Wow, that sounds really tolerant... If im reading this right sounds like your going to basically shun half the country, probably a bunch of coworkers, and more than likely some family members. While your at it you should distance yourself from everyone who doesnt share your religous beliefs, or favorite color, or drive the same kinda car, etc... Instead of distanceing yourself you should be trying to educate them!
Your rant is INVALID
You distance YOURSELF from CRIMINALS right ?
YOU distance yourself from PEDOPHILES right ?
You distance yourself from negative influence right ?
AND YET YOU DON'T DISTANCE YOURSELF from the rest of SOME of society right ?
So why you assert that if I choose to distance MYSELF from
some folks YOU suggest I distance myself from EVERYONE else that I disagree with ?
Are you CLOSE with The Brady Campaign or are you close with the NRA ?
YOU distant yourself from one of them.
YOU can't be CLOSE with BOTH
Secondly: If you're PRO GUN, are YOU gonna let some ANTI come "educate" and convince you NOT TO BE PRO GUN ?
So why should I waste MY TIME trying to "educate" one that is a committed ANTI-GUN ?
I guarantee that an anti thinking like YOU that THEY can come "educate" me and change my mind about being PRO-GUN will die waiting
Who tells you an anti doesn't feel the same way as WE do about our guns ?
YOU or I CAN'T win them ALL, and its SENSELESS to THINK that YOu or I CAN CHANGE THEM ALL.