New Year Resolutions?


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With Christmas 2008 behind us, we look forward to the next festive event:
New Years Day 2009. So I figured I better quit something as I try and (normally) fail miserably every New Year. President-elect BHO may make me give up my guns, but that is not really a bad habit, or something which will make me safer/live longer, although I may spend less on ammo, which will be just enough to make rolling me by any armed BG worth at least taking the $'s out of my bill-fold & my watch, ring(s) or maybe even my life worth their time. :ph34r:
You could give up your home, job and all your savings, but again with a recession going down hard, that is prolly not on your list of things you want to part with, but may have to if you build/sell U.S.-made autos!
Don't you love it when the government and/or the economy makes New Year resolutions for you that you better keep? Outsourcing your dreams & livelihood to 3-rd world nations. :mamba: :moil:
So let me see, something I could hack that is possible to give up and not be too far-fetched. :yes4:
1. Give up my nagging wife, nah, did that in 2000 and it cost me a chunk!
2. Give up my cat, she died of old age in 2007 so I don't need to do that.
3. Get more exercise, nah, I'm way too old to start every morning with a U.S. Army PT program and no way I'm jumping up & down in Spandex tights for that aging fairy Richard Simmons to some disco oldies. :dance3:
4. Give up drinking, 10 years since I did that so no go there.
5. Give up smoking, now that would save me BIG time but tried that every New Year and failed within a week. Tobacco? Addictive? No way! :eek:
6. Give up paying my taxes, I think I'll stick with smoking more and start-up binge drinking, much safer than p/o-ing the IRS! :butcher:
7. I'd love to give up using Windows © (all builds) if only there was a better computer operating system available, other than Mac-attacks or Linux. (Sensing a flame coming!)
All right USA Carry keep 'em clean, make 'em funny or just spill your guts and post what you DO plan on giving up for New Year, like reading my posts that always get verbose, colorful and drag on like some Congressional filibuster on valium. :drag: The perfect resolution and so easy to make & keep!

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In 2005 I gave up giving up something for New far Im batting a 1000!! :biggrin:
And Canis.....keep em coming, what the hell woudl we do without the color saturated, loooooooooong winded, sometimes dry witted but always (imo) interesting reads :to_pick_ones_nose3:
Happy New Year......
Actually because I am not getting any younger and have not exercised for a while like I used to the thing I plan to do is give up sitting on my butt and start walking/running and weight training again. Also make some changes in my diet. Well at least that's my story and I am sticking to it.
I've removed the storage items from my exercise room, and tuned up the bike (new tires & cables). Regimen starts as soon as the head cold ends.

On a slightly more realistic plan, I'll have a firearm on lay-away continuously until DC stops gun sales. Everytime I pay one off, I'll just start paying for the next one.
When did the concept of New Year's resolutions start, anyway? Has anyone ever fulfilled a single resolution, ever?
My intention is to retire this coming year. Travel some, camp more, spend more time shooting, spend more time in Idaho. Get a Utah carry permit. Get an Oregon carry permit. Take lot's of pictures with my new camera. Maybe do some fishing. Maybe do some hunting.
I just bought 2 new handguns (in the last 3 months), and 3 Crimson Trace laser grips. :dance3: I wouldn't dare think about buying more gun stuff (with the wife looking!). However, I have been thinking about a nice 870 for carrying in Canada. Hmm!:moil:
Sounds like fun. I will be able to retire in 3 years and travel is something my wife and I intend to do. Idaho is one place I would like to go. We intend to get a small motor home and spend a lot of time seeing the wilderness area of a lot of states. Of course that is if the USA holds together and does not have a complete collapse or becomes part of the big One World Government, NWO. The way we are heading that very well could be.
We intend to get a small motor home and spend a lot of time seeing the wilderness area of a lot of states

Great fun! We have a Lance camper on an F350 with duelies. We bought it secondhand and it has a lot of "extras" that I wouldn't have bought but wouldn't want to be without now (like a backup camera). We like the camper because I can drop it off the truck easily and use the truck to run around in while the camper stays in camp!

Of course that is if the USA holds together and does not have a complete collapse or becomes part of the big One World Government, NWO.

In which case, a camper of some kind could be a real lifesaver. It gets you comfortably along with a minimum of use of utilities and supplies.
in which case, a camper of some kind could be a real lifesaver. It gets you comfortably along with a minimum of use of utilities and supplies.

Yes that is another reasons I want one.
I have yet to see anyone make a resolution to buy more firearms. Why?

From page 1, Reply #4 I've removed the storage items from my exercise room, and tuned up the bike (new tires & cables). Regimen starts as soon as the head cold ends.

On a slightly more realistic plan, I'll have a firearm on lay-away continuously until DC stops gun sales. Everytime I pay one off, I'll just start paying for the next one.
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ok, in no particular order....

1. more P.T.
2.more hand to head combat training, also to include various weapons drills and training.
4. finish fixing my house.
5. continue to store food and medical gear. do better in my spiritual life.
7. get a roy orbison cd{ can you believe i don't have one?! got him on some PBS broadcasts though. }
8. spend more time with another hobby whic is playing the guitar. better .
10. learn to speak cherokee
1. more P.T.
2.more hand to head combat training, also to include various weapons drills and training.
4. finish fixing my house.
5. continue to store food and medical gear. do better in my spiritual life.
7. get a roy orbison cd{ can you believe i don't have one?! got him on some PBS broadcasts though. }
8. spend more time with another hobby whic is playing the guitar. better .
10. learn to speak cherokee

get a roy orbison cd{ can you believe i don't have one?! got him on some PBS broadcasts though. }

No I can't.

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