Time to Boycott Pizza Hut

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Red Hat

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I heard about this watching Red Eye on Fox News tonight and they called for a Boycott of Pizza Hut. It happened back on March 28 and they fired the delivery guy on April 18. This is the first I've heard of it.

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Pizza Delivery Driver Fired After Shooting

POSTED: 3:43 pm CDT April 18, 2008
UPDATED: 3:46 pm CDT April 18, 2008

DES MOINES, Iowa -- A pizza delivery driver, who police said defended himself by shooting a robber who attacked him, was fired from his job on Friday.

James Spiers, 38, confirmed to KCCI that he is no longer employed by Pizza Hut. Spiers said he was given two months severance pay and was offered help finding a new job by the company.

Spiers told KCCI in an interview two weeks ago that he was not angry with his employer about the possibility of being let go and said he hadn't decided whether to return to the job even if he wasn't fired.

According to court documents, Melanie Stout, 18, called in a pizza order to an apartment building at 2050 SE King Ave. Police said her fiancee, Kenneth Jimmerson, 19, was waiting in the lobby with a gun when Spiers arrived at 10:39 p.m. on March 28.

Police said Jimmerson tried to rob Spiers at gunpoint. During a struggle, Spiers pulled out his own gun and opened fire. Spiers shot Jimmerson several times, in what police said was a justified shooting. Jimmerson survived was sent to the hospital and a couple days later moved to the Polk County Jail.

Though Spiers had a permit to carry his gun, Pizza Hut suspended its long-time delivery driver.

A corporate spokesman told KCCI two weeks ago that Spiers violated company policy by carrying a gun. Pizza Hut suspended him, while the company gathered more information before deciding the fate of his job.

Previous Stories:
April 2, 2008: Pizza Delivery Driver Talks About Shooting
March 28, 2008: Pizza Delivery Man Shoots Armed Robber


A Pizza Hut delivery driver with a valid handgun permit has been fired after he shot an armed robber who put a gun to his head and demanded he turn over his cash. Now an Iowa state senator is calling for a boycott of Pizza Hut:

"You tell me any Iowan that was in his situation, that had a gun put to his head, how they would've reacted differently," state Sen. Brad Zaun of Urbandale said. "I think it's the wrong decision by Pizza Hut and I will not be buying any more Pizza Hut products."

A lot more info here. Link Removed
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Since Papa John's opened here in Hawaii, I've been getting the bulk of my pizza from them. I wonder if they have a similar policy. It's sad to see a corporation take action against an employee that did what he had to do to protect himself. Apparently they don't realize what could have happened if things were reversed and their employee was injured on the job. I think that part of the problem is that the BG lived and will probably be suing Pizza Hut for a large sum of money to cover perpetual medical expenses. I strongly believe that things would be different if the BG ended up dead.

If it's a corporate policy then a larger boycott of YUM brands, inc. should be considered. YUM ownes A&W, Long John Silvers, KFC, and Taco Bell in addition to Pizza Hut...
Here's the generic "contact us" page on YUM brands site: Link Removed
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Of course I am not surprised. My experience with cooperations is they could care less about their employees. I think the majority treat their employees a bad as they think they can get away with.
Pizza Hut

Of course I am not surprised. My experience with cooperations is they could care less about their employees. I think the majority treat their employees a bad as they think they can get away with.

I agree DrDavid, most of them care only about the all mighty dollar.
Have you noticed, Pizza Hut is largely take-out now. To be sure, few sit-in joints remain here in Central Florida. What would PH do if every single pizza delivery got robbed? I wonder how long PH would stay in business? I'm just so glad that this dude saved his own life.

When it comes to their employees, all too many corporations/companies are like the research facilities that use rats for testing: THEY DON'T GIVE A RAT'S ASS ABOUT A RAT'S ASS! Nothing new there, is there? Wouldn't it be great if companies, upon hearing of the uproar after this incident actually became proactive? I for one won't hold my breath. BRAVO to that vote-seeking politician for saying the right thing. Alas, if every politician did just one decent thing for the good of us legal citizens...
Well that is how I will hurt them. No more of mine.I tried to email them and it would not go.I think these are Buffets babys and he needs his nickers tucked. That would be the billonare Warren buffet.
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The important thing is...

The driver is still alive. He can pursue other careers and is not leaving a wife and child behind...or grieving parents.:mp230603214546Murde
You are all so right. Big business only cares about one thing and that is MONEY! Well I f or one am done with the hut.
As a college student I live on Pizza, however I dropped pizza hut the day after I heard about this case. I've been at papa johns ever since. I'm not sure of their policy, but locally a know a driver who carries and the local managment seems not to give a hoot. Stupid people with stupid reasons.
G50AE, quit opening old threads just to pad your post count! This one is over a year old!

Luke, please lock this thread for me!
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