National concealed carry reciprocity act of 2017

Ringo, I couldn't help but notice that you offered no defense in support of the morals of a ***** grabbing braggart and fornicator of porn stars. What's the matter? Still can find anything in your bible to justify that moral behavior.

You used trump as example of moral standards, are you no longer able to defend that?
Ringo, I couldn't help but notice that you offered no defense in support of the morals of a ***** grabbing braggart and fornicator of porn stars. What's the matter? Still can find anything in your bible to justify that moral behavior.

You used trump as example of moral standards, are you no longer able to defend that?

Of course you couldn't help but notice. It's because of your inability to comprehend anything above a school playground level of communication. Telling you again, like everything you're told, is a waste of time.

~ In America today, it's considered worse to judge evil than to do evil. Never let these Hypocritical Liberal Progressive Christaphobe purveyors of infanticide & homosexual perversion who always manipulate truth to be hate speech set the terms in a debate ~
Of course you couldn't help but notice. It's because of your inability to comprehend anything above a school playground level of communication. Telling you again, like everything you're told, is a waste of time.

Comprehension is perfectly clear..... perfectly clear that you can't support your own position so you let the insults flow. Thank you for playing............
I don't think Trump is following God's plan. As has always been the case, he's following his own.

I understand why you think such. However, I stick to my I belief that God is using Trump for His purpose, and no matter how much vitriol is spewed by the media or otherwise, nothing will touch the POTUS until God says so. My view is strictly biblical, I believe the election of Donald J. Trump as part of God's plan to slow the establishing of a NWO, a reprieve from our downward spiral of lawlessness and moral bankruptcy compared to the last 8 years of Obama's Marxist agenda , and to withhold judgment on this nation for a few more years. It has nothing to do with Planned Parenthood, sanctuary cities, etc., and everything to do with His will in conjunction to End Time Prophecy pertaining to Jerusalem (Zechariah 12:3 - Zechariah 12:9). You may want to re-read post #131 again. I don't believe Trump to be a man of God or of morals, I believe that God is using the man Donald Trump according to His Supreme Plan for mankind pertaining to this Last Generation, period.
God is not the problem, but people that think like this are. That is some rubber room thinking.

See signature line ↓↓↓ for clarification.
God is not the problem, but people that think like this are. That is some rubber room thinking.

God is not the problem? Sounds funny coming from the guy who claims that God doesn't exist but insists on hating Him anyway. Now that's some real rubber room thinking.:wacko:
God is not the problem? Sounds funny coming from the guy who claims that God doesn't exist but insists on hating Him anyway. Now that's some real rubber room thinking.:wacko:

No gods are a problem just like leprechauns are not a problem. Now the people believing these gods are real, and that choose to use them to justify their actions, bigotry, and hatred are a problem.

As for the signature line, those are just the facts, based on the actions of people doing evil things in the name of religion. You know like they did on 9/11?
That's right big boy, it is impossible to hate something that doesn't exist, but the deluded that believe in such gods are a real and present danger.... remember 9/11?
I understand why you think such. However, I stick to my I belief that God is using Trump for His purpose, and no matter how much vitriol is spewed by the media or otherwise, nothing will touch the POTUS until God says so. My view is strictly biblical, I believe the election of Donald J. Trump as part of God's plan to slow the establishing of a NWO, a reprieve from our downward spiral of lawlessness and moral bankruptcy compared to the last 8 years of Obama's Marxist agenda , and to withhold judgment on this nation for a few more years. It has nothing to do with Planned Parenthood, sanctuary cities, etc., and everything to do with His will in conjunction to End Time Prophecy pertaining to Jerusalem (Zechariah 12:3 - Zechariah 12:9). You may want to re-read post #131 again. I don't believe Trump to be a man of God or of morals, I believe that God is using the man Donald Trump according to His Supreme Plan for mankind pertaining to this Last Generation, period.

Here's my problem with what you're saying....

For four decades I've been hearing that a nation that supports abortion is a nation that is against God. I have read Bible verses that make it abundantly clear that that assertion is true. Abortion is an abomination to God.

If that's the case, and I believe it is, a nation led by an abortion-supporting leader cannot at once claim that that leader was put here by God as a reprieve or slow-down of the nation's moral bankruptcy, while at the same time holding firm to the belief that abortion is an abomination to God. Maybe the issue of sanctuary cities doesn't fit well in this exchange, but it seems to me that you're being double-minded on the abortion issue. Trump didn't even read the bill he signed into law that fully-funded Planned Parenthood, which means every one of us who pays taxes is tainted with the abomination of abortion. I assume you too pay taxes. If that's true, Trump has forced you, me and every other taxpayer to accept like mercenaries the blood on our hands of however many more hundreds of thousands abortions are performed at Planned Parenthood clinics for the duration of the funding he just signed into law.

Your logic is flawed.

I voted for Trump because he was the least of two Evils, I did hope he would do things differently, but not in the way he has. I never thought him to be a very Moral man, so I am not alarmed with his past. I am a lot more concerned about tomorrow, next week and the future beyond that.

This really is not a religious forum ...Go to church or something.
I voted for Trump because he was the least of two Evils, I did hope he would do things differently, but not in the way he has. I never thought him to be a very Moral man, so I am not alarmed with his past. I am a lot more concerned about tomorrow, next week and the future beyond that.

This really is not a religious forum ...Go to church or something.

Faithful people have every right to comment in a manner that references their faith as *a* or *the* basis for their positions. Faith and politics intersect in many important and significant ways. This is the politics forum. Faith-related comments in connection to political issues are allowed here. Deal with it, or maybe it's you who should go elsewhere.

Yea right, just keep telling yourself that.

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~ An Atheist's Only Hope Is That There Is No Afterlife, Their Greatest Fear Is That There IS ~​

Your anger is unfitting a person that claims to believe in god. Plus you are stuck on your stupid concept about atheists.
faithful people have every right to comment in a manner that references their faith as *a* or *the* basis for their positions. Faith and politics intersect in many important and significant ways. This is the politics forum. Faith-related comments in connection to political issues are allowed here. Deal with it, or maybe it's you who should go elsewhere.

Amen Brother!
Faithful people have every right to comment in a manner that references their faith as *a* or *the* basis for their positions. Faith and politics intersect in many important and significant ways. This is the politics forum. Faith-related comments in connection to political issues are allowed here. Deal with it, or maybe it's you who should go elsewhere.


Yep, it's called the First Amendment, and it gives those with other views the same right.