TSA pats down 4-year-old after she hugs grandmother


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The issue is who is working for the TSA. These are the same morons that worked there pre-9/11 with fancy uniforms and shiny gold shields on their chests. Go to JFK Airport, and you will be frightened at who is in charge of security screening. I had personally witnessed one TSA Agent break out in dance and song at the screening line for no reason. When questioned as to what she was doing, her response was "I was told to be unpredictable". There was another report this week that called airport security "an embarrassment". Look at what you are hiring and calling "security". I wouldn't let these people guard the deposits in an outhouse.

Overhead Bin - TSA pats down 4-year-old after she hugs grandmother

I frickin' hate flying....this is one of many reasons.
I am just waiting for that one person that stands about 6'6" to clock some TSA NAMBLA freakazoid for getting his package rubbed the wrong way. I don't understand what happened to people in this country. Have we really lost our backbone, our will to preserve our dignity? We're Americans damn it, we don't tolerate this kind of crap.
There have been so many incidents in the news over the past year about TSA pat downs any nothing beneficial has came out of these incidents. Every couple of months there is an incident with the TSA pat downs, somebody tells the news, news stirs up the negative feelings in the public about this, everyone gets mad, and then it dies down until the next one while thousands of people continue to fly every day.

If you are going to fly, expect those TSA agents to grab you and feel you up real good or go through a cancer machine. Oh well.
NavyLCDR:303928 said:
I frickin' hate flying....this is one of many reasons.

Really? Some people would say they were just providing for public safety.

Your trolling comments are unbecomming. And if you actually kept them in context instead of trying to take some obscure jab at me, you might sound a little bit smarter.
Your trolling comments are unbecomming. And if you actually kept them in context instead of trying to take some obscure jab at me, you might sound a little bit smarter.

So, in other words, what you are trying to say is that it is OK for others to be detained and frisked by police because one person of unknown reliability calls 911 with a story of what may be true information or has more chance of being either a mistake or made up story.....but God forbid those government monsters in TSA shirts and rubber gloves start eyballing you? Why make this TSA issue about rights instead of public safety? It's OK for the police to do it on the street, but not when it affects you getting on an airplane? You don't think there are criminals out there that would stoop so low as to threaten to kill a grandmother if they didn't let them plant drugs on a little girl to smuugle them? Doesn't Joe Citizen on the street have the same rights as little Sally 4 year old getting on an airplane?

Why don't you polish the TSA badges and lick their boots the same way you do the cops' on the streets? It's about public safety, after all.

Don't get me wrong, I am against a lot of what the government says is OK for TSA to do. But I am equally against the rights violations happening every day out there in the name of "enforcing laws and providing public safety". An unjustified frisk is an unjustified frisk - whether it is a 4 year old girl in an airport or a 22 year old man dressed like a gang banger.
They added the full body scanners at our local airport, we have decided to drive when we travel now, within reason.
NavyLCDR:304002 said:
Your trolling comments are unbecomming. And if you actually kept them in context instead of trying to take some obscure jab at me, you might sound a little bit smarter.

So, in other words, what you are trying to say is that it is OK for others to be detained and frisked by police because one person of unknown reliability calls 911 with a story of what may be true information or has more chance of being either a mistake or made up story.....but God forbid those government monsters in TSA shirts and rubber gloves start eyballing you? Why make this TSA issue about rights instead of public safety? It's OK for the police to do it on the street, but not when it affects you getting on an airplane? You don't think there are criminals out there that would stoop so low as to threaten to kill a grandmother if they didn't let them plant drugs on a little girl to smuugle them? Doesn't Joe Citizen on the street have the same rights as little Sally 4 year old getting on an airplane?

Why don't you polish the TSA badges and lick their boots the same way you do the cops' on the streets? It's about public safety, after all.

Don't get me wrong, I am against a lot of what the government says is OK for TSA to do. But I am equally against the rights violations happening every day out there in the name of "enforcing laws and providing public safety". An unjustified frisk is an unjustified frisk - whether it is a 4 year old girl in an airport or a 22 year old man dressed like a gang banger.

Again, keep it in context here. Airport screening by a security officer vs LEO encounter during an investigation...apples and oranges. I know you'll disagree with me but who cares?? I'm really no longer interested in having a discussion with you that we vehemently can't agree on and that we discussed to death in a different thread.
I would rather we drive because I want our doggie to go with us on our trip. If he can't, I prefer to stay home. Unfortunately there are places that we need to go that our doggie will be an inconvenienced. Then he goes to the kennel. Not all airports have proper security, especially the small local ones. Just look at how the 9/11 incident happened. The guys stayed here for a while as students, been able to hire a plane and fly them into a building and two. And others. Where are the local authorities? Anyone who knows how to fly knows this. We can just fly our plane and go to Washington. Kommiefornia or Georgia or Florida without passing by any TSA...That is what we do for kicks with other pilots in our organization.

Anyway...back to the point, Israel had a better way of people going through their airport...they profile. What is wrong with profiling if it works? Why go through traumatic incidents like this little girl? --It is completely unnecessary! Being once considered "an alien" in this country, I had gone through one of those traumatic incidents at LA airport before 9/11. That is why I never really want to live here or go here in the first place. The ordeal that I had gone through is enough for me to hate those people over there. The expense that we had gone through to make me legal here will feed a small army in any third world country.

TSA agents here are the rudest people in this planet. They still are.
So, in other words, what you are trying to say is that it is OK for others to be detained and frisked by police because one person of unknown reliability calls 911 with a story of what may be true information or has more chance of being either a mistake or made up story.....but God forbid those government monsters in TSA shirts and rubber gloves start eyballing you? Why make this TSA issue about rights instead of public safety? It's OK for the police to do it on the street, but not when it affects you getting on an airplane? You don't think there are criminals out there that would stoop so low as to threaten to kill a grandmother if they didn't let them plant drugs on a little girl to smuugle them? Doesn't Joe Citizen on the street have the same rights as little Sally 4 year old getting on an airplane?

Why don't you polish the TSA badges and lick their boots the same way you do the cops' on the streets? It's about public safety, after all.

Don't get me wrong, I am against a lot of what the government says is OK for TSA to do. But I am equally against the rights violations happening every day out there in the name of "enforcing laws and providing public safety". An unjustified frisk is an unjustified frisk - whether it is a 4 year old girl in an airport or a 22 year old man dressed like a gang banger.

Get this: El Al, Israels airline, uses no such equipment and has a very high safety record just by profiling but profiling here is not PC because it's hurts people's feelings. Our BS laws are fast becoming our own worst enemy......well that and the govt.
longslide10:304146 said:
So, in other words, what you are trying to say is that it is OK for others to be detained and frisked by police because one person of unknown reliability calls 911 with a story of what may be true information or has more chance of being either a mistake or made up story.....but God forbid those government monsters in TSA shirts and rubber gloves start eyballing you? Why make this TSA issue about rights instead of public safety? It's OK for the police to do it on the street, but not when it affects you getting on an airplane? You don't think there are criminals out there that would stoop so low as to threaten to kill a grandmother if they didn't let them plant drugs on a little girl to smuugle them? Doesn't Joe Citizen on the street have the same rights as little Sally 4 year old getting on an airplane?

Why don't you polish the TSA badges and lick their boots the same way you do the cops' on the streets? It's about public safety, after all.

Don't get me wrong, I am against a lot of what the government says is OK for TSA to do. But I am equally against the rights violations happening every day out there in the name of "enforcing laws and providing public safety". An unjustified frisk is an unjustified frisk - whether it is a 4 year old girl in an airport or a 22 year old man dressed like a gang banger.

Get this: El Al, Israels airline, uses no such equipment and has a very high safety record just by profiling but profiling here is not PC because it's hurts people's feelings. Our BS laws are fast becoming our own worst enemy......well that and the govt.

I've heard it to be the safest in the world...which says a lot for being in the armpit of the Middle East. TSA agents are under educated, under payed and this country has not done enough to maintain airline security post 9/11. 4 yr old kids of US decent is probably a relatively low threat to airline security.
1.) TSA is an experiment by the central state to determine the tolerance of Americans to tyranny - how much intrusion will we endure and how many of our civil rights are we willing to forfeit under the guise of safety or their demands...??? Outcry and indignation is producing virtually nothing as the grievances continue and the encroachments become more bold. The entreaties of U.S. congressmen and senators groped, delayed, and humiliated are routinely ignored now demonstrating the full force of the federal government to control absolutely everyone. When those that are actually part of the power structure can be manipulated like this by these "blue shirts" there is real trouble just over the horizon. TSA is spreading to more and more of the public space and have shown up at bus and train terminals, highway check points, and have threatened to invade high school proms. TSA is the framework for the "civilian national security force" that our current president called for in July of 2008 and it's in the test phase now. Individuals don't stand a chance to change this and I don't know how large of a contingent would be required to do so, if at all. It's impossible to predict if TSA is designed as a central state defense from civil unrest due to a black swan event or if they're here as police state enforcers when the time is right. Obviously, the current TSA employment compliment is not up to the needs of the aforementioned totalitarian/security state requirements but with the correct leadership from elsewhere and additional training many of them could be utilized as offense/defense pawns. For now however, TSA will continue to encroach on our rights, and our dignity; they'll be used to ascertain just how much the folks will put up with before there is serious pushback. But, as long as we want to keep our lives unthreatened by authoritarianism, maintain our lifestyles, and not lose our property, we'll put up with a lot!

2.) TSA is a jobs program. These are fairly good jobs in todays highly competitive market and they have excellent benefits. The government needs more worker bee's and TSA is the perfect place to hire people that probably have few skills needed in todays work environment. These employees with probably do just about anything that is asked of them with little or no thought of what they are doing to others, how their positions trample individual rights, and how truly ineffective they really are. Screeners will do what they are told and they will not buck the system, pure & simple. There will be true believers, "we're protecting the public from harm"; there are social misfits looking for that little bit of authority they could never exert otherwise; deviants offered an unending supply of gratification, and zealots waiting for their chance to be part of "the great change". Regardless of the categories mentioned, TSA personnel are afforded a government job with government benefits and it's doubtful that they will bite the hand that feeds them if push comes to shove.
I actually think that the TSA is an example of what happens when government begins to control private sector business.

The airlines in the past were in charge of their own security and bore the entire cost. This was both on the prevention side and the liability side. In other words, free market pressures.

The government steps in and regulates the mechanics of security but steps away from everything else. What happens? The same thing that happens every other time that the government takes over. Costs go up and service level goes down.

As for the banter about the past thread? Well, I find the irony of Navy, if being a government employee, (if you really are - no disrespect intended I just do not know if you work for the Navy or just use that handle) being so anti government to be a priceless irony. However, it doesn't make him wrong about giving up liberty for "security". While some of the details and mechanics of the arguments are out there, the overall concept is sound.

On the flip side, there are steps that do need to be taken to ensure public safety. Calling every question an LEO asks you an infringement of rights is like crying race when a black man gets caught committing a bad act. One thing has nothing to do with another, but is a battle cry used to incite reactions and evoke a knee jerk emotional response. The LEO community has the need to investigate complaints. Yes, if someone complains that an act is committed, the LEO has the right and duty to stop and question the person. An arrest can be made on a sworn statement alone, and charges filed if the strength of that statement is sufficiently strong. An investigation begins on a complaint. No further evidence needs to be put forth to start. It doesn't mean a conviction will be received or an arrest will be made. The presumption of innocence is what causes the investigation to take place and what separates us from the "police states" that some say we are moving towards.

Sorry for biting at the troll bait and taking this thread back off target.
1.) TSA is an experiment by the central state to determine the tolerance of Americans to tyranny - how much intrusion will we endure and how many of our civil rights are we willing to forfeit under the guise of safety or their demands...??? Outcry and indignation is producing virtually nothing as the grievances continue and the encroachments become more bold. The entreaties of U.S. congressmen and senators groped, delayed, and humiliated are routinely ignored now demonstrating the full force of the federal government to control absolutely everyone. When those that are actually part of the power structure can be manipulated like this by these "blue shirts" there is real trouble just over the horizon. TSA is spreading to more and more of the public space and have shown up at bus and train terminals, highway check points, and have threatened to invade high school proms. TSA is the framework for the "civilian national security force" that our current president called for in July of 2008 and it's in the test phase now. Individuals don't stand a chance to change this and I don't know how large of a contingent would be required to do so, if at all. It's impossible to predict if TSA is designed as a central state defense from civil unrest due to a black swan event or if they're here as police state enforcers when the time is right. Obviously, the current TSA employment compliment is not up to the needs of the aforementioned totalitarian/security state requirements but with the correct leadership from elsewhere and additional training many of them could be utilized as offense/defense pawns. For now however, TSA will continue to encroach on our rights, and our dignity; they'll be used to ascertain just how much the folks will put up with before there is serious pushback. But, as long as we want to keep our lives unthreatened by authoritarianism, maintain our lifestyles, and not lose our property, we'll put up with a lot!

2.) TSA is a jobs program. These are fairly good jobs in todays highly competitive market and they have excellent benefits. The government needs more worker bee's and TSA is the perfect place to hire people that probably have few skills needed in todays work environment. These employees with probably do just about anything that is asked of them with little or no thought of what they are doing to others, how their positions trample individual rights, and how truly ineffective they really are. Screeners will do what they are told and they will not buck the system, pure & simple. There will be true believers, "we're protecting the public from harm"; there are social misfits looking for that little bit of authority they could never exert otherwise; deviants offered an unending supply of gratification, and zealots waiting for their chance to be part of "the great change". Regardless of the categories mentioned, TSA personnel are afforded a government job with government benefits and it's doubtful that they will bite the hand that feeds them if push comes to shove.

I think you are spot on with this. I often wondered who has the most invested in those sterility producing Gamma ray machines. As they say follow the money trail. We all need to just refuse to play their game. It's called defiance.

This bs war on terrorism is just another step needed to systematically destroy our constitution and replace it with the NWO communist enslavement program. It's all about controlling the masses and their property and wealth and once again history will repeat itself and we will have to go to war against the oppressors.
File on TSA as assault, or slip on your rubber gloves and hold his junk with statement we are not going to hurt each other are we??
File on TSA as assault, or slip on your rubber gloves and hold his junk with statement we are not going to hurt each other are we??
Reminds me of an incident at a major airport. The TSA guy was groping the in-between of a guy's pants and instead of getting angry, the guy being groped made a face of enjoying the sensation together with the expression "ahhhhhh...ummmm...." loud enough for everyone on the line to hear him. The TSA guy dropped his hands immediately. If only looks could kill......

(No...the guy being groped is not gay at all. He is a good friend of my husband and he was just annoyed that everytime he passes by that airport, that TSA guy would insists on groping him. Anyway, the TSA guy stopped doing that to him from then on.)

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