Serious Question


I have a question for any of you that may know the answer.

What exactly do "Professional Hunters",( like Craig Boddington and Tom Arthur and the rest of those guys) do will ALL that meat? They kill probably 7-8 large game a month (give or take a couple). That's a whole lot of meat to contend with. Half of it or more they kill in other countries. It just made me curous while I was reading my G&A mag last night. Anybody have any ideas?
I'm sure that some of the meat is consumed by the hunters. Otherwise, the remainder of the meat taken from game harvested in foreign countries is often donated to the local people. When I'm on the road, I'll take some game meat for myself, then either donate the rest to a local food bank, homeless shelter, etc. There are times when my guide will use the meat to feed his family.

In any case, ethical and responsible hunters don't let any meat go to waste.

In South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe and a few other areas of Africa, they have programs to deal with this. These countries sometimes have to harvest a certain number of animals to control population and protect villagers. They played it smart. They know hunters will pay big bucks to come and hunt the animals, while the meat is given to villages to feed their people. If the hunter wants a mount for his trophy room, the head and bust area is prepped and preserved for the taxidermist when the animal is butchered. For rare kill animals like an elephant, the hunt goes out to high bidders or on a lottery type selection. The hunters are allowed to take home or partake of a certain amount of the meat while in country. It makes sense because they are going to have to kill the animal anyway, they may as well make money for the country and feed a village while they are at it.
Rest assured that these hunters would never take a trophy and leave the meat to rot. Some of their articles even mention the meat going to local villages. I read in an article that an elephant would feed an entire village for a winter.
Rest assured that these hunters would never take a trophy and leave the meat to rot. Some of their articles even mention the meat going to local villages. I read in an article that an elephant would feed an entire village for a winter.

Just curious, anyone know what elephant taste like?
As a delicasy they are now breeding a cross between Elephant and Rhino for the taste of its meat. They say it is really hard to describe the taste that it so unique ...

It just tastes like ... well ... ELEPHINO! :biggrin:

Elephant is very unique tasting much like a cross between bald eagle and spotted owl. However some say it tastes more like ivory-billed woodpeckers.