Shotgun For Home Defense

old salt

New member
If you have a shotgun for home defense is it an auto or pump, and how do you keep it loaded. I have both and both are tactical style with 18 ½ barrels and magazine extension. My 870 holds 6 rounds in the magazine tube and my 930 SPX holds 7 rounds. I am using the 930 as my home defense and have it loaded with 5 rounds of 00 buck in the magazine tube, chamber empty, and safety on. When using the 870 I’ll have it loaded the same. My Glock 23 is always next to my bed.

Thank you
Prior to switching to a pistol for HD I used my Mosberg 500 with an 18" barrel and five rounds of number 4 buck in 12ga 3" shells in the tube. Chamber empty safety off. Just had to rack and roll.
why I use a pump gun

I load mine with reduced recoil slugs/buck since it's also the wife's go-to gun.

Reduced recoil loads usually do not cycle autos.

AND, in spite of all the internet jokes, pump action shotguns DO sound scary!
I load mine with reduced recoil slugs/buck since it's also the wife's go-to gun.

Reduced recoil loads usually do not cycle autos.

AND, in spite of all the internet jokes, pump action shotguns DO sound scary!

That is what I like about my Mossberg 930 SPX it likes low brass as much as high brass.
Make Mine A Mossberg!

Mossberg 500, 18 1/2 inch BBL
5 rounds 2 3/4 inch #4 in the tube.
Chamber Empty

I am in hopes that in the event of a break in when the BG hears the rock solid Kershack Kershack of a Pump Shotgun (standard rural eviction notice) that they will bail back out what ever window/door they broke into.

I keep my pistol in the nightstand just in case but my go to gun for home defense is the shotgun. It is old school and doesn't pass through exterior walls with "lethal" energy. Since we are rural I am more likely to need it to chase a fox out of the hen-house or kill a snake in the yard, but let's face it I have used it a lot, I am comfortable with it, and because I am a rifleman first and foremost, it is very natural for me to handle.

In a home defense situation there is no surgeon in the world who can fix the multiple trauma from a shot gun blast at less than 20 feet of range.:wacko:

This does not mean I do not know how to use a pistol, it means I am more comfortable with a MOSSBERG!:biggrin:
Mossberg 500, 18 1/2 inch BBL
I am in hopes that in the event of a break in when the BG hears the rock solid Kershack Kershack of a Pump Shotgun (standard rural eviction notice) that they will bail back out what ever window/door they broke into.


Sadly, an intruder will never get to her that sound as the blast will be his last audio from this world.

For my home i use my pistol, close quarters with obstacles makes my pistol a better choice. i have a Mossberg 590A1 9 shot as a optional go to weapon if i choose. Covering and moving among obstacles in my home makes my 45 and/or 10mm my prime choice, a 18-20 inch barrel weapon hinders my moves and/or covering if needed.
My next gun purchase for myself will be a Mossberg 500 series 20 gauge shotgun with an 18" barrel (either manufactured that length or customized after purchase!).

But, I do at present have a Browning Auto 5—20 gauge with #4 shot, two in the magazine, one in the chamber with safety on. It is not my first go to gun, simply due to the barrel length being more suited to bird hunting as opposed to home defense. If someone busts into my home, my go to is the H&K USP 40; my bride has the Ruger P89 9mm at her disposal. The shotty and a number of other guns are available throughout the homestead as well! :)

However, after I acquire the new Mossberg, it may become the go to… idk?! I do think I'd prefer the shotgun for home defense.
My shotgun for HD is a Mossberg 590A1...I keep 8 in the tube 0 in the on. !st round is 7 rounds 00 Buckshot

My HD pistol is my HK45....chambered round decocked with a Streamlight TLR 2
Corbon Power Balls loaded up in old girl.
Mossberg 500 Persuader here with a Surefire Tac light...loaded with 00.
HD pistol is a Baby Desert Eagle in .40 and a blinding Surfire tac light in the support hand, or a Beretta 92FS with Crimson Trace grips...

Not really a shotgun, but my Taurus Judge fires .410 shells. I keep it right by my bed, the first two rounds are .410 with the follow ups being .45lc. I know the .410 isn't lethal at long range, but the distance from my bed to door it'll at the very least hurt like nothing else. I've opted for this over a traditional shotgun by the bed because it's a lot quicker to draw and fire. I do have a JW Tolley 8Ga in the closet though, if the intruder doesn't break into my room directly I'm going for that. 2 ounces of shot per barrel is enough to send em packing. If the shot and black powder burns don't, the horrific bang and muzzle flash sure will.

Now before you go, a 12ga magnum would work just as well I'd like to explain. First of all with a double barrel there's no issue's with jamming, or having to rack another shell into the breech. I only get two shots, but having fired this thing I can honestly say the spread from one shot will clear anything standing in my hall way. It really is obvious why they made this thing illegal for hunting fowl. I really have to thank my grandfather for giving me this, and many other unique fire arms that really are unique. 96 years old and the old man's still farming (albeit not at the rate he once was).
Browning 12 ga. pump loaded with 5+1 3" magnums alternating between 00 buck and slugs.

I live alone, my house is CBC construction, and I can repair drywall so I will not hesitate to use it!:biggrin:
I have a Winchester 1300 Defender 18.5" barrel with a Surefire weapon light. Magazine tube loaded with 3" #4 Steel Goose Load. The chamber is empty, so I just rack one in if needed.

I know first hand that there is a tremendous psychological effect on a subject that hears a 12 guage shotgun being loaded. Hopefully this will prevent him from losing his life as he soils himself and runs like the dickens!
Although I do not consider my shotguns as my first line of home defense weapons because of tactical disadvantages, my hand guns fill that requirement, I do consider them important as "the next level of defense" if things really go south. I have two. A Beretta auto with 18 inch barrel and a Mossberg 590 A1.

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