"We Don't Call 911" Signs - Deterrent or Invitation?


New member
No doubt we've all seen these signs. They come in many styles, colors, etc..

I've thought about getting one for my home, as a humorous way of giving pause to those who might consider doing harm to me or my family.

But is it actually making a home more of a target for burglers, alerting them that guns are kept inside?

Is a sign like this a deterrent to the BG's, or an invitation?

Thanks for any feedback!

I could see an overzealous DA showing that sign to a jury while comparing you to George Zimmerman. You'll never see one on my house
Neither a deterrent nor an invitation. More like a narcissistic cry for attention "look at me, I have a cool gun"
I have no signs including a welcome mat, bad guy could say I invited him in. Do have private property and no trespassing signs, two large trained dogs, B-alarm, video and I personally am always armed to the teeth.
I will not go down to criticising you, I will just say : Do as you wish and see how you go...I am sure we will hear about it if and when something happens -- either from you personally or from the newspaper. What do you think?
It's bravado unlike .........

Ooh, ooh ooh--I am so scared. I am a career BG and you just scared me to the point that I think I will give up my trade.
i wouldn't put one on my property either as i think it might entice a crook to try and steal the gun or think i have valuables worth trying to protect.........the less attention i can draw to my home the better
i know some folks put a fake security sign in their yard and others who use reputable security systems and post the sign which is ok but i wouldn't get security system or a sign but that's just me i don't have much to steal here to post signs if i lived in the country i'd prolly post no tresspassing signs on my property lines though
best wishes
I have often asked myself the same thing. But to answer myself is pointless. The only answer worth knowing is that of the other guy reading your sign. While I'm sure for some it is a deterrent. For others, it's an invitation. Some of those "others" have friends who may also take you up on that invitation. Though not a fan of his progressive ideology, I do agree with what was Teddy Roosevelt's foreign policy: "Speak softly and carry a big stick."

Perhaps a .45 caliber stick. :-\
No doubt we've all seen these signs. They come in many styles, colors, etc..

I've thought about getting one for my home, as a humorous way of giving pause to those who might consider doing harm to me or my family.

But is it actually making a home more of a target for burglers, alerting them that guns are kept inside?

Is a sign like this a deterrent to the BG's, or an invitation?

Thanks for any feedback!


In todays world of Libtarded Political Anti-Gun Correctness I would seriously advise against this sort of signage.
Imagine what those Fascists at MSNBC & CNN would have done if George Zimmerman had signs like these on his property.
Well, I have a sign just like that on my front door. I also have one on my back door. Most of the time someone is home and they have easy access to a weapon and know how to use it. If someone enters my home without an invitation from me or my family the sign will be irrelevant. Comparing a home invasion to what happened with Zimmerman is not comparing apples with apples. Zimmerman was not in his home. Zimmerman was out in public and decided to take matters into his own hands. He pursued an unknown individual when he should have let the trained professionals (police) do it. Report suspicious activity, fine. Stay back at a distance and observe, fine. Pursue the suspicious person on foot and put yourself in danger, not so smart. Make forced entry into my home AFTER reading the signs posted, not so smart either.
This signage has no valid point. Putting up a sign to tell the world you think you are a bad ass is foolhardy.
Wow. A lot of haters on this forum....

My stepdaughter got me this sweatshirt for Christmas and I wear it all the time:

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I am all for humor but it has to actually be funny. I like the shirt. The sign not so much. Talks cheap. Just make sure your ready for when they come. Be nice till it time not to be nice.
I believe that assuming that someone is advertising " they think they are a bad ass" is reading way too much into the sign. In my case, I understand that there are better armed, more capable people who could possibly decide to enter my home against my will. My sign is meant to convey this thought. If you come in, I will not call 911 first. I am prepared to defend my home. I can always call 911 after the smoke clears. If I am not able to call I am sure someone will. Either way, I will not be a victim. I will not call 911 first and hope and pray that the police show up to take care of the bad guy.
Be it a sign, t-shirt, or whatever.....I'll never have something that might indicate that I'm predisposed to shooting someone, regardless of how I really may feel about it. Could turn into a legal nightmare if I ever did have to shoot someone.
Wow. A lot of haters on this forum....

My stepdaughter got me this sweatshirt for Christmas and I wear it all the time:

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That reminds me of what I told my granddaughter's boyfriend (now her husband) when they were visiting a few years ago: "Do you see that girl over there? I said." He said, "Yes." I then said, "Well, if I ever hear that you have laid a hand on her, I don't mind going back to prison."
I agree with Treo that if an incident happened the DA would use it against you and if not the DA then maybe a civil lawyer for the dipwad, or his survivors, that invaded your property if he should leave by stretcher or body bag.