Les Brers
1: What state are you in.
2: I was talking about open carry in MA. where most police officers think open carry is crime.
I'm in Mississippi you blue-bellied Yankee scum! LOL Just kidding - I'm really in Alabama! LOL
On contact you will run the risk of being probed out at gunpoint.
Any cop probing me on contact without a warrant will be shot before he gets to the first knuckle!
3: why would you want to advertise you are carrying a firearm? I understand everyone should be free to exercise their rights but is there a reason you choose to open carry?
If you had stopped right there, I would've taken you seriously and answered your question politely. But....
Are you handicap, lack the motor skills to lift you shirt up before drawing or do you just want people to see your big gun? Must be one of those unless you open carry for a job. In which case your input is irrelevant. This discussion is mostly about open carry in plain cloths.
Actually, I am handicapped. Over the last two or three years I have developed what my physical therapist has referred to as "the worst case of plantar fasciitis" she's ever seen. If you have no idea what that is, hit yourself a library in one of those Ivy League Brainwashing and Propaganda Centers you got peppered all over the landscape up there and look it up. It has nothing to do with my hands, arms or ability to manipulate my shirt though, and my gun is not all that big, just a bit bigger than average I guess since I no longer have to buy compacts or sub-compacts and dress around them, but if you're at all serious about wanting to know why I OC after CC'ing for well over 30 years, I suggest you read this post from about six years ago here on this site, and please, meditate or pray or stick your head under a cold faucet before reading it, so as to open your mind to real logic and personalized experiential recounting before coming back to make truly vapid and juvenile p e n i s jokes.
4: I'm none of those. I'm just a law abiding America citizen whose chooses to exercise his 2nd amendment rights to protect my wife's, daughter's and my own life if needed.
As to the part I put in bold, umm, no you're not there you Yankee nob. You ask for, pay for and submit to the requirement to get permission from the state before they grant you the privilege of exercising a right that shall not be infringed, so your state isn't even "law abiding" when it comes to your rights, so how can you possibly be by complying with such tyrannical nonsense?
OC is the only way in most states to carry without having to ask permission. I not only exercise my real rights, I own them out in front of God Almighty and everybody else. The law is on my side, so if a cop tries to "probe" me (or prone me), they're going to cost the tax-payers of whatever jurisdiction I happen to be in within the state at the time several thousand dollars, if not tens of thousands of dollars, when I win the judgment for them violating my civil rights. And guess what smart-ass? I'll win that judgment whether anyone was impressed with the size of my gun or not!
I'm a realistic.
You're a lamb, cowering in fear of cops who would violate your rights under unquestioned or unchallenged orders from their tyrant-handlers, all of whom wake up every morning thinking of new and exciting ways to dishonor their oaths.
It's one thing to be deceived, but if you close your mind and refuse to see the truth in the above statement, you are nothing but self-deceived.
I don't feel the need to dress up and pretend to be a LEO or cowboy.
Yeah, sell your smart-ass quips somewhere else. The overwhelming number of regular membership here, even if they prefer CC over OC, ain't gonna be buying that trash-talk from someone who just showed up less than one full day ago.
Fudd cleanup on aisle 5!