Ok, first post, but I have to weigh in on this.
First, your entire tone is confrontational. Yes, OC is legal. However, how many people OC where you are? Is this a common practice? The female officer-- although certainly not enlightened by any means-- does have a point. Everyone CAN'T have a weapon. There are nutcases out there, and felons. That's why you are carrying your gun, open or concealed, and since it sounds like OC isn't commonly practiced where you-- though legal-- perhaps you need to consider WHY you chose to OC.
The marchers in Selma and this guy don't have a lot in common. They were protesting, en masse, their complete and utter disenfranchisement from the American institutions that most of us take for granted. The guy in the video was carrying a firearm in an area where it is obviously not practiced, and comparing his actions-- which achieve nothing-- to those in Selma is a bit of a stretch.
Lots of mention of our founding fathers on here. One question the founders asked about many of their laws and policies in their debates was, "To what end?" As in: So you proved to the officers that OC is legal. Great. Those two officers probably won't stop YOU again, but if they choose to detain and question another citizen with a gun-- in broad daylight, on a city street-- I can't say I blame them. So the question to ask about this is, "Okay, you were right. They read page 19 of the Attorney' General handbook from your back pocket, and you were right. Great. To what end?"
I like to remember that these "jack-booted Gestapo" are people just like you and me. They get up in the morning, put on their uniform, and go to work. They have the same ambitions as you and me. They want to stop bad things from happening in their community-- bad things like a nutjob with a gun going on a killcrazy rampage. So they ordered an armed man to the ground, checked his papers, and perhaps took a tone with him that suggested, "Ok, the OC is legal. But WHY are you frightening your fellow citizens by doing so when you can carry concealed legally and frighten/alarm no one?" Have you had previous run-ins with law enforcement in your town? Is that the agenda?
Remember that the Gestapo played a big part in the Nazis rounding up six million people and sending them to their deaths. They did not ask for gun ownership paperwork, and they certainly didn't have meaningful discussions about the niceties of German law with those they detained. Your analogy loses its emphasis when it delves into melodrama; an eight-minute detention by two police officers is not Dachau.
Oh, and before the flame-fest starts: I'm in the Army. Active duty. I swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. I'm a combat wounded vet. And yes, I think the gradual erosion of our rights is troubling. But I do not think these cops have that as their agenda. If more people carried openly, and it was the custom to do so in the town/city where this was filmed, I doubt this would have occurred.
Perhaps there is something to be learned in a comparison with the marchers in Selma. If this guy had fifty of his friends, carrying openly, threatening no one, would the cops have responded the same way? If they did, he'd have the beginnings of a class-action lawsuit, and furthermore, it would deters these officers from thinking they had stopped one random nutjob with a gun and an agenda.
A previous poster said it best: the anti-gunners are looking for ways to take our guns. Most of America does not think like we do. If we give the antigunners more to work with, they will use it against us. Your confrontation with the police definitely errs on the side of giving them something to work with.