What is a good reason to put on a LTC application in massachusetts?

If you're currently living with parents in Danvers to save money, or you don't have a term-lease, go rent an apartment in aLink Removed close to your job , get your LTC-ALP. Then if you were staying with parents before and want to resume saving money, you can move back to parents home, and all you have to do is send the chief of your green town a COA ( Change of Address ) form, send one copy to CHSB and another copy to Danvers chief, all by registered mail. Now you are legal to CC for ~6 years

Some LO even issues Restricted-A and tell the applicant, come back after 1 year, pay another $100 and s/he will upgrade to Class-A-ALP.

Try calling the LO and tell him you want to withdraw your application and a refund, if you can, because you already have a FID, which is shall issue.
If you get a denial for CCW from Danvers, and later you try to apply for a LTC in other states, you may be deemed "unsuitable" cause some application ask, "have you ever been denied a permit in this or any other state." , and you can be denied in the other state for being denied in Mass.

If you qualify for a FID and is over 21, you qualify for a handgun permit.

Join Northeastshooters.com and ask a few questions, and contact the lawyers if you were denied.
Its worth is.
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Well I heard back from the LEO. He told me that he WILL NOT submit my application for a Class a, the chief will deny me instantly and he will only submit a class b ltc. I am really bummed out about this because now I am so restricted in what I can own. I don't even know of a semi-automatic handgun I can own on a class b. If anyone knows one, please let me know so I can get it. The LEO told me that I don't have enough life experience to have a class a ltc because I am 22 years old. He told me that in a few years (around age 25) I should be able to get a restricted class a. I wish Mass was a little more gun friendly. I can't wait to live in NH, already started saving. If anyone knows of a semi auto handgun that is class b legal, please let me know. Thanks again
WTF?! It's bad enough you can't simply just walk into a gun store and buy whatever you want as long as you have the money, but you also need permission from the police to obtain the necessary permits? I guess Al Doyle wasn't kidding in this article.

States To Avoid by Al Doyle
Al Doyle wasn't kidding. Massachusetts is terrible for gun permits. The police WILL NOT even let me apply for the Class A LTC. That kind of made me mad. I understand the chief has the right to deny it, or restrict it, hes the chief, However, who the hell is the LEO to tell me I CAN"T apply for it. I meet all the requirements. Im over 21, Im a Massachusetts resident, I have successfully completed a approved course, I have a clean record, never appeared in court or anything, and I am not even allowed to apply. I have my appointment on Thursday this week. I am going to plead my case AGAIN and see if he can submit my application for a Class A LTC. If I qualify for a Class B, I qualify for A. They won't let me have a 9mm that holds 10 rounds because it is on the Class A list, but I can have a .357 magnum that holds 6? I don't understand Massachusetts logic. I don't have enough life expierence for a Class A, is what I was told. I can Vote for our Nations leaders at 18, drive at 16, FIGHT FOR THIS COUNTRY IN WAR at 18, get Taxed at 18, pay bills and everything, but Mass wont give me a gun. Sorry for the Rant, its early and I felt like ranting.

I think I can own a 1911 in massachusetts (read that either in this forum or northeastshoots). I am not 100% sure on this. I really want a semi-auto pistol. I hope everything works out on Thursday. I just hope I am good at making my point on thursday.

Well....I tried, and tried hard. All I was able to get was a Class B LTC. I am going to try to find some semi-auto handgun that I can purchase and do that. I will try for the Class A in a few years to see if I can get it then. Thanks everyone for your help.
Well....I tried, and tried hard. All I was able to get was a Class B LTC. I am going to try to find some semi-auto handgun that I can purchase and do that. I will try for the Class A in a few years to see if I can get it then. Thanks everyone for your help.
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Just say

Danvers : BLACK

and tell of your experience/story

Black = LTC-B rammers
I just can't believe that I qualify to have a class a (the LEO said that as well), just because I am only 22 I could not get a restricted class a. The LEO was very professional, very nice, very helpful. I really liked him alot. He just wouldn't change his stance, mainly because of the cheif. I met with a different LEO than I spoke to on the phone. I asked the LEO "why is it I can't own a Berretta 92fs 9mm that holds 10 rounds, but I can own a S+w .357 magnum that holds 8", to this he had no answer. His exact words were "You qualify for the A because you qualify for the B, you're just too young right now". I guess I understand, but at the same time I don't. The STATE says the minimum age is 21, I am 22. I just hope when im 25 in 2 1/2 years (I will be there on my 25th Bday because I am dying to get my class a) that they are more resonable and understanding. I do want to do competiton shooting ( I have looked into things, and am very interested), I guess I just have to wait.
I just can't believe that I qualify to have a class a (the LEO said that as well), just because I am only 22 I could not get a restricted class a. The LEO was very professional, very nice, very helpful. I really liked him alot. He just wouldn't change his stance, mainly because of the chief. I met with a different LEO than I spoke to on the phone. I asked the LEO "why is it I can't own a Berretta 92fs 9mm that holds 10 rounds, but I can own a S+w .357 magnum that holds 8", to this he had no answer. His exact words were "You qualify for the A because you qualify for the B, you're just too young right now". I guess I understand, but at the same time I don't. The STATE says the minimum age is 21, I am 22. I just hope when im 25 in 2 1/2 years (I will be there on my 25th Bday because I am dying to get my class a) that they are more resonable and understanding. I do want to do competiton shooting ( I have looked into things, and am very interested), I guess I just have to wait.

Sorry, but the LEO was being a d*ck, he should have put Class-A ALP, then if the Chief wanted to downgrade you to a Class B, then let the chief do it himself

Read the forums over at NES, you'll see guys 21 years old whom has never shot before being issued Class ALP, with no letter, no interview to tell of why they need it, simply because their LEO respects the right of the citizens.

What do they think, its the 12th bullet thats dangerous so they limit you to 10 ?

To end, if you move to a Green town/city at any time before your LTC expires, you can simply apply for a new LTC in that new green town. Good luck.
Well....I tried, and tried hard. All I was able to get was a Class B LTC. I am going to try to find some semi-auto handgun that I can purchase and do that. I will try for the Class A in a few years to see if I can get it then. Thanks everyone for your help.

In a few years, hopefully it won't be necessary for you to try to get this government permission slip because hopefully you'll be out of that godforsaken place.
In a few years, hopefully it won't be necessary for you to try to get this government permission slip because hopefully you'll be out of that godforsaken place.

with any luck, I'll be over the border and living free in NH. Im saving my money and looking into living up there (seriously).

For now, I am just gonna get a semi-auto class b compliant firearm. I am looking into the Sig P239. So, I will see how that goes.

I wonder if Danvers will ever issue a class a to me down the road if I was still here. I wonder if anyone else has had a similar experience in Danvers.
with any luck, I'll be over the border and living free in NH. Im saving my money and looking into living up there (seriously).

For now, I am just gonna get a semi-auto class b compliant firearm. I am looking into the Sig P239. So, I will see how that goes.

I wonder if Danvers will ever issue a class a to me down the road if I was still here. I wonder if anyone else has had a similar experience in Danvers.

Is magazine capacity the only criteria that separates class A compliant firearms from Class B ones?
I am pretty sure, however I could be wrong. I can't own a Beretta 92FS because it was once manufactured with a 15 round mag, but now comes in a 10 round. I can own a Sig P239, which they have 10 round mags for. It is very confusing and I have to be careful because there are loop holes I may not be aware of. I have heard that Mass may get rid of the Class B all together. Lets see. I am glad there is at least some semi-auto handguns out there that I can own.
I wonder if the .40 S&W Ruger P94 that I used to own, which only came with 10 round magazines, would be legal to own with a Class B license there. Also, I'm wondering if private transfers are legal in the PRMA without proof of a Class A or B license.
Wow! So what happens if my father dies? Could I take possession of his guns, or is there some crazy form I need to fill out for that? If I don't does Big Brother (oops, I meant, the PRMA) confiscate them?
Wow! 1: So what happens if my father dies? Could I take possession of his guns, or is there some crazy form I need to fill out for that?

2: If I don't does Big Brother (oops, I meant, the PRMA) confiscate them?

If your father/relative/friend/neighbor dies, YES you have to fill out form to take possession, and you must do it within a short time too, I think 90 days or less

1: "Big Brother" won't just come to your house to confiscate them, unless, the deceased person is well KNOWN to have guns by the chief, or his/her license is revoked ( don't laugh, idiots do sometime serve warrants and other orders to dead people ) , then, someone/chief may come to the resident to take possession and then someone with proper license may be given back the weapon after they file the proper paper works.
Wills and Inheritance and other legal matters may or may-not delay or prevent getting the weapons back.

2: Or if the chief doesn't take the weapon, and paper work isn't completed and you are caught with the weapons, you are SOL

Every time weapons ownership changes hands in PRMA, "big-brother" must be informed, its for the children, ya know.
I had already known before this thread was posted that PRMA was gun owner unfriendly, but I had no idea it was this bad! How do you put up with it, LeavingMass and all you other PRMA subjects? Why in the world haven't you left yet (I already know your reason LeavingMass).
Don't you worry. I will be leaving with-in a few years time. I am saving as much money as possible, and hope to buy a house in NH in a year or two. I have heard that Massachusetts will be getting rid of Class B's. Unfortunatly, this means that there will be more Class A denials (this came straight from the horses mouth). If Obama wins, I have the feeling things will get worse, very quickly here in good ole Mass. I hear every day from Antis where I live and work that "guns are the reason that crimes happen". I can't help but laugh, which they always ask "whats so funny". My answer is always, "its so funny that someone who claims to be so educated, can make a ridiculous statement like that with out any evidence to support your argument". I love when they say "I'll give you evidence", and then never do. There is a large anti population where I am from, and it is growing. Us gun owners around here are a dying breed, I'm hoping to keep it alive as long as I can. I will never give up on my 2A rights, like some people I know around here.