Yes, trained personnel in a classroom are actually more dangerous :sarcastic:
"I'm the only one in this room professional enough, that I know of, to carry this Glock .40." Wow. What arrogance. AND he's a FED?!
And he REALLY doesn't understand why no one will trust him that the long gun is empty?!
I would also love to know how many other "professionals" had handled this firearm before this blowhard did without clearing it. The slide is locked open when he first picks it up, he releases it without ever inspecting the chamber, and then pulls the trigger.
I have been handling firearms since I was seven years old (over 40 years) and have NEVER had one go off accidentally. In my job I handle firearms dozens - sometimes hundreds - of times each day. NEVER had an accidental discharge. If I had been conducting that presentation, the first thing the kids and parents would have seen me do would be to clear each firearm I handled, even if I was sure they were unloaded. I clear a firearm EVERY time I take it out of the case or box when I'm at work by first removing and inspecting the magazine, then working the slide to make sure there isn't a round in the chamber, and I clear it again the moment a customer hands it back to me. But in this agent's eyes, I'm not a professional. Probably safer that way.
So this "professional" managed to accomplish a few things: 1) he proved to these kids that cops can't be trusted to safely handle firearms, 2) he gave them a first-hand example of why EVERY firearm needs to be treated as if it is loaded, 3) he managed to shoot himself while bragging about his mad skills as a "professional," and 4) he accomplished the goal of terrifying these kids of firearms. How many in attendance that day will never own a firearm for their own protection because of this fool?
I would love to know if any of the school personnel or parents in attendance at this event were CPL holders….
At least one person filming this event was required to turn their tape over to the DEA, and the agent involved in the shooting sued the DEA for violating his privacy when this tape was "leaked;"
"Paige, who worked undercover, claimed that the video’s distribution resulted in him becoming the “target of jokes, derision, ridicule, and disparaging comments” everywhere he went." The judge threw his lawsuit out of court (