Revolver People

Thanks for all advice. I was pretty much sold on the Ruger SP101 but, with cash restraints and my permit running out I am forced to rethink my choice. Yes handgun permit I can get an extension but not enough to help my cash flow and I want to use my permit before I lose it. Don't know where handgun laws are headed here in the Peoples Republic of New Jersey so, I am forced to plan B. I have shot some of the Taurus equivalents’ and liked them but, am not able to find any charter arms to compare with. Anyone have any experience with charter arms or other choices. I am looking at about $400 with tax and the $15 NICS charge. I know there are a couple of Taurus' that are doable.
njsportsman, I understand too well about financial restraints!

Roughly 15 years ago, I bought a Charter Arms Off Duty 5-shot 38 Special rated for +P. My father-in-law carried it about 10 years.

I believe I have fired a little more than 200 rounds through it. It has performed flawlessly, except the time a bullet hung in the barrel (it was a bad round, not the gun's fault). I have no complaints about the gun. I like it, and recommend you take a look at Charter or Charco Arms, whatever they call themselves these days. Good luck!
enjoy your search - Rev's are great!

I carry a GLock 23 with CT grips - it's's over 10 years old - many thousands of hic-ups

but I'm a revolver guy from way back. They are just simple/attractive (to me) will go bang in any scenerio including not even drawing from a pocket, or being shoved up against something/someone.

My Ruger LCR with CT grips disappears and weighs less than 15 ounces loaded...
trigger is sweeter than any I've tried - including a lot of custom jobs

I've got a 442 and 642 ( love 'em with concealed hammer for carry!) - both with CT grips
Charter Arms Southpaw with CT grips
so I like the .38 round...lots of ammo avail, lots of choices in bullets, +P's are great too...

also never leave house without a NAA Mini revolver in .22LR with Holster grip (looks like a knife in my pocket)

My GLock - prob. yours too - will be a great part of you...but you may get bit (hard) by the revolver bug! Enjoy!:yu:
Just put money down on a Taurus 617SS2. They didn't have one in stock could be a few weeks before I get it. Got a good price in my means and I know I'll be happy with it. I'll post picks when I get it. I think it was my best value. I looked at a charter arms that was in the case didn't like the feel. I am sure it's a good gun but, not for my taste.
Remember Made in the USA!

Any experience with the Charter Arms pistols. I have heard of them but, really never given them a look. They are pretty reasonable in price and have a lifetime ganuntee.

I have shot a few Charter Arms, and I have also given a couple as gifts. They have an interesting lineup, although I would wish for a few more .357 capable snubbies. One BIG plus for me is that are made right down the road in Shelton, Connecticut. I am a BIG supporter of "Made in the USA", especially as far as firearms go. I do like the Taurus product, but all things being equal, I would choose the Charter Arms.

I gotta know... How bad is the recoil on that 340 with 357 Mags like say Federal 357B's? I carry those in my 65 and that has some buck with those loads. I held the 340 and was kinda turned off by the lack of mass and weight in my hand... I love Smith & Wesson stuff, but... Kinda too light...

The thump is significant, but with a good, high grip, recoil seems to go straight back, with little barrel rise. I practice with low recoil 38 spec. In the summer I carry .38 +p, and in the winter I carry .357. As has been stated before, in a self defense situation, I doubt that I would feel much physical pain until after the crisis is resolved.
I have shot a few Charter Arms, and I have also given a couple as gifts. They have an interesting lineup, although I would wish for a few more .357 capable snubbies. One BIG plus for me is that are made right down the road in Shelton, Connecticut. I am a BIG supporter of "Made in the USA", especially as far as firearms go. I do like the Taurus product, but all things being equal, I would choose the Charter Arms.

Although I understand the reason to buy US and I try always to buy US first sometimes it is not possible. Smith and Wesson has priced me out even in good times. Ruger is not that bad but, still about $100 dollars more then I can handle right now. I do live in a 3rd world country NEW JERSEY LOL. I would wait till I have the money but don't see that for a while. My handgun permit is running out and yes I can get another 3 month extension but, still won't be any better financally. Who knows what stupid laws will be next in New Jersey. Here in New Jersey you don't let oppurtunities go to waste ie: my handgun permit. Because you don't know what the future brings you here in New Jersey. I don't want to mislead anyone I am not hurting food or shelter wise. It's just my play toys are on a little bit of a hold. I was set on the Ruger SP101 but, had to use some money elsewhwew. So which brings me to my Taurus 617 purchase. will post pictures when I pick it up. Thanks to all
Maybe I'm looney but I LOVE shooting my Taurus 605 357 2" snubbie with hot loads, DAMN WHAT A CANNON!
I also like my J frame S&W 38 with +P ammo, I took the Taurus to my CCW class to qualify with and the instructor was impressed with the accuracy of such a short gun, 47 out of 48, I missed one when I was doing head shots at 12 & 15 yards.
Maybe I'm looney but I LOVE shooting my Taurus 605 357 2" snubbie with hot loads, DAMN WHAT A CANNON!
I also like my J frame S&W 38 with +P ammo, I took the Taurus to my CCW class to qualify with and the instructor was impressed with the accuracy of such a short gun, 47 out of 48, I missed one when I was doing head shots at 12 & 15 yards.

I don't think your looney, I just bought a Taurus 617 357 2in. Pretty much the same gun as your 605 but is a 7 shot. I am taking a chance with this gun never shot it, but shot similar guns with same characteristics; only difference is they were all 5 shot. I didn’t pick it up yet can't wait till they get it in. Everybody put's Taurus down. I'll be honest I was a little skeptical myself but, as I said before S&W priced me out. I heard a lot of good about Taurus through a gun dealer when I was looking. How is the 38+P ammo through your 605?
The 38+P in the Taurus is tamer and quiter, if the 357s are a 10 the 38+Ps are a 8, still fun but not like the 357s, cheaper though.:biggrin:
If I may ask, what were the circumstances on your approval for a New Jersey carry permit?
I'm just a curious Pennsylvanian who still works in New Jersey.
I've been having a few "Revolver thoughts" too recently, but have not yet made a purchase.
Light weight CCW revolver

To each his own - test drive a variety, if at all possible. What is good for me, may well be very wrong for you. I carry a Ruger GP 100 4" (serious carry), SP 101 (every day casual), NAA .22 Mag. around home. You can't beat a Ruger for rugged. My wife has a Ruger LCP .380 and a Ruger LCR .38+P. That little 13.5 ounce LCR is one of the best ergonomic small revolver designs I have fired. Again, do try for yourself before deciding.
Bite your tongue! They are all S&W, including an M&P that dates back to 1951.

I apoligize, I am a 1911 guy and as I said I am buying my 1st revolver. I can't tell unless I can see them up close and personal. A lot of Taurus' look like S&W's far away and since I was asking about a Taurus in the beginning I just assumed they were Taurus'.
If I may ask, what were the circumstances on your approval for a New Jersey carry permit?
I'm just a curious Pennsylvanian who still works in New Jersey.
I've been having a few "Revolver thoughts" too recently, but have not yet made a purchase.

Your making fun of me right, a CCW permit in the Peoples Republic of New Jersey:no: I have a Florida and a Virginia non res CCW. I got them because I spend a lot of time in PA hunting, fishing and camping. I am originally fron PA myself well Philadelphia and wanted to move closer to work. Believe me I know bad mistake. At the time I wasn't really as big of a gun guy that I am now. PM me maybe we work together or are close by. I have run into people I have worked with before on these forums
Maybe so but your name say's it all your very well versed in the revolver field. :victory: you win
Not a contest... No need for win or lose... Just an awkward sense of humor I have... Maybe comes across wrong...

Not really an expert, just like the look of the S&W revolver. They have a line that says "hey I'm a S&W"..


Post good pics of yours as I would not be able to ID one by the look alone. See Not an expert... :pleasantry:

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