Taking the Plunge

Mr. Crow

New member
So today I went down to my local cop shop and got the ball rolling on my License to Carry Handgun permit. Filled out my forms, and got finger-printed (they didn't have any wipes naturally). Now I get to play the waiting game! Any idea how fast Indiana moves on permits?

I joined this forum a few months ago inquiring about the Crossbreed Supertuck for my CZ75. Since that time I have purchased the Supertuck and I've been wearing the gun at home to get it broken in and find where it fit me best. I'm really happy that I went ahead and got the Supertuck! Really comfortable when sitting and moving around. Granted I'll know more when I'm able to carry all day anywhere I go.

Anyway, I had a couple of questions I was hoping you fine folks would be able to help me out with. I've got the Supertuck holster but, what about an extra magazine? I have a 16+1 magazine from MecGar and a 15+1 round that I'm assuming came from the factory since it has no markings. Is the 16+1 all that's needed or should I look into a mag carrier?

My other question is, these carry restricted areas. What to do with my weapon when I've no other choice but to be in one? Can I just lock the pistol in the glove box? What about carrying in the post office? I haven't read anything about it being a carry restricted area but maybe I'm just looking in the wrong area.

First off, congrats on getting the ball rolling! The more responsible armed citizens on the street, the better off everybody is.

I'm not sure how fast Indiana gets their permits done, but if I recall correctly, a lot of states are beginning to use electronic fingerprinting. If you had your fingerprints taken on a computer using a touch pad, then you can likely expect a faster processing time. If not, it'll likely be longer. *Note, it also depends on how many applications your licensing division is currently processing.

Regarding magazines and ammunition capacity, I say carry as much as you can comfortably, but definitely at least 2-3 magazines total. You should be training to fire from different positions, weak arm, and other possible scenarios you could be in, including weapon emergency procedures. Work on your own physical fitness, get plenty of sleep, and stay focused, always striving to learn more about the law, your weapon, and tactics. I have 2 magazines of 8 right now, which is pretty pathetic, so my total carrying capacity is 17. I'm a fairly decent shot, but I want to get at least 2 more magazines, and a carrier. If you're in a situation where you have to fire over 30 rounds, you're either firing blanks, a bad shot, or in a really bad situation, in which you should be firing rounds just to get the hell out of there as fast as possible!

Every state has it's own areas where carrying is unauthorized. This site is a good place to start, but your state's website will have the most up-to-date information. In Florida, as long as it's not a state or federal, "gun-free" area, private businesses, stores, and other places displaying a no-firearms sign, are generally authorized to carry in, unless they say you can't. In that case if you continue to carry in there, or lie about carrying, you can face serious trespassing with a firearm charges. As I've said, this is FL though. Check this site, and your state's site for the best information. I'm also pretty sure carrying into a post office is illegal, but I can't recall for sure at this time.
Check out the resources area for Indiana. Here's a link Indiana Concealed Carry Permit Information If you need further information, contact the Indiana State Police, or your local LE agency where you applied for your permit.

Federal property (including post offices) are prohibited areas in every state unless you have specific written permission (for example, if you live on a military base and have a permit or other written authorization from the post commander).

Your permit should come with information regarding state and county laws, or information as to where you can find the applicable laws. If you don't receive any information with your permit, or are still unclear as to what is allowed, and what isn't allowed, I strongly recommend requesting the information IN WRITING from the Indiana State Police Link Removed

well i'm in the same boat you are i just renewed my permit for a lifetime one in northwest IN. and from what i've heard it usually takes about three to five weeks to get the permit.........and as for carrying extra ammo do what ever you feel comfortable with...........
When I carry a semi auto (and that's most of the time recently) I always carry 1 spare mag on my person and 1 in the center console of my truck. Why? Because I am not comfortable betting my life on the fact that the mag in the gun will always work reliably when my life is on the line. The one on me is the #1 backup but in a vehicle, it's easier to get to the one in the console than to reach down between the seat and the console for it. It would make much more sense to me to dump, rack repeatedly to clear and load a fresh, full mag if there's a malfunction with the primary magazine than go through the rack and tap drill and rely on that magazine that just had a failure. I don't think I'm going to need that much ammunition (if I run through 14 shots of .45 and still am under threat, I've really screwed up) but a malfunction is always an outside possibility.
I agree...seems to me if you find you're grinding through 14, 15, 16 rounds of ammo and you're still at a deficit, you're wading in deeper poop than you bargained for. I guess it's better to have more than less, but...Geez! How much warfare should one guy be prepared for?!?
Depending on what the attire allows for, I'll carry between 1 and 2 extra mags (10 rounds per mag). I do carry a BUG whenever possible, so that would add an additional 9 rounds in the BUG if it's a Glock 27 or 10 rounds if it's a Glock 23. Weather or not I carry the 2nd BUG would depend on what I was doing, where I was going, and how long I planned to be away from home/hotel.

From what I've read from you guys I think I'll get along fine with the single 16+1 magazine. I might just stick the second magazine in one of my pockets/bag.

What is the school of thought on carrying reloads? I can get 500 count box of Remington Gold Sabers for $66.00 compared to $20.00 for a 20 round box of Speer Gold Dots. Using my reloads I'd be able to practice with what I carry. It just seems to make more sense to me but maybe I'm missing something.
From what I've read from you guys I think I'll get along fine with the single 16+1 magazine. I might just stick the second magazine in one of my pockets/bag.

What is the school of thought on carrying reloads? I can get 500 count box of Remington Gold Sabers for $66.00 compared to $20.00 for a 20 round box of Speer Gold Dots. Using my reloads I'd be able to practice with what I carry. It just seems to make more sense to me but maybe I'm missing something.

Reloads are great for practice, but be sure to fire up a couple of boxes of your SD ammo as well. This will ensure that it feeds properly in your firearm, and will help you gain confidence in the round. I personally wouldn't carry reloads for SD, but there are various schools of thought.

I personally use Speer Gold Dot ammo for my SD needs.


My other question is, these carry restricted areas. What to do with my weapon when I've no other choice but to be in one? Can I just lock the pistol in the glove box? What about carrying in the post office? I haven't read anything about it being a carry restricted area but maybe I'm just looking in the wrong area.

I CC. And it means conceal is conceal. Don't announce it. Keep quiet about having a gun with you and/or in your person other than those whom you trust, e.g., your wife and kids (better have a good explanation). Experience taught me to act normal though sometimes it is really hard to do now that self-awareness is a different kind of "normal" to live.

I carry everywhere. So does my husband. If I have to go to a government facility where we can't carry, I would rather not. Or stores where we can't carry, I do not go. They don't need my money...I'd go where my business and my wallet is appreciated.

I CC. And it means conceal is conceal. Don't announce it. Keep quiet about having a gun with you and/or in your person other than those whom you trust, e.g., your wife and kids (better have a good explanation). Experience taught me to act normal though sometimes it is really hard to do now that self-awareness is a different kind of "normal" to live.

I agree. There's a higher chance of me sprouting wings than willingly letting a stranger in public know I had a gun on me. As far as acting normal, I'm currently more concerned with people that do know I'm carrying acting strangely when we're out. Since I've talked to various friends and family about getting my LTCH some of them have gotten a little odd around me. Can't quite put my finger on it but definitely different. I'll live with it and if they don't want to hang around me after I begin carrying then their choice.

In general it is a bad idea to use handloads/reloads for defensive situations.

I'm not looking for an argument but are there any particular reasons why? If it's legal reasons I could understand but as far as for my physical safety I'd say that I trust my reloads more than a $20 box of ammunition. It irks me and my wallet that those same 124gr bullets that Speer uses cost $21.99 for 20 assembled rounds but I can go on MidwayUSA.com and get just the Speer bullets in 100 count boxes at $20.49. Makes me wonder if they get a wizard to put magic in them instead of gun powder. Sorry I ranted a little I don't mean anything by it.

Another reason to carry a spare magazine or two has to do with malfunction clearance situations. If your pistol double feeds, that type of malfunction requires pulling out the magazine anyway. That being the case, putting a fresh magazine is a good idea since, it would be fully loaded and the first magazine may have been faulty causing the double feed. Always make sure your magazines are realable with your carry sidearm. For this reason I only use Glock brand magazines, unless I am not carrying a Glock.

I agree. From what I read the Mec-Gar magazines are now coming factory standard with CZ 75B's and the Mec-Gar mag I do have runs much better than the other un-marked magazine. Since having more is always better I'm going to get a few more magazines for the gun, if for no other reason than to simplify range trips.
I agree. There's a higher chance of me sprouting wings than willingly letting a stranger in public know I had a gun on me. As far as acting normal, I'm currently more concerned with people that do know I'm carrying acting strangely when we're out. Since I've talked to various friends and family about getting my LTCH some of them have gotten a little odd around me. Can't quite put my finger on it but definitely different. I'll live with it and if they don't want to hang around me after I begin carrying then their choice.
I am the same...it wasn't me to talk to friends about my guns unless they are into it too, but when we got our CCW, for someone who did not grow up with guns and as a first timer in gun handling (and touching) I somehow beat hubby in accuracy when we had our exams in practical shooting. I always think he is a good shot, but exams makes me feel more pressured and so perhaps that was why I performed better...I am digressing...anyway, when we went to a game night with some of our neighbours, he was so proud of himself having an "Annie Oakley". Wrong crowd. None there like guns at all! Every time we meet those neighbours, they always ask if we are packing. Inside, I really feel offended but say nothing. Since I cautioned hubby about being a little bit cautious in telling people we are packing, his reply since will always be "Are you wearing red panties?" So it was their turn to feel defensive and would say it is none of his business (my husband's). Hubby would then say "my having a gun in my person is also none of your business!" and he will stomp off. That stopped them asking ever since...but they are cautious around us. I really do not care.

:sarcastic:I have lost a few people I thought I counted as friends since they learned I am packing too everyday...but I don't care...I am safe anytime in case SHTF -- they are not. I won't be there to protect them either if they don't want me around them.
Ektarr said it all. Get as many mags as you want; if it builds your confidence that you have prepared properly have at it. Bottom line though, statistically, (and yes there is a "what if") is that if your imagined firefight does not end after 3 shots, you are in big trouble and either you or the slime is probably badly wounded or dead or the perp has fled the scene.
I figured I'd ask again in case no one saw the question. What should I do If I need to go to, lets say the post office, do I lock my gun in the glove box or how do you all go about that? Or is it if you know you need to actually go into the building you just don't carry that day or what? I'm really interested in this one.
Hey Mr. Crow: Too bad that when legislation is passed it usually has been emasculated to the point of almost being worthless. Federal PO is a Federal PO-the anti's in Congress have seen to that; obviously no one will know you are CC but it is illegal. On the one hand you can CC and then the exclusions kick in that limit you. I, for one, want to be able to CC when I leave a restaurant at 10PM with my wife as I walk back to my car--too bad I went to a nice restaurant that serves liquor--in SC, CC at a liquor-serving business is a no no. So I either break the law (although no one is going to know that) or find myself non-CC during the one time I really want to. I know there are plenty of what ifs but, quite frankly, I find very few reasons to use my CC while walking around---I tend to use it when I am driving, which I feel is the only other location/activity (road rage) that could impact on my decision.
I figured I'd ask again in case no one saw the question. What should I do If I need to go to, lets say the post office, do I lock my gun in the glove box or how do you all go about that? Or is it if you know you need to actually go into the building you just don't carry that day or what? I'm really interested in this one.

Mr. Crow, it is illegal to carry in any federal building. period..... this includes the post office.

That being said have I found myself inside with my 9, yes. Concealed is concealed but in our small towns I imagine the responce would be a littlw different than a larger town. especially since everyone knows everyone else here.

Normally I seperate the gun and the mags if I need to remove the gun from my person to enter a building. The gun goes in the gun box under the seat locked in the car/truck. the mags are with me.

but as a rule it takes allot for me to part with my weapon. mostly only off in the Pittsburgh VA Hospital, probably where its needed the most.
Mr. Crow, it is illegal to carry in any federal building. period..... this includes the post office.

That being said have I found myself inside with my 9, yes. Concealed is concealed but in our small towns I imagine the responce would be a littlw different than a larger town. especially since everyone knows everyone else here.

Normally I seperate the gun and the mags if I need to remove the gun from my person to enter a building. The gun goes in the gun box under the seat locked in the car/truck. the mags are with me.

but as a rule it takes allot for me to part with my weapon. mostly only off in the Pittsburgh VA Hospital, probably where its needed the most.

Yes, I'm fully aware that it's illegal to carry in a federal building. I was asking if I should take the pistol out of the holster and place it in the glove box of my car while I'm in the building. Thanks for the hint on the gun box, might have to look into that.
"Anyway, I had a couple of questions I was hoping you fine folks would be able to help me out with. I've got the Supertuck holster but, what about an extra magazine? I have a 16+1 magazine from MecGar and a 15+1 round that I'm assuming came from the factory since it has no markings. Is the 16+1 all that's needed or should I look into a mag carrier? "

-IMO one magazine should be fine. However, it is a great idea to have a second one on hand. If your firearm jams, remove the magazine. If your only magazine hits the dirt, or water, you may have a problem.

This is why I CC a revolver.- They work.

"My other question is, these carry restricted areas. What to do with my weapon when I've no other choice but to be in one? Can I just lock the pistol in the glove box? What about carrying in the post office? I haven't read anything about it being a carry restricted area but maybe I'm just looking in the wrong area."

-Put your firearm in the glove box. What I do, if I plan on making the post office part of my travels is to put my firearm in the glove box. I have my vehicle paper work in another area of the dashboard. Of course when I am pulled over, i had over license and permit, and announce that I have a firearm.-

"What is the school of thought on carrying reloads? I can get 500 count box of Remington Gold Sabers for $66.00 compared to $20.00 for a 20 round box of Speer Gold Dots. Using my reloads I'd be able to practice with what I carry. It just seems to make more sense to me but maybe I'm missing something. "

-Reloads are second hand cartridges. You want to trust your life to a reload? Practice all you want with reloads if your firearm's warranty will allow them. CC only "personal protection rounds". The reason for that is simple. To stop the threat.

Lets say you brew up some reloads. You are involved in an incident and you shoot the perp. You are hauled into court to answer the following. The opposing attorney will ask; "Why Mr Crow, did you brew up those evil handloads in your laboratory? Store bought ammo not powerful enough? You made a cartridge so powerful it took off my clients leg?" Jury's don't understand reloading. Stick with store bought personal protection ammo for concealed carry. Make sure it works in your firearm. Practice with something cheaper.-

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