Thank God I'm alive!
Don't you worry. I will be leaving with-in a few years time. I am saving as much money as possible, and hope to buy a house in NH in a year or two. I have heard that Massachusetts will be getting rid of Class B's. Unfortunatly, this means that there will be more Class A denials (this came straight from the horses mouth). If Obama wins, I have the feeling things will get worse, very quickly here in good ole Mass. I hear every day from Antis where I live and work that "guns are the reason that crimes happen". I can't help but laugh, which they always ask "whats so funny". My answer is always, "its so funny that someone who claims to be so educated, can make a ridiculous statement like that with out any evidence to support your argument". I love when they say "I'll give you evidence", and then never do. There is a large anti population where I am from, and it is growing. Us gun owners around here are a dying breed, I'm hoping to keep it alive as long as I can. I will never give up on my 2A rights, like some people I know around here.
You couldn't possibly have been born and raised there, could you? There's no way anyone who was born and raised in such an environment could have as much sense as you. Pro 2a people from PRTA are about as rare as snow is in Hawaii.