What is a good reason to put on a LTC application in massachusetts?

Don't you worry. I will be leaving with-in a few years time. I am saving as much money as possible, and hope to buy a house in NH in a year or two. I have heard that Massachusetts will be getting rid of Class B's. Unfortunatly, this means that there will be more Class A denials (this came straight from the horses mouth). If Obama wins, I have the feeling things will get worse, very quickly here in good ole Mass. I hear every day from Antis where I live and work that "guns are the reason that crimes happen". I can't help but laugh, which they always ask "whats so funny". My answer is always, "its so funny that someone who claims to be so educated, can make a ridiculous statement like that with out any evidence to support your argument". I love when they say "I'll give you evidence", and then never do. There is a large anti population where I am from, and it is growing. Us gun owners around here are a dying breed, I'm hoping to keep it alive as long as I can. I will never give up on my 2A rights, like some people I know around here.

You couldn't possibly have been born and raised there, could you? There's no way anyone who was born and raised in such an environment could have as much sense as you. Pro 2a people from PRTA are about as rare as snow is in Hawaii.
You couldn't possibly have been born and raised there, could you? There's no way anyone who was born and raised in such an environment could have as much sense as you. Pro 2a people from PRTA are about as rare as snow is in Hawaii.

Born and raised in Massachusetts. My children will be raised with guns just as I was and hopefully I will bring more 2A fighters into this world. My passion is shooting and fishing. Nothing better than on a Saturday morning to be at the range. I plan on getting a new firearm a year; a new toy is always good. I will be teaching my fiancé how to shoot, she is not against it. In Massachusetts we need to fight harder for our rights because we are out numbered here by antis (at least where I live). The police are against us, most civilians are as well. If we stick together, keep doing what we are doing, vote for the right people, and push hard with our representatives to fight for our 2A rights, maybe we can get some place. It is very hard to obtain gun permit in Massachusetts, EXTREMELY hard in some places. I can't imagine any place more strict (im sure they are out there however). As a 2A supporter, I will in fact be doing my part (i.e. writing to my representatives, keeping up with NRA and GOAL, teaching my children about firearms in hopes they will also be a supporter) on a constant basis here in Massachusetts, until I move.
Good Reason

Ahhh, the infamous People's Republic of Taxachusetts. I know what you mean, I was born and raised in Indiana, and when I worked as a security officer there, I had to get an LTC. I got one alright, covering my carrying the weapon in the open on the jobsite only, going to and from the job, the weapon had to be unloaded and stored in the trunk.

I saw a bumper sticker I want to get. It says, "My Gun Has Killed Fewer People Than Ted Kennedy's Car."
Yup... Taxachusetts!

Just to give you guys an update. It has been about 3 weeks now and still have not heard anything or seen my check get cashed. We shall see what happens. As soon as my license comes in, I will be purchasing something. Just got to wait for that.

On another note. I have been getting BASHED! For not supporting Obama here in Mass. People are getting down right NASTY! Because I don't support him. I am very open with what I believe in, I do NOT believe I need to hide my love and passion towards my 2A views. Massachusetts is not very friendly here when you do not follow the so called "being normal". Anyone else having any issues? Or am I the only one in this good ole state?

Btw...I am sure there are other non-supporters of Obama here; I just haven’t come across any here.

Thanks Guys!

Let me just say this IF i do VOTE this year it am voting to Bugs Bunny or roadrunner lol. Obama will have us branded with ID tags guns will be no more. Any one who asks about the 2nd A will be put in jail or Reeducation camps run by the government. There will be dusk to dawn crack downs we will all be forced to convert to muslim. LOL the USA will look like the movie V for Vendetta. LOL no but for real Capo if you want to move to My good state of NH please do i only ask two things. One Don't bring the anti gun crap up here and make it harder for us native NHers. Two Respect our LEO officers as we have some of the best in the US. Sucks about your CCL i will be 22 next month and i just got my CCL. Also sucks about mass law about 10 rounds i love having the 17 round mags it's great. MA,CT.NJ,RI are like ground Zero for the battle of gun rights as the states have been taken over by Brady people. It makes me sad to have MA as part of New England should put up a wall lol j/k.
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Let me just say this IF i do VOTE this year it am voting to Bugs Bunny or roadrunner lol. Obama will have us branded with ID tags guns will be no more. Any one who asks about the 2nd A will be put in jail or Reeducation camps run by the government. There will be dusk to dawn crack downs we will all be forced to convert to muslim. LOL the USA will look like the movie V for Vendetta. LOL no but for real Capo if you want to move to My good state of NH please do i only ask two things. One Don't bring the anti gun crap up here and make it harder for us native NHers. Two Respect our LEO officers as we have some of the best in the US. Sucks about your CCL i will be 22 next month and i just got my CCL. Also sucks about mass law about 10 rounds i love having the 17 round mags it's great. MA,CT.NJ,RI are like ground Zero for the battle of gun rights as the states have been taken over by Brady people. It makes me sad to have MA as part of New England should put up a wall lol j/k.

haha Oh I love NH and if I move there I will have nothing but respect for the LEOs. As far as the wall goes.... I say we build it.... just let me get to the other side first lol
One thing to watch out for is if you do move to NH. try and move to the north or west part of the state. As the east and south tend to have a lot of anti gun people who have moved up here from mass. Still the same great state and still the same gun laws. But there tends to me more A holes who bust your balls because you make them feel uneasy for no other fact then you have a gun.
One thing to watch out for is if you do move to NH. try and move to the north or west part of the state. As the east and south tend to have a lot of anti gun people who have moved up here from mass. Still the same great state and still the same gun laws. But there tends to me more A holes who bust your balls because you make them feel uneasy for no other fact then you have a gun.

Damn.... I was thinking Nashua because its still fairly close to Boston. I figure its still NH with the same gun laws. Im used to living in Mass, I think Id be able to manage dealing with some Massholes in NH haha.
Yes that is what we call you people up here LOL.. Yeah it's still the same NH but lot more uptight people down there. The Local LEO are good about the gun laws down there.
Yup... Taxachusetts!

Just to give you guys an update. It has been about 3 weeks now and still have not heard anything or seen my check get cashed. We shall see what happens. As soon as my license comes in, I will be purchasing something. Just got to wait for that.

On another note. I have been getting BASHED! For not supporting Obama here in Mass. People are getting down right NASTY! Because I don't support him. I am very open with what I believe in, I do NOT believe I need to hide my love and passion towards my 2A views. Massachusetts is not very friendly here when you do not follow the so called "being normal". Anyone else having any issues? Or am I the only one in this good ole state?

Btw...I am sure there are other non-supporters of Obama here; I just haven’t come across any here.

Thanks Guys!


It's kinda like that where I live. Here in Gary, IN (where about 85% of the residents are Black and an even higher percentage are Democrats) it almost seems to be a given that anyone you come across will be voting for him (except for me, that is). Unlike you, however, I try to keep quiet about the fact that I won't be voting for him, because I don't feel like arguing about it with anyone.
LOL i was told yesterday that i am not a American unless i vote for Obama... LOL OBama can kiss my A hole.. Does not make me less of a American.
LOL i was told yesterday that i am not a American unless i vote for Obama... LOL OBama can kiss my A hole.. Does not make me less of a American.

WOW you got that too? I got that as well word for word. How does voting for someone who is a treat to our constitutional rights being an american?

I wonder if someone who was against freedom of speech was running for president, would people vote for them?

Obama will never get my vote..... ever
The funny thing is i am 22 and they seem to think if people my age or younger tell me this. I will some how see the light and rush to vote for him. I am not that hot over MC but he has some goals we all want. Such as cracking down on the boarders and deporting people who should not be here. The funny part is Mexico tried to sue the USA over cracking down on the boarders. As well as building a bigger fence. LOL but get this if you are found to be in Mexico illegally you don't get a slap on the hand and sent back to the USA. You are sent to jail do not pass go. But yet they cry when we do the same up here. Any way back to the topic on hand yes NH ROCKS>..
So yesterday I'm at the library, the librarian walks by asking everyone if they needed to register to vote, her comment, "Obama needs all the help now."

I just hissed my teeth and cut her off :nono: ( showing her the hand that let her know I was not interested in what she was handing out )
So yesterday I'm at the library, the librarian walks by asking everyone if they needed to register to vote, her comment, "Obama needs all the help now."

I just hissed my teeth and cut her off :nono: ( showing her the hand that let her know I was not interested in what she was handing out )

LOL when you say you showed her the hand that let her know. You mean you gave her the bird lol. I hate how people push stuff on you. Like they know whats best for me and i am some mind less dumb ass who cant even think for my self. point in case the "Church Reaper's" as my wife calls them they are the people who come to your house telling you to join there faith as it's better then the rest. I have nothing bad to say about any church but don't come to my house pushing your faith on me. You would be up in arms if i came to your house's talking about guns and porn.

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