Revolver People


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Looking for CCW revolver people. I have 2 semi autos’ I carry the Glock 19 being my main carry piece. I love it but, I am looking for a revolver small frame with a lot of impact (.357). Not being a revolver guy looking to see what people carry and would recommend, what's comfortable, concealable thing like that? One I am looking at is the Ruger SP101 2.25" barrel. I lknow there is smaller but, not many in .357. How is the .38+P round? Thanks
Looking for CCW revolver people. I have 2 semi autos’ I carry the Glock 19 being my main carry piece. I love it but, I am looking for a revolver small frame with a lot of impact (.357). Not being a revolver guy looking to see what people carry and would recommend, what's comfortable, concealable thing like that? One I am looking at is the Ruger SP101 2.25" barrel. I lknow there is smaller but, not many in .357. How is the .38+P round? Thanks

I have all of the Air-Lite Smiths and rotate them like socks and three sets of Crimson Trace grips which are a "must" for accuracy in these light revolvers. Any good 38+P or if you can afford them--38+P+ Mag Safe 65gr pre-fragmented hulls which practically explode on impact. My newest Air-Lite is the 340PD made of Scandium and Titanium ewighing in at 12 ounces and capable of shooting 357 Magnum.I don't think You'd like the recoil with 357 loads, so stick with 38+P:pleasantry
There will be quite a difference in the recoil between your Glock and a small frame revolver. Before you buy, find a range that rents them and try them out with both the 38's and 357's. Some people find the small frames very difficult to shoot and cannot get used to the recoil.
A .38 Spl +P will overpenetrate (unless your target is wearing a "Leathers"/denium/leather sandwitch. A .357M will overpenetrate even through a car door.

The Ruger LCR .38 Spl +P is in the 13 oz range. There are similar Ultralights from Charter Arms in .38 Spl +P and a comparable weight range. I would NOT look at a .357M at anything under 22~23 oz.

A .357M, out of a big revolver such as a Blackhawk, is nothing (imo), but out a 23 oz (or lighter) it's like being stung by a Bumble Bee.

What's most important to you? Overpenetration or light carry weight? No matter, I'd go the suggesteg route and "Try before you buy"

Good Luck in your search.
the ruger sp1o1 is a great gun...charter arms offer a good variety if 38/357 as well... im looking forward to the "chiappa 357 rhino" ...but as far as im concerned you cant go wrong with the sp101
I have all of the Air-Lite Smiths and rotate them like socks and three sets of Crimson Trace grips which are a "must" for accuracy in these light revolvers. Any good 38+P or if you can afford them--38+P+ Mag Safe 65gr pre-fragmented hulls which practically explode on impact. My newest Air-Lite is the 340PD made of Scandium and Titanium ewighing in at 12 ounces and capable of shooting 357 Magnum.I don't think You'd like the recoil with 357 loads, so stick with 38+P:pleasantry

The Smiths are great. I have a 642 that shoots +P and is concealable and accurate, even without a laser. Personally, I do not enjoy shooting .357 out of such a small frame revolver. I can practice much more with a .38 and it does not hurt as bad doing so.
I carry a P 95,but have always liked the wheelguns. For accurate shooting,I'm talking really fine long range shooting,my 357 Taurus is hard to beat,also hard to hide that 6 " barrel. I'm really lookin for one of the Taurus Trackers in 44 Mag,4 inch barrel. Now thats fight ending stopping power. All ya gotta do is hit him once. :butcher:
I carry a Smith & Wesson model 65-3 w/ 4" barrel (also a M&P 45 auto). Too bad they stopped making them. I love this one. I can shoot it well with the 38spec, 38spec+P and 357 Mags. But it is a medium K frame square butt stainless steel revolver and has some weight and mass to suck up some of the recoil. It still bucks hard with full 357 mags. I have fired the J frame 2.5 inch barrel (model 40 if I recall) with 38spec +P and it was a handfull.

I can't imagine accurate shooting with fast follow up shots using some of the new 2.5" barrel revolvers w/ 357 Mags. I held one of the new J Frame 340 models and was stunned at the lack of weight, just 12 oz. I was told it was rated for 357 mags. Yikes!!
One that I would consider is the S&W Night Guard model 315. 38 spec +P, 24 oz, 6 shooter. It was reviewed and did well...
I'm a Smith & Wesson fan...

Good luck and post when you decide.
Merry Christmas
A small frame revolver with alot of impact? There are many guns that have what we might call alot of impact. .45 acp 44special 357mag 40sw 10mm and probably the 38special +p. The small guns are 5 shot Smith and Wesson 38 and 357s, Charter Arms Undercover 38 and Bulldog 44 special and Taurus 38 357 and 44 special 5 shot guns. The 357 and 44 special will kick hard and youll just have to learn to handle it or not bother. The 38 special will kick hard in the 13 and 15 oz guns. The standard 36 Chiefs special is 19 oz and it kicks hard with .38 158gr bullets +p or not. You will need to learn to handle the gun. There is no magic gun that knocks them over and does not kick hard. Powerfull bullets recoil period. Glasser MagSafe Powerball and Dpx I guess Speer Gold dot 135gr bullets kick less they weigh less. But they have a quick snap to them in a light gun.
So this is where your at. Your going to give up 10-15 shots of 9mm for 5 shots of 38+p or 357s you will swear came straight from the mouth of God on judgment day. Who says you wont need 8 shots? Look at the Model 60 Smith, 640 hamerless, or 649 bodyguard stainless guns. The SP101 only comes with a hammer or bobbed hammer. You can not shoot it or the 60 out of a coat pocket. The weight is a moot point you will want a gun you can control. Learn to shoot it with 38s and 357s you may not find 38s when buying ammo. Most important is tactics you only have 5 shots. You'll need to take a defensive pistol course. Comfort in carry? Both are comfortable in a good inside the waist holster. Belt carry is fine.
If you want a gun for shorts and a Tshirt on hot summer days or for an ankle holster get the 340 or 340pd Airlite. The Airlite has a no snag front sight. They cost a fortune. If you can afford a laser grip get it you want to stay alive on those 5 shots. I look at it like this If I can get away or hide I will If I have to shoot I will. If your in a fight you may want a gun you can shoot out of your pocket or jammed in the scumbags ribbs. Thats not an auto. Either way your not done untill your at a safe distance or he's incapacitated. Then expect his friends....
Good Morning NJ

I use a small in the back of the pance holster, and have two different carries, One is a XDM 9mm, and the other is a 6 1/2" Blackhawk 357. I have a 9mm cylinder for the Blackhawk that I use for practice usually with Ultramax 115 grain.
I was down at my Brothers last Summer in jeans and a tee-shirt, he said, "arn't you carrying today"?
You should have seen his face when I pulled out the Blackhawk.
Around the farm I carry the Blackhawk exposed in a quick draw western holster.
Charter Arms Undercover 38 and Bulldog 44 special and Taurus 38 357 and 44 special 5 shot guns

Any experience with the Charter Arms pistols. I have heard of them but, really never given them a look. They are pretty reasonable in price and have a lifetime ganuntee.
I just picked up a stainless Ruger GP-100 4" this week, first revolver I've owned in 30 years. Too big and heavy for most concealed carry but it feels like it will be real nice as an OC sidearm in the bushes.
As mentioned before, less weight generally means more recoil. I have and carry 2 different SP101s, and an XD40SC. The SP101 is heavy but doesn't recoil as bad as lighter weights. If I had to pick only one for CC, it would probably be the SP101. Powerful, reliable, deadly, no worries...need I say more?
S&W J Frame 340PD chambered for .357 Mag...hands down. I typically carry in my right front pants pocket as my back up or as my primary, depending.....
As mentioned before, less weight generally means more recoil. I have and carry 2 different SP101s, and an XD40SC. The SP101 is heavy but doesn't recoil as bad as lighter weights. If I had to pick only one for CC, it would probably be the SP101. Powerful, reliable, deadly, no worries...need I say more?

I know I like it as well. Just need to try and shoot it. Just looking for something lighter. The dimensions are not that drastic compared to a smith J-frame. For instance overall length ruger 7" and the smith is 6.375. The cylinder width ruger 1.349 vs. 1.34 on the smith. frame width ruger .744 and the smith .697 so, not much different except the weight. As i said I need to get to a range and fire one before I buy. It's just weight but, I think that will make it better to handle. Oh one last thing hammer or hammerless. thanks
S&W J Frame 340PD chambered for .357 Mag...hands down. I typically carry in my right front pants pocket as my back up or as my primary, depending.....

I gotta know... How bad is the recoil on that 340 with 357 Mags like say Federal 357B's? I carry those in my 65 and that has some buck with those loads. I held the 340 and was kinda turned off by the lack of mass and weight in my hand... I love Smith & Wesson stuff, but... Kinda too light...
Oh one last thing hammer or hammerless. thanks

Both of mine have hammers. Ruger does sell a hammer-less version with and without the CT grip...
As my screen name indicates I'm a Ruger guy but it doesn't matter to me what brand you buy. My advice only relates to the WEIGHT of the revolver you choose. If it is too light, you won't carry it because of the recoil.
Good luck with your decision.
I gotta know... How bad is the recoil on that 340 with 357 Mags like say Federal 357B's? I carry those in my 65 and that has some buck with those loads. I held the 340 and was kinda turned off by the lack of mass and weight in my hand... I love Smith & Wesson stuff, but... Kinda too light...

With heavy loads the recoil is terrible in these light guns. It feels like a small bomb went off in your hand. A buddy of mine has one; .38 sp. is managable, +P was stout, but we just had to see what it was like with full house .357's. 5 shots was way too much and I'm not particularly recoil sensitive. FWIW
With heavy loads the recoil is terrible in these light guns. It feels like a small bomb went off in your hand. A buddy of mine has one; .38 sp. is managable, +P was stout, but we just had to see what it was like with full house .357's. 5 shots was way too much and I'm not particularly recoil sensitive. FWIW

I would expect that. I practice with 38 spec in the 65 and maybe the last 24 rounds at the range I'll run some 357 mags 158gr JSP to remind myself what it's gonna feel like if I have to use it for real with the 357B's.

I had a guy that was next to me the last trip to the range who had never fired a revolver larger than 22LR ask me how it felt. I loaded it and allowed him to try it. The first 5 were 38 spec the last one was a 357 mag. He fired the first 3 turned and said "it's not all that bad", I said "3 more to go, keep your hands on it". He got to number 6 and turned to me and said "what was that?" I said "5 38 specials and one 357 mag". He smiled and shook his hand out.:yes2:

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