Walmart - LEO Encounter

Just like not all cops are bad, not ever gun I encounter is loaded. However since I can't tell at a glance which is which, I follow all safety rules at all times and I treat every gun I encounter as if it is loaded.

Likewise, I guard my rights in any police encounter I may find myself in
Cops are like hitchhikers.

Not every hitchhiker is a serial killer.
SOME are.
I don't pick up hitchhikers.

Not every cop is a violent, racist sociopath.
SOME are.
I limit my contacts with police to those explicitly SPECIFIED by law, and consent to NOTHING.

By your way of thinking 90% of all Cop's are no good, so I can't figgure out how myself and my 3 brother's all made it to retirement and all retired as sergeant's after 25 or more years on the job without any civilian complaints about us. Yea I know you will now say that we were covered for by other members of the Dept. and that would also be wrong.
I don't know what the percentage is, and it's probably unknowable. That being the case it is manifestly contrary to my interests to waive ANY right when dealing with the police. I don't know of an Android app that will ID bad cops. Do you?

Of course any assertion that cops don't cover for each other is simply beneath contempt. It's not just a lie, it's an almost inconceivably stupid lie. After all, the Danziger Bridge (and other Katrina related) murder investigations in New Orleans center PRECISELY on wide spread coverups of police misconduct, up to and including MURDER. Too, you've apparently never heard of the Burge case in Chicago involving a decades long Klaus Barbie style torture ring. What was Jon Burge recently convicted and imprisoned for? Perjury involving the COVERUP.

It would be one thing to say these things are justified. It would be evil, but at least rational. Denying that they even happened is just silly.
Boy who pissed in your cereal this morning. I suppose I should leave you alone because it is very obvious that your mouth get's you in trouble. By your way of thinking 90% of all Cop's are no good, so I can't figgure out how myself and my 3 brother's all made it to retirement and all retired as sergeant's after 25 or more years on the job without any civilian complaints about us. Yea I know you will now say that we were covered for by other members of the Dept. and that would also be wrong.
Bill Hurley Sr
Retired Det. Sergeant
Atlantic City Police Department
New Jersey

To answer your question: San Bernardino County SO, LAPD, Los Aangeles County SO, San Diego County SO. The first three contributed to my four terrifying encounters, the last robbed me. All of those encounters were initiated by the officers, not me. All began with the officers' gun drawn, before a word was said. None ended in an arrest, one ended with a speeding ticket. The two LAPD encounters happened in the same place, by the same cops, at the same time of night (0230) and ended with all the stuff in my car scattered all over the street in a very bad part of south-central Los Angeles and me left alone to pick up my stuff and get out alive. Clearly, they were looking for guns or drugs which I did not have. I'm pretty sure that had I mouthed off, or offered any resistance, I wouldn't be sitting here typing. Had I actually committed a crime, I'd have been arrested. I never have. I did let a ticket go to warrant once but took care of it before I got snagged (full disclosure.)

Interesting that you assume that my mouth is the problem by reading what my fingers did on a keyboard. But, I will walk my comment back a bit by saying that my experience has been exclusive to Southern California so no, I can't generalize about Jerzy cops. Perhaps they are indeed all saints like you. I would not proceed by that assumption though and drop my guard.

Since you included your resume' here's mine: At the time of the LAPD and LASO encounters, an unarmed security guard at a hi-rise office building in downtown LA (slacks and blazer, not hard uniforrm.)Six years USN, honorable discharge as an E-6 (AME1.) 20 years, Customer Service Field rep, for a major corporation. Retired at age 48. Smart mouth A-holes generally don't last in any of those jobs, they exist, but don't last. I prospered.

The point of all of this being that a white, middle class(now,)law abiding citizen has had all this happen and developed a very raw attitude towards LE. Demographically,I should be the poster boy for backing the badge but I'd frankly rather back over one. I'm telling you that this is normal police behavior towards average white citizens in SoCal. One reason that I'm now in Idaho. It's far, far worse for persons of color. You, as a professional law officer should be appalled. Perhaps you should be working to improve that image by rooting out those that contribute to it rather than attacking the integrity of the victim.

I wish I lived in a society where I didn't have to fear the police. I wish I lived in a society where cops weren't specifically permitted to lie while, for me to do the same to them is a crime. I wish I didn't live in a society where 50 Spokane officers could get away with standing and saluting one of their own upon the announcement of his conviction for beating an unarmed, compliant man to death. I wish these things were possible but, frankly, it's better here than anywhere else. A sad state of affairs.

Yes, the worst examples do make the news. None of mine did. That Spokane Psychopath operated in law enforcement for 40 years. Like an Iceberg, most Police abuse is out of site. I'm sure for many, that's proof that it doesn't exist.

This will be my last post on the subject. I'm afraid I'm boring the readers.
I think the issue with bad cops is the lack of "outting" by the "good" cops, which makes all that know of the "bad" cops, complicit (and therefor, "bad" as well) ....
I think the issue with bad cops is the lack of "outting" by the "good" cops, which makes all that know of the "bad" cops, complicit (and therefor, "bad" as well) ....
Look at the examples of S.O.S. in Chicago and the convenience store robbery ring in Philadelphia. I'm sorry, you simply can't have a home invasion ring operating INSIDE of a major urban police department without a LOT of people knowing. Where that happens, the department is a total write-off. Utterly unreliable and irredeemable.

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