC local paper from a local gunshop indicates that in addition to offering the SC CCWP class they are now offering a Utah CCWP class that expands CC permission to 29 states (I think the SC permit gets you into only about 5 or so states). I guess Utah has something goin for it if you want to travel around with your CCW.

UT and FL are both highly sought after Non resident permits.

UT has recip with 32states: AL, AK, AZ, AR, CO, DE, FL, GA, ID, IN, KY, LA, MI, MS, MO, MN, NE, NH, NC, ND, NM, OH, OK, PA, SD, TN, TX, VT, VA, WA, WV, WY

FL has recip with 33 states: AL, AK, AZ, AR, CO, DE, GA, ID, IN, KS, KY, LA, MI, MS, MO, MN, NE, NH, NM, NC, ND, OH, OK, PA, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, WV, WY

CO, FL, ME, MI, NH and SC do not accept non-resident permits.

Merger each of those lists with your SC recip and see how many states you will be covered in.
There is no additional training requirement for military in FL. Just submit a copy of your active duty ID or a DD-214 for vets.

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