Religion of peace NOT!!

Read the entire chapter 10. You will see that Jesus was speaking of the dangers that his followers would face.

You know the one constant in this is parents and family, they are the same now as they were 2 thousand years ago, and I can just hear them scolding John, Mathew or the rest.... and it went something like this.......

Mom, "there you go hanging around that Jesus, he is nothing but trouble I tell you, so what your Synagogue is not good enough for you anymore that you have to traipse off with this Jesus guy, he will get you killed I tell you and then what am I to do I'"ll be alone in my old age, what will the neighbors think!"

Dad "What my fishing business is no good for you, here you go off with this Jesus, who is to take over my fishing boat, I am too old to go out day after day by myself, and your mother will be sick with worry, what will the neighbors think..."

Uncle N aunt "think about this, you are leaving a good home, your parents need your help to abandon them is criminal, this Jesus will be nothing but trouble you can bet on it."

Jesus knew these things, and hence to scripture you see with it's lessons........
If you say so. I don't know how much of it is true, I read it online.

A lot of that stuff was brought out prior to the election he never denied any of it as it is all documented and verifiable, but still they voted for him, and most that I have talked to severely regret it.....
A lot of that stuff was brought out prior to the election he never denied any of it as it is all documented and verifiable, but still they voted for him, and most that I have talked to severely regret it.....
Barry, and the "dream team" are clearly in over their head. I didn't vote for the man, to much hot air coming out of his mouth. I voted for Mccain, but really felt bad, after he picked Caribu Barbie for VP.
That was a bonehead move.
If the GOP and the tea baggers don't get their head out of their rears in 2012, we will have four more years of Barry, and Hillary as VP. I am certain that Joe is going to be "to ill" to run again.


BTW, sheldon, are you buying that Barry was born in Hawaii? I never disputed it. I always knew he was a real amercian.
N the King James version is I have included the fore text and after as well so you can better understand the context and line of thought here..

26 Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known. 27 What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops. 28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. 29 Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing [5] and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. 30 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. 31 Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows. 32 Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. 33 But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.

34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. 35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. 36 And a man's foes shall be they of his own household. 37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38 And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. 39 He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.

40 He that receiveth you receiveth me, and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me. 41 He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet's reward; and he that receiveth a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man's reward. 42 And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward."

The point of this scripture set is do not fear, follow Jesus and his teachings, and your rewards will be great! During this time period Jesus was kind of considered a rebel and was cast by some in fear for the Romans did not like him and tended to persecute and kill those that followed him and his teachings....

You dont think anything you posted from the quran is taken out of context? I'm sure there's a lesson that a Muslim can explain to you for each of the passages.
Barry, and the "dream team" are clearly in over their head. I didn't vote for the man, to much hot air coming out of his mouth. I voted for Mccain, but really felt bad, after he picked Caribu Barbie for VP.
That was a bonehead move.
If the GOP and the tea baggers don't get their head out of their rears in 2012, we will have four more years of Barry, and Hillary as VP. I am certain that Joe is going to be "to ill" to run again.


BTW, sheldon, are you buying that Barry was born in Hawaii? I never disputed it. I always knew he was a real amercian.

Palin was a failed tactical move on behalf of the GOP, female to get the female voters, good looks to get the young guys, avid NRA and hunter the get the pro gunners.... Unfortunately they could not fight the Democratic war machine, if she farted they posted it, brought out all of her shortcomings and hid BHO's.

N NO I do not believe he is a valid US citizen and will not until he provides a valid US birth certificate and disproves his dad adopted him andthat his mother did not give up his US citizenship rights when he did...

His "certificate of birth" is not the same as a birth certificate, and according to a recient news update from the GOP he still has not provide a valid one for his passport application, but then who is going to stop the president of the US and say Passport please......

I am adopted and you have no idea the hoops I had to jump through to get my Birth Certificate so I could get a US passport, but I did and it was available, if I can so can he... N to belay any arguments all other candidates had to provide proof of Citizenship, the Democratic party made sure they did, unfortunately the sort of forgot about their own canadate.....

You dont think anything you posted from the quran is taken out of context? I'm sure there's a lesson that a Muslim can explain to you for each of the passages.

Quick simple solution here, read the Qua ran and you will see that this is no bull. Although I have not read it in entirety I have spent time reading it and not just partial passages either but entire text.... N they meaning the Islamic are messed up in the head real bad if they take that crap word for word and blindly believe in it......

I feel that the Qua ran is more about their leaders holding power over the people, getting more followers, and eliminating all who oppose them, yes supposedly 90% do not follow this line of reasoning but the 10% that do is a significant number of people that are in permanent Jihad mode and that ammounts to approximately 100,000,000 people that are under a form of mind control similar to that of Carl Marx held over the USSR for way too long, and this needs to come to a screeching halt by any means necessary.

Preaching peace at them only puts those that object to their totalitarian method of mind control into hiding and infuriates the rest.... so you give me a valid workable solution to the Islamic terrorist and we will send it out to see if it works......
Uh yeah, think so. You have unwittingly (or maybe "witlessly") betrayed your purpose here in less than 20 posts. Nothing but baits, leading questions and borderline taunts.

Go back to the ranch, trol

Golly to quote an very old truism "Talk about the Pot calling the kettle black!""
Uh yeah, think so. You have unwittingly (or maybe "witlessly") betrayed your purpose here in less than 20 posts. Nothing but baits, leading questions and borderline taunts.

Go back to the ranch, troll.

Im not sure what you mean by that. Im here to enjoy friendly discussion. What is your purpose?
Golly to quote an very old truism "Talk about the Pot calling the kettle black!""
Golly geewhiz Sheldon, don't think so. Not even.

You would be referring the old USACarry definition of the troll, used by the lately scarce zealot intolerants who could not stand opposing viewpoints. The ones who befriended me the first month I was here, then threw me under the bus and started the troll chant the moment I disagreed with them.

Good riddance.

No, I'm using the generally accepted correct form of the term, thank you very much.
Golly geewhiz Sheldon, don't think so. Not even.

You would be referring the old USACarry definition of the troll, used by the lately scarce zealot intolerants who could not stand opposing viewpoints. The ones who befriended me the first month I was here, then threw me under the bus and started the troll chant the moment I disagreed with them.

Good riddance.

No, I'm using the generally accepted correct form of the term, thank you very much.

Very interesting. Why do you suppose people disagree with you?
I've done some extensive reading on Waco and the Branch Davidians with the conclusion that Koresh was a fanatic that changed even farther a cult cut off of the Seventh Day Adventists. He was a bottle short of a six pack and thought himself a prophet of God. The jury may never come back on this but that's just my opinion on him.

I'm with you on the fact that the feds screwed things up big time. Remember that, sometimes, when LE can't get someone for one thing they'll go after them for another. Think of Al Capone. They couldn't pin murder on him so they went after him for tax evasion. Again Waco was a terrible tragedy that could have been prevented. But we mustn't overlook why they went after Koresh.

Take notice that over 90% of what has been written about Koresh & the Davidians was written Posthumously...

History is too often written primary by the victors as justification for atrocities; and or those whom had little if any first hand primary source knowledge...

Regardless of what Koresh & the Davidians were alleged of doing, the end does not justify the means...
Take notice that over 90% of what has been written about Koresh & the Davidians was written Posthumously...

History is too often written primary by the victors as justification for atrocities; and or those whom had little if any first hand primary source knowledge...

Regardless of what Koresh & the Davidians were alleged of doing, the end does not justify the means...

Agreed. However, much of the reading was from former Branch Davidian members. Some from before Waco happened. I never said that the feds were in the right. I only used Waco (I should have only used the term Branch Davidians) as an example of how Christianity can be twisted into something it was never meant to be. I could have also mentioned Jonestown and others.
I only used Waco (I should have only used the term Branch Davidians) as an example of how Christianity can be twisted into something it was never meant to be. I could have also mentioned Jonestown and others.
Yeah, it's your fault, Ron! It's your fault the Gypsy tried to hijack this thread. :laugh:

Funny how the zealots always seem to find a way to steer the discussion towards their pet obsession.