Open carry ccw


New member
Can someone post what states allow open carry (I have UT AND NH and will be ih the Bristol ,TN and Knoxville area.Looking for a public range to shoot while Iam down.Thanks
Can someone post what states allow pen carry for non-residents (I have UT AND NH and will be ih the Bristol ,TN and Knoxville area.Looking for a public range to shoot while Iam down.Thanks

There is no state that allows open carry ONLY for state residents. Any state that allows open carry, allows it for state residents and out of staters.
Can someone post what states allow pen carry for non-residents (I have UT AND NH and will be ih the Bristol ,TN and Knoxville area.Looking for a public range to shoot while Iam down.Thanks

Dosesn't "CCW" stand for "Concealed Carry Weapon"? :wink: Not sure of all of the states, you may want to check the "Resources" section of this site and check out the states you're heading to. It might be a good idea to contact the authority that issues the CC permits in the states in question since laws often change frequently.

From what I understand, you don't need a permit in the state of VT and AK. The state of IN allows you to carry in accordance with your permit. If your permit has the word "Concealed", for example the FL "Concealed Weapons Permit", then your firearm must be carried "concealed". OTOH, if your permit simply states "Firearms Permit" like the state of GA, then you're allowed to carry "open" or "concealed".

A quick check on OCDO lists the following states that allow OC with a permit: UT, ND, MN, IA, IN, TN, MS, GA, MA, CT, RI, NJ, MD and HI. I highly doubt that you would be able to get a permit in MA, NJ, MD and HI.

According to OCDO, the following states have excellent OC laws: MT, ID, NV, WY, AZ, NM, SD, KY, VA, VT & AK.

Hope this answers your question.

Ppen carry

I plan to spend a week in the Kingsport,TN and would like to kmow if open carry is legal .Thanks Samson
GF....I noticed you didn't list Michigan as an OC state....was that because you didnt know or was it just a list of states where you needed a permit to OC.......just sayin.....
GF....I noticed you didn't list Michigan as an OC state....was that because you didnt know or was it just a list of states where you needed a permit to OC.......just sayin.....

Might have missed it when I quickly glanced at the OCDO site.


Michigan is an open carry state. Residents do not require a permit to open carry. Out of state resident do but that is do to being able to bring the gun into the state. Michigan recognizes all resident permits. It does not recognize not resident permits.

Link Removed

2. Can a resident of another state legally possess a pistol in Michigan?

If you are a non-resident of Michigan with a valid concealed pistol permit from your home state, Michigan will recognize your permit (MCL 28.432 & MCL 28.432a). However, you must carry in conformance with any and all restrictions appearing on the permit. You are subject to Michigan's concealed pistol law including but not limited to restrictions on where a concealed pistol may be carried. Without a CPL, a non-resident may not have a pistol in Michigan.
Hmm that isn't what the Link Removed.

Someone needs to straighten out the Attorney General then...

WV firearms booklet

Pg 4 said:
It is important to note that while West Virginia is an “open carry” state the ability to carry openly is
deemed by law enforcement to apply only to West Virginia residents. West Virginia law enforcement’s
interpretation of “open carry” is that the handgun must be visible from three sides.
Someone needs to straighten out the Attorney General then...

WV firearms booklet
I'm sure WVCDL would like to know about it and get it fixed.

Unless you can point out something specifically in the WV Code which states that open carry applies to only residents only then it does not. I couldn't find anything in the book with a specific State code that outlaws it for non-residents.
It is important to note that while West Virginia is an “open carry” state the ability to carry openly is
deemed by law enforcement to apply only to West Virginia residents. West Virginia law enforcement’s
interpretation of “open carry” is that the handgun must be visible from three sides.

It really doesn't matter what screwed up interpretations law enforcement has. The courts interpret the rules, not the police. The police only play by them....or not.
The courts interpret the rules, not the police. The police only play by them....or not.

It's the "or not" part that really bugs me. The laws have become more and more ridiculous, and the cops are far more likely to simply arrest people and let the courts sort it out these days.
Pennsylvania is an open-carry state as well - with no permit. Unless, of course, you're in Philadelphia, in which case you need a permit.
Can someone post what states allow open carry (I have UT AND NH and will be ih the Bristol ,TN and Knoxville area.Looking for a public range to shoot while Iam down.Thanks

One half of Bristol is OC the other is not . Va. side is OC Tn. Side is OC with permit only.

Tennessee Side


Tennessee is not a traditional open carry state. However, Tennessee is a shall-issue state that issues a carry permit that allows both open and concealed carry.

State Constitution Article I, Section 26

That the citizens of this State have a right to keep and to bear arms for their common defense; but the Legislature shall have power, by law, to regulate the wearing of arms with a view to prevent crime.

Minimum Age to OC No Statutory Limit

Preemption Complete State Preemption of All Firearm Laws except those ordinances that were in effect at the time preemption was passed.

NOTE: Almost all states allow local regulation of the discharge of firearms

Open Car Carry Firearms may be openly carried in cars only with a permit/license.

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