What if you saw a Law Enforcement Officer in Trouble?


New member
We just had a woman come to the aid of a highway cop on the news. He stopped a guy. The whole stop went south and the cop was getting the crap beat out of him. Also the person stopped was trying to get the cops weapon. A women stopped and helped beat the guy down. My question is could a person with a concealed permit stop and order the the bad guy off the cop? I'am not trying to be a gung ho, just concerned about another person.

My whole family is police, and I have always said that if I saw a cop getting a beat down, or lying on the side of the road I would do EVERTHING in my power to help. First calling 911 and reporting the incident and then if I can assist the cop. We owe a lot to the men and women who go everyday and risk their life for us, the least we can do is assist them when they need it.

PS I saw that video. That was awesome.
Absolutely!!! I would hope that any able-bodied citizen would assist a LEO. The only thing I would be concerned about is if I had to use my concealed pistol. You would not want the Officer or his backup to mistake you as the bad guy when they arrived on the seen.

We just had a woman come to the aid of a highway cop on the news. He stopped a guy. The whole stop went south and the cop was getting the crap beat out of him. Also the person stopped was trying to get the cops weapon. A women stopped and helped beat the guy down. My question is could a person with a concealed permit stop and order the the bad guy off the cop? I'am not trying to be a gung ho, just concerned about another person.

There was a thread a while back (may have been on another site) about what to do if you walk up on a gunfight between a cop and a BG. In that case I would get my family to safety and call 911.

In this case I would do a similar thing if my family is with me. If not I would like to think I would help the cop. As far as specifics, it depends on the situation.
My question is could a person with a concealed permit stop and order the the bad guy off the cop?

Because that worked so well for the cop?

You either kill the bad guy or stay out of it (or call 911)
Ya sure. I helped a motorcycle cop at the beach one day get his pants cuff unstuck from the chain on his Harley so he didn't have to cut the cuff off or lay the bike down. He pulled me over a few weeks later for having a headlamp out. I told him we were having a hard time troubleshooting the problem and if I bang on the fender it will go on. He said "Bang on it, if it goes on I wont give you a ticket." Gee thanks sport.
Whether I help a PERSON in trouble depends on the person. If he's a cop, that changes little.

We had a decent young Deputy around here for a few years; some of us kept an eye out for him. If we saw the vehicle but not him, we looked around to make sure he was OK. This guy we would unhesitatingly help.

We had a total psycho Deputy here for a few years; we kept our rifles close and watched who came to the door. If this guy was in a fight, most of us would ask the other guy if he needed more ammo.

There are many cases of citizens helping cops. Back in the day, cops were automatically considered Good Guys, and it was the Right Thing to Do. I recall the "Deer Hunter" being written up in the American Rifleman years ago, because he unlimbered his .243 when a convict was getting the better of a Texas Trooper at a rest stop, and put a permanent end to the problem. The DPS gave him a presentation Smith & Wesson. When one liberal Prosecutor made noises about charging him, a great many men in uniform told that Prosecutor there was no LEO in all of Texas who would arrest the man.

That was then, this is now. Two things to remember:

By actual body count, ten times as many innocent bystanders are killed by police as by non-police good guys.

The absolute Ultimate Crime today, far worse than rape, robbery or murder, and for which Prosecutors have NO mercy and cops are utterly Savage in their enforcement, is Doing the Job the Police Believe is Theirs.

I'll make my decision based on what I know of the parties. Just because someone wears a uniform does not make him a good person, or the guy shooting at him a bad person. OH, and if they are wearing black armored Ninja suits and have lots of fancy black weapons, I KNOW they are terrorists.
I'll aid the cop. That's the way we roll out here.
When I was TDY at the Air Force Crypto School in San Angelo, TX, a deer hunter and his young son saw a criminal shoot a DPS officer. The deer hunter put one round through the cab of his pickup, killing the criminal. The cops gave him a custom 1911.:victory:

Hamilton Felix posted "There are many cases of citizens helping cops. Back in the day, cops were automatically considered Good Guys, and it was the Right Thing to Do. I recall the "Deer Hunter" being written up in the American Rifleman years ago, because he unlimbered his .243 when a convict was getting the better of a Texas Trooper at a rest stop, and put a permanent end to the problem. The DPS gave him a presentation Smith & Wesson. When one liberal Prosecutor made noises about charging him, a great many men in uniform told that Prosecutor there was no LEO in all of Texas who would arrest the man."
I think this may be the same incident 1975-76.
I would ALWAYS render assistance if needed and or called for. I completely agree in the initial OP but a call to 911 then assist would be the prudent thing to do. As for Lethal Force, if the situation calls for it, do it. SC Laws protect third party involvement IF the victim in your opinion is or will be further greatly harmed or killed. ( Don't have the exact wording right)
Some States could even file charges if you do not aide and or assist. AND prior to a rebute from anyone......I am not John Wayne or any type of hero just stepping up to the plate if called for. That's what Americans do where I'm from!
If the person gets the cop's gun, no question on helping the officer. If it is a fight, ask if he/she wants help.
I guess I am just old-fashioned but I would have to try to help the LEO. He may be an absolute horse's patoot in every day life but he is still a LEO and in need of help. The TV news story of a civilian helping the cop being beat down was particularly impressive because it was a woman who helped him. I didn't see any big strong men jumping into the fray but maybe there weren't any around. The BG had his hand on the LEO's weapon when the woman started beating the stew out of his head and helped the officer retain his footing. That woman should also be given some recognition for her actions.:smile:
I guess I am just old-fashioned but I would have to try to help the LEO. He may be an absolute horse's patoot in every day life but he is still a LEO and in need of help. The TV news story of a civilian helping the cop being beat down was particularly impressive because it was a woman who helped him. I didn't see any big strong men jumping into the fray but maybe there weren't any around. The BG had his hand on the LEO's weapon when the woman started beating the stew out of his head and helped the officer retain his footing. That woman should also be given some recognition for her actions.:smile:
Without hesitation. I would call 911 and give a sitrep and a detailed description of myself if there was time. The fact that there was violent resistance going on satisfies the requirements in my state (Oregon) to use reasonable force. If the BG got the officers weapon then he has demonstrated Ability, Opportunity and Intent to cause serious injury or death. He would be shot, and continue to be shot until he quit moving.
Here is my answer from another forum where the topic was about this same incident....

First, I want to say that I am glad this turned out well for the officer.

I wish no harm to anyone, but my signature line is not just some cute saying....

Would I have come to the aid of the officer? I really do not know.... Because of some encounters I have had with police, when I broke NO LAWS, yet was harassed, belittled, threatened, etc.... these encounters (and others well documented that have happened to other people) have lead me to believe I may have to defend myself from the police someday for doing nothing illegal, up to and including using lethal force to defend my life.....

How do I know that the person I see fighting an officer isnt someone in that type of situation?

The police have brought this on themselves, and have alienated some of the very people who would have defended them to the death in yrs past......

I am also wondering WHY was the perp even out of jail with his type of record? This is another example of one of the many things wrong with our so-called justice system.
I am also wondering WHY was the perp even out of jail with his type of record? This is another example of one of the many things wrong with our so-called justice system.

if this was in Illinois you could blame gov quinn's early release program...

but i would like to think i would help, but it would have to depend on the situation...

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