practice distance for beginner

You would do well to spend the bucks to attend at least one defensive/tactical handgun class at a reputable school. 50 feet is way too far away. At Frontsight, we train at 3,5, 7, and 15 meters as this is where most action is going to take place, as per personal defense. 21.5 feet (7 m) is touted as the range in which an UNTRAINED BG can be on top of you in 1.5 seconds. So, we train to draw and plant two shots to the the thorasic cavity in 1.5 seconds. Train, train, train, and then train some more. But you need to know the whys and wherefores behind the training. Simply plinking at the range aint' gonna cut it if you're serious about personal self-defense.

My .02 cents

mmmmm....15 meters is almost 49.5 feet... :biggrin:

Don't give in to the the temptation to replace the butt-stock with a pistol-grip. You'll regret it. (I speak from experience...) :fie: While it may look cool on TV, a shotgun with a pistol-grip is hard to control.

That is the first time i've heard that a pistol grip is hard to control. Having a bad back, I actually prefer my pistol grip to my brother's stock. It seems that maybe because my arms act as a shock absorber it doesn't bother me as much. My wife even loves to shoot it. It is also very easy to maneuver around corners and doorways.
A shotgun. The original point-and-click interface. Not much need to practice with that. Make the first 2 birdshot and then 00 buck after that. Take out the plug if it's for home defense.
Maybe they use European ammo for training and it only is good for distances measured in meters.:laugh::sarcastic:
The word "meters" sounds cool. If you are paying all those $ for high end training you want it to sound professional. I think the military, and LEO use high end training centers in addtion to those regular joes who strive to be the best they can be. For us common folk, feet and yards work just fine. BTW, for beginers, the closer the target the better. Hitting the bullseye frequently, and rapidly builds confidence.
I only use american made ammo in my european pistols. I don't like that foreign crap.:sarcastic:
Got some good advice before my comments. Also suggest you develop a skill at point shoot within the 3-5 foot range. As stated above, most shooting occur within that distance or slightly farther. Point shoot is exactly that. You point the firearm and allow your eyes and nose to essentially point the firearm at what they are pointing at; no sight recognition, no laser, just your inherent body reaction. At short distances, with training, it is remarkably accurate and it takes those fractions of a second off the whole scenario, which can make a big difference when you are very close to the slime. Something else to practice that makes sense, IMO.
Theres nothing wrong with shooting at 50 ft targets, but like everybody is saying its a little far to worry about self defense, if you shoot somebody at 50 ft away he better be running toward you shooting, if not you proably go to jail, practice from 3yds out to maybe 8 to 10yds, our CCW class shot 12 shots at 3yds, 12 at 5yds, 12 at 7yds, 6 at 10yds, and 6 at 15yds, the 21ft, (7 yds) is what you should concentrate on
I agree with LGH and all the rest, 3,5,7 yards at the max. Try practicing backing up rapidly at a 45 degree angle from the target and shooting as you back up. Most BG's aren't going to stand still like a paper target. This helps put distance between you and the BG, and makes you a harder target for them. :pleasantry:
And while you are shooting at distances of 7yds and less, make sure you practice point shooting. For close in defensive situations, every fraction of a second count, and point shooting gives you every fraction of a second that counts. Target acqusition with sights and lasers etc are all well and good and can always be considered a complement to your defense but point shooting done properly and practiced can be the ultimate defensive technique at say 3-7 yds. Read some of the point shoot threads in this forum, defensive forum, and threat focussed forum, try it, practice it, and you will understand its benefits.
I concentrate more on the pattern of shots than distance. The pattern tells me things like if I am pushing, jerking, anticipating recoil, and so on. Look at the pattern of, say, 10 shots at various distances.
Actually I don't anticipate recoil anymore, so scratch that one.
mmmmm....15 meters is almost 49.5 feet... :biggrin:

Yeah, of course I realized that belatedly. The vast majority of the time, we do train at the lesser ranges alto the skills testing does include shooting at 15 m, excuse me, 49.5 foot range (seems some guys on the thread don't like, I'm smooth and debonair, you know, like Europeans. :biggrin:)
I recently got my ccw permit and I am new to pistol shooting. What is a good distance to start off for practice target shooting. I shot my new G19 over the weekend and was less than impressed with my skills :no:. Let me add that my target was about 50 feet away, 10" in dia...too far?

3, 7 and 10 yards.
Uh........seeings the OP was asking about practicing on a target and what distance would be good. Lets see.............MOST gun altercations happen within 3-5 yrds. GEE, that about sums it up for me. In most circumstances, shooting past 7 yrds could be considered not defense but offensive. Which a group of peers could say you are the aggressor. BIG can of worms there!
As the treat gets closer the target gets larger, distance shouldn't matter. Whoever sends the most ordnance down range fastest wins.
As the treat gets closer the target gets larger, distance shouldn't matter. Whoever sends the most ordnance down range fastest wins.

As long as you are hitting what you are aiming at. :yes4:

If you are missing, all you are doing is making noise.:bad: