Should staff and teachers be able to carry in Schools?

If someone is legally eligible to carry a gun, I don't see what stepping onto, or within a thousand feet of, school property has to do with it. Of course anyone (teacher, janitor, parent, ...) who can otherwise legally carry a gun should be able to do so at school (elementary school, high school, university, ...). This, in fact, is highly likely to reduce the risk of a mass shooting at the school.

Only privately-owned schools should be able to ban visitors from carrying (just as a store owner may do); however, they should then be legally liable for the safety of everyone on the property and civilly accountable if someone is harmed by intentionaly violence.
So I guess the school system should now go into the firearm sales and monthly PAID proficiency training business and when SWAT is needed and there is a shooting and someone comes around a corner in a corridor, they should wait to be sure they see his or her license to carry. Just saying there is a bad side to this as if the nut cases who have been the cause of all the paranoia will change their mind about unloading their arms on anyone, including that "staff member with appropriate training"---what exactly does appropriate training mean anyway?--they are not going to be highly trained police officers--they are still only highly trained educators

Based on this logic, no one should carry a gun. Of course, then entire history of gun control in the US proves this would make us significantly less safe.
Someone is already carrying on the campuses in Louisiana. We use off duty officers in uniform. So here is my solution. Each Parish has a reserve deputy division in the sheriff dept. Teachers could sign up for that and receive a slight bump in pay, less than what they pay resource officers since they are already getting a teachers salary. They would have to go through the training with the sheriff dept and would be just as competent as a police officer and possibly more in some cases. This would be optional and would actually put more resource officers on campus than just the one or 2 that the Sheriff dept sends.

Why should exercising one's right to bear arms have special restrictions or requriements based on being in a school versus, say, being in a shopping mall? (Hint, there is no good answer to this question other than, "it shouldn't.")
With decent training and a good holster, I'd be very happy to have teachers armed!

As long as the person carrying is otherwise complying with state law, requirements to carry should not change based on approaching or stepping onto school property.
Yes, of course they should be able to carry a weapon. If a teacher cannot be trusted with a firearm why can anyone be trusted with a firearm. I ain't interested in the high level of training cops get...they are still killing 12 pound dogs and innocent bystanders in new York. Teachers can carry. Firearm into a school classroom any day they want. Might be against he law but nothing prevents them from doing so. Not interested in the SWAT team bs either. The swat far as I know has not prevented a single death in any shooting.
If someone is legally eligible to carry a gun, I don't see what stepping onto, or within a thousand feet of, school property has to do with it. Of course anyone (teacher, janitor, parent, ...) who can otherwise legally carry a gun should be able to do so at school (elementary school, high school, university, ...). This, in fact, is highly likely to reduce the risk of a mass shooting at the school.

Only privately-owned schools should be able to ban visitors from carrying (just as a store owner may do); however, they should then be legally liable for the safety of everyone on the property and civilly accountable if someone is harmed by intentionaly violence.

Exactly!! :-)

Yes, of course they should be able to carry a weapon. If a teacher cannot be trusted with a firearm why can anyone be trusted with a firearm. I ain't interested in the high level of training cops get...they are still killing 12 pound dogs and innocent bystanders in new York. Teachers can carry. Firearm into a school classroom any day they want. Might be against he law but nothing prevents them from doing so. Not interested in the SWAT team bs either. The swat far as I know has not prevented a single death in any shooting.

It amazes me that we will entrust teachers with the minds of our children and then leave their bodies swinging in the breeze.
Yes, of course they should be able to carry a weapon. If a teacher cannot be trusted with a firearm why can anyone be trusted with a firearm. I ain't interested in the high level of training cops get...they are still killing 12 pound dogs and innocent bystanders in new York. Teachers can carry. Firearm into a school classroom any day they want. Might be against he law but nothing prevents them from doing so. Not interested in the SWAT team bs either. The swat far as I know has not prevented a single death in any shooting.

Law enforcement rarely PREVENTS anything. It's like the issue of church shootings. I had a conversation with one of our assistant pastors, who is also a Michigan State Police chaplain, about this several months ago. I mentioned that there were 140 church shootings in 2013, and he had to acknowledge that law enforcement failed to prevent a singe one of them.

But he STILL doesn't want us carrying in church - even those of us who serve on the church security teams (one of which I lead).

Go figure.
In Arkansas one of the schools decided to allow teachers carry and was giving them the tactical training they needed to do so. BUT, the Attorney General made a statement that he didn't think it was legal.
This halted the State Board to rethink their earlier approval of this. It was decided that they (the school) had to become a private security firm to allow the teachers to carry.
I work at a school and wanted to get other teachers perspective on what their thoughts were on the issue. Most teachers said they would carry if they had the legal opportunity to do so and some said they would rather allow someone else in the school who was more comfortable and properly trained at it to carry. I have small children in school so this effects me everyday I drop them off and wonder if they are as safe as can be with all the security cameras, locked down doors and badge access areas. I am just using this as an example, If you look at what happened in the Sandy Hook shooting the shooter was a teachers son and everyone knew him, yet he still shot through the front entrance and killed 26 people, 20 of them schoolchildren ages 6 and 7 -- he shot dead in less than five minutes, firing one bullet roughly every two seconds. Now with that said, I would rather have someone whether it be a janitor, maintenance man, staff member, teacher, principal or administrator who is properly trained to carry to be able to protect those children instead of it becoming a mass shooting. As far as the concern of teachers carrying in a classroom, I am not sure if the ones who are against schools allowing teachers to carry think they will be wearing an open carry sidearm on their belt, but anyone who conceals carry should be carrying to CONCEAL their weapon, not showing it off and if is asked if they are carrying should say they are not to keep it very low key, this falls on the line of common sense. I say let teachers or staff carry if they so choose to do so, I guarantee you that criminals will think twice before going into a school setting to kill people if they know staff are armed, because these people who do these crimes already have the intent to inflict harm on anyone and they don't care what the consequences are.
Are you kidding?

The only thing that needs to be said is this: schools are targeted because the are areas of high population and gun free zones. Of course teachers and administrators should be able to carry. Children are our most important resource and must be protected. Not every teacher needs to carry but if sickos know a few at each school do, they'll reconsider.
It amazes me that we will entrust teachers with the minds of our children and then leave their bodies swinging in the breeze.

I dunno...with nearly as many stories of teachers and school books "rewriting" the Constitution and history...when they would rather teach middle school children how to use a condom properly but not a firearm...I don't trust them with either mind or body.

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In the state of Texas school staff is allowed to carry if they have a concealed handgun license & permission of the local district and believe me there are districts that are arming their staff. Some require additional training & I'm not necessarily referring to shooting. They train them to identify certain suspicious behaviour by individuals on campus, among other things. The state also voted to allocate funding for school marshals for smaller districts who don't want armed tearchers but also don't have the funds for full time police officers on each campus.

The city in which I live has a full time school district police department. They are on each high school & jr. high campus & patrol around the grammar schools and also patroling the surrounding area and working traffic. If something goes down and they need backup city officers are only a radio call away. There are also other school districts in the state with their own departments. Some cities assign city officers to each school during the school day.
Interesting response. You ask for the opinions of others, then launch into a rant when you don't get the response you wanted

This question has been addressed in several threads over the years, which you already know, having been on this forum since 2009. You also know that the default response of the majority of forum members is going to lean toward arming teachers and staff members.

Fact - it takes time for police to arrive - and then effect an entry - to active shooter events. In Grand Rapids, MI, cops have told teachers they need to hold out for at least 10 minutes before they can expect help. The AVERAGE 911 response time here is 18 minutes.

Fact - according to tactical experts who have reviewed the major mass shooting events, every minute it takes for police to arrive on scene and effect an entry results in upwards of 7 casualties. Police arrived at Sandy Hook in something like 4 minutes, by which time most of the killing had already been done.

Fact - according to research done by Don Kates, civilians use their firearms in lawful self defense between two and three million times a year (in over 98% of these cases the firearm is never actually fired, just displayed), yet, according to Gary Kleck's research, while civilians kill upwards of 3,000 bad guys in any given year (more than police kill), in only 2% of shootings do they account for killing someone who turns out to be innocent, while police kill someone who turns out to be innocent in 11% of their shootings - 5-1/2 times more than supposedly untrained, unqualified civilians.

So you tell me: based on the objective data, not your own preconceived and misinformed notions, who is more likely to protect our children while exercising the necessary care to insure that innocent bystanders don't become innocent victims?


I need to add one more thought. I hear many refer to schools as "sacred places of learning." From that they go on to extrapolate that if a place is sacred, then any violence that takes place there is a desecration. They follow that train of thought to the conclusion that no weapons must be carried in a sacred place.

I beg to differ.

That which is sacred is worthy of our defense.

Life is sacred, therefore it is worthy of defense. My faith is sacred, therefore it is worthy of defense. My family is sacred, therefore it is worthy of defense. If education is sacred, then it, too, is worthy of defense. Since life, family, and education are all to be found in a school, a school is worthy of defense.

To FAIL to defend it is a desecration of everything sacred.

WELL SAID, I can offer nothing to add to this well thought out and concise post.

Thank You
Kansas said the individual schools can decide that issue -- THEN the insurance providers said if a school allows staff carry they will drop ALL insurance from that school.
So I guess the school system should now go into the firearm sales and monthly PAID proficiency training business and when SWAT is needed and there is a shooting and someone comes around a corner in a corridor, they should wait to be sure they see his or her license to carry. Just saying there is a bad side to this as if the nut cases who have been the cause of all the paranoia will change their mind about unloading their arms on anyone, including that "staff member with appropriate training"---what exactly does appropriate training mean anyway?--they are not going to be highly trained police officers--they are still only highly trained educators

Most police officers are not highly trained when it comes to weapons proficiency. Every one that has attended a shooting course that I have been in has been mediocre at best. This is not meant to lambaste all officers in general but to point out the error of assuming that all police officers are highly skilled with a weapon. Police officers just like the general public possess a variety of individuals with broad ranges in skill.
Why are people arguing when the answer to ANY firearm "law" is SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED?

I no longer follow ANY firearm "laws" and anyone that tries to enforce any on me has defined themselves as someone who is threatening my life and they will be treated accordingly.... ( I am not stupid, I know what consequences are, and metal detectors are NOT my friend, so keep your ridicule to yourselves)
Why are people arguing when the answer to ANY firearm "law" is SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED?

I no longer follow ANY firearm "laws" and anyone that tries to enforce any on me has defined themselves as someone who is threatening my life and they will be treated accordingly.... ( I am not stupid, I know what consequences are, and metal detectors are NOT my friend, so keep your ridicule to yourselves)

When they outlaw guns, I will be an outlaw. Many don't even realize we are past that point. Yet, they will have the tenacity to tell you you're wrong, and then turn around and accuse others for not giving enough for the Constitution. Good luck out there against this massive black hole known as America, you're not alone.

Sent from my HTCONE using USA Carry mobile app
Perhaps it would send the right message if the parents of the children at Sandy Hook (and other mass school shooting in 'gun free zones') were charged with reckless child endangerment for sending their kids into that 'gun free zone' in the first place. They had to know they were setting up their own kids for target practice, and the more instances we have where someone takes this kind of opportunity with our kids, the more pronounced the sentencing of the real crime needs to be. Stop being idiots, and the 'active shooter' idiots will have no choice but to stop firing.

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