Barry, and the "dream team" are clearly in over their head. I didn't vote for the man, to much hot air coming out of his mouth. I voted for Mccain, but really felt bad, after he picked Caribu Barbie for VP.
That was a bonehead move.
If the GOP and the tea baggers don't get their head out of their rears in 2012, we will have four more years of Barry, and Hillary as VP. I am certain that Joe is going to be "to ill" to run again.
BTW, sheldon, are you buying that Barry was born in Hawaii? I never disputed it. I always knew he was a real amercian.
Palin was a failed tactical move on behalf of the GOP, female to get the female voters, good looks to get the young guys, avid NRA and hunter the get the pro gunners.... Unfortunately they could not fight the Democratic war machine, if she farted they posted it, brought out all of her shortcomings and hid BHO's.
N NO I do not believe he is a valid US citizen and will not until he provides a valid US birth certificate and disproves his dad adopted him andthat his mother did not give up his US citizenship rights when he did...
His "certificate of birth" is not the same as a birth certificate, and according to a recient news update from the GOP he still has not provide a valid one for his passport application, but then who is going to stop the president of the US and say Passport please......
I am adopted and you have no idea the hoops I had to jump through to get my Birth Certificate so I could get a US passport, but I did and it was available, if I can so can he... N to belay any arguments all other candidates had to provide proof of Citizenship, the Democratic party made sure they did, unfortunately the sort of forgot about their own canadate.....
You dont think anything you posted from the quran is taken out of context? I'm sure there's a lesson that a Muslim can explain to you for each of the passages.
Quick simple solution here, read the Qua ran and you will see that this is no bull. Although I have not read it in entirety I have spent time reading it and not just partial passages either but entire text.... N they meaning the Islamic are messed up in the head real bad if they take that crap word for word and blindly believe in it......
I feel that the Qua ran is more about their leaders holding power over the people, getting more followers, and eliminating all who oppose them, yes supposedly 90% do not follow this line of reasoning but the 10% that do is a significant number of people that are in permanent Jihad mode and that ammounts to approximately 100,000,000 people that are under a form of mind control similar to that of Carl Marx held over the USSR for way too long, and this needs to come to a screeching halt by any means necessary.
Preaching peace at them only puts those that object to their totalitarian method of mind control into hiding and infuriates the rest.... so you give me a valid workable solution to the Islamic terrorist and we will send it out to see if it works......