New member
You would do well to spend the bucks to attend at least one defensive/tactical handgun class at a reputable school. 50 feet is way too far away. At Frontsight, we train at 3,5, 7, and 15 meters as this is where most action is going to take place, as per personal defense. 21.5 feet (7 m) is touted as the range in which an UNTRAINED BG can be on top of you in 1.5 seconds. So, we train to draw and plant two shots to the the thorasic cavity in 1.5 seconds. Train, train, train, and then train some more. But you need to know the whys and wherefores behind the training. Simply plinking at the range aint' gonna cut it if you're serious about personal self-defense.
My .02 cents
mmmmm....15 meters is almost 49.5 feet... :biggrin: