Most Cops are Good?

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Guess what? In MY OPINION, anyone that willingly condemns an entire group of people for the actions of a portion of those people is a bad guy. Disagree? Fine. You are entitled to your opinion as well. To stoop to name calling and questioning intelligence because you don't agree with someone, well, that is right in line with good ol' Saul Alinski. Think about it.

No, no, no my boy! You haven't been here long enough. You see, normally that line of thinking would apply........ To EVERYONE except COPS! For example: If you are against abortion, you're part of the "War On Women". If you think Obama is a pi$$ poor President, because all of his actions and policies outright suck, you're a "racist". If you think this nation should secure it's southern border, and apply it's already existing immigration laws, you're an anti Hispanic bigot. If you despise Islamic terrorism, you hate Muslims.


If you think people should pay for their own health care, and not the taxpayers, you want to see all poor people get sick and die. If you think Welfare and Food Stamps should be discontinued, you are against the poor, and want them all to starve and sleep in a vacant lot. And furthermore, believe the "rich should get richer" by actually keeping the money they earned. If you think all voters in this country should be in valid possession of a Voter I.D. Card, BEFORE they are allowed to vote, you're discriminating against idiots who are too stupid to apply for the card, and are denying their "right" to vote Democratic 12 times in every election.


BUT........... If one cop commits a crime while wearing a badge, every cop in the country is a F*#KING MURDERING PIG! If you defend ANY cop for ANY good deed they might perform beyond the call of duty, you're a, "BADGE FLUFFER", or a, "FANBOY". You know, just like if you own a Glock pistol. Remember, this is the U.S.A. Carry Forum! If they put a white, hero cop on the front of the Wheaties Box, embracing a small black child, half the members here would be found hanging from the rafters in their garages.

Guess what? In MY OPINION, anyone that willingly condemns an entire group of people for the actions of a portion of those people is a bad guy. Disagree? Fine. You are entitled to your opinion as well.

The very title of the thread betrays the lie that you're foisting on Axe specifically, and in general on the others of us who don't see the world through the same rose colored glasses that you do. To convert the word "Most" into "an entire group of people" is nothing but your own blatant and dishonestly-presented bias against people who have the audacity to distrust and question the actions of any sub-set of government agency. And your sudden change of context about what you meant when you called "the OP" a "bad guy" is just as dishonest. You said it in the context of comparing him to a murdering cop, and "bad guy" nearly always carries with it the connotation of talking about criminal activity, at least on this board it does. Speaking in the negative about government or the people who occupy it is not ever comparable to a murderer, and your attempt to change the context now is no less an offense to the truth of the matter than was your original statement.

To stoop to name calling
and questioning intelligence because you don't agree with someone, well, that is right in line with good ol' Saul Alinski. Think about it.

Where the heck did I call you, or anybody, names? Do you identify so completely with Slager that you took it personally when I referred to him as a "pig" or a "back-shooting, murdering coward?" I haven't called you any names, even now as you spew lies about either stuff you've said, I've said or Axe said in "the wording of the OP," which simply said...

What about "the wording" makes Axe a "bad guy" in the same context of a back-shooting, murdering pig? The lie of that statement is obvious.

The sad thing is that not one single person (that I saw) even commented on the link he gave, and there's not one shred of evidence that anyone even clicked on it. The article cites statistics compiled by numerous sources, including the Defense Dept. and the Link Removed. Both of those entities cite their sources as well. Other articles and sources linked in Axe's original link further substantiate their cited statistics with more links, nearly all of which can be traced back to government-commissioned studies or actual government agency-compiled stats.

The fact is that "the wording" you're bitchin' about in the OP is nothing if not accurately describing exactly what you're engaging in when he said,

Let the badgefluffing begin....

This is nothing new. You have been pulling lies out of your ass to discredit valid questioning of government generally, and cops specifically, ever since Michael Brown was shot. My posts exposing those lies are too numerous to recount in their totality here (again), but this one is typical of all the others, and your answer to that post was exposed as the dishonest tripe it was too.

Calling a lie a lie is not calling you "names," and I have not called you any names in this thread, so another lie is exposed. If you don't like being identified as a dishonest person, there's a real simple fix for that - quit lying.

Where the heck did I call you, or anybody, names? Do you identify so completely with Slager that you took it personally when I referred to him as a "pig" or a "back-shooting, murdering coward?" I haven't called you any names, even now as you spew lies about either stuff you've said, I've said or Axe said in "the wording of the OP," which simply said...
Most Cops are Good?
Good article.....
The Final Answer on the ?Most Cops Are Good? Myth | Living Resistance
“The final answer” indicating that, as Obama puts it “the science is settled” when we know global warming is a farce too. Using the numbers from the article, and even multiplying by a factor of 3 to account for the unreported, unresolved or covered-up bad cop incidents - divided by the number of cops in the US, times the number of interactions they have with people each day does not and will never approach the 51% number that denotes “most”
When that “Good Article” comes to the conclusion that "Friends, don’t listen to anybody who tells you it’s 'just a few bad apples.’ The whole barrel is rotten.", and you push the article, then I assume you agree with its premise. If you don’t think “the whole barrel” means 100%, then please explain...
Also, why is it you assume I “identify so completely with Slager” and not with Scott? Both were in the Coast Guard but one fits your narrative?

One warrior of the unconstitutional "War on Drugs" unable to bring himself to believe what his lyin' eyes are telling him about another former War on Drugs warrior should surprise nobody.

A. Again, you have no clue about the Coast Guard, while trying to twist my words to somehow be in support of Slager. Counter-narcotics interdiction is a very small percentage of what the Coast Guard does. I spent 22 years doing multiple jobs, only a small percentage of which had anything to do with drug interdiction. Even at that, the drugs the Coast Guard stops are the ones that have yet to enter the country and not one single solitary right of a single citizen of the US is compromised.
B. Are you going to talk smack about the Marines? Army? Navy? Air Force? Again, I took an oath and spent a total of 25 years actively fulfilling that oath in 2 separate services. Are you also going to blame soldiers for the war? For someone that claims to be a 3%er you sure take pleasure in disparaging others that took the oath. That’s a pretty high horse my friend, does that make you a 1%er?
C. When you twist the message then wrongly assert the messengers intent then yes, that falls EXACTLY within the Rules for Radicals framework.

What about "the wording" makes Axe a "bad guy" in the same context of a back-shooting, murdering pig?
Again with word twisting to suit your agenda. I am sorry for not knowing that there is only one level of bad, and I am sorry if I have offended you or Axe tender sensibilities. Yet it is fine for you to disparage the entire Coast Guard because a murdering cop was once in the Coast Guard. Yeah, I see how it works now.

The sad thing is that not one single person (that I saw) even commented on the link he gave, and there's not one shred of evidence that anyone even clicked on it.
Interesting, because I even quoted the article in the very post you are trashing here. Hmmm.
Yeah, I’m not even bothering with the rest. That is just where you proceed to the non-name-calling “you don’t agree with me so I’m calling you a liar” and the “I am misinterpreting what you said so that I can call you a liar” part of the argument. I’ll just close with admiring that very tall horse you ride.
and a murderer....
The sad thing here is the police department already had all their ducks in a row... and put their big foot in their mouth before knowing that someone videoed the whole thing.. and for what? a broken tail light?.....
1) the guy went for the cops Taser
2) the cop was fearful of his life
3) they administered CPR until the ambulance came..
4) it was a justified shooting..
I think anyone offering false witness to the event of this murder should be as culpable.
Chen, I see what you are getting at. I would toss in a military similarity that some on here get intuitively, some by being in the military, and some just don’t get at all.

There is respect for a position and respect for a person. In the cop instance, I can understand that it is a suck job. I can understand that 90% of the people they interact with hate them on spec. I can understand that most of the people they interact with have broken the law in some way shape or form, whether knowingly or inadvertently. I also know that because of this they have to make a snap judgement on the mindset of the person they are dealing with many times a day.

I can understand that it is a more difficult job than many others but in the end it is still a customer service position just like the guy selling you a car or the cashier at the store. I can respect the person that maintains a polite (not sarcastically polite) attitude while doing any crappy job. The minute they cross the that line of treating me like a customer, or in the cop instance like a human being with the same rights as them, I no longer respect them.

In the cop instance I still respect the position, even if it’s a moronic jackwagon doing the job. That moron has the same right to throw the book at you as the decent cop, and is more likely to do so out of spite. There is a difference between respecting the job and respecting the person doing it.

How do you respect a position but not the person who doesn't deserve it? Who's to say what positions have earned respect or not?

Sent from my D6616 using USA Carry mobile app
Who's to say what positions have earned respect or not?

Positions don't earn respect. The people working them do......... Provided they treat the individual they are dealing with, the same way they themselves would like to be treated. This applies to doormen, cashiers, car mechanics, police officers, and everyone in between. The main difference with cops, is if you disrespect them, for whatever reason, they have the power to make your life miserable for it.
Comment deleted - South Carolina Supreme Court ruled in State v. Jihad that any brake light a vehicle has installed must be working.
Not disputing, but agreeing. Would add that NOT ALL LEO's have the same trait. NOT badge fluffing, just saying. I've known both. As always Unions protect the bad. Doesn't matter which professions.

But to some here, just saying "not all cops are bad" makes you a badge fluffer.
But to some here, just saying "not all cops are bad" makes you a badge fluffer.

and it is equally true that to some here just saying "some cops are bad" makes you a cop hater.

The very large majority of people who pass by me every day are good people. I carry a gun to protect myself from the minority of people that would desire to commit a criminal act against me. Only a couple people here would have a problem with that.

The very large majority of police officers I have had encounters with have acted professionally towards me, within the bounds of law, with no issues. However, I will protect myself from that one cop that might be bad by not waiving any of my rights at first contact with a police officer. That doesn't mean I have to be rude or unprofessional, but that does mean I am not going to provide them with any information about myself that I am not required, by law, to provide and I will carefully consider what information I give them regarding others.
Positions don't earn respect. The people working them do......... Provided they treat the individual they are dealing with, the same way they themselves would like to be treated. This applies to doormen, cashiers, car mechanics, police officers, and everyone in between. The main difference with cops, is if you disrespect them, for whatever reason, they have the power to make your life miserable for it.

I agree, that's why I was asking whodat how he does it.

Sent from my D6616 using USA Carry mobile app
“The final answer” indicating that, as Obama puts it “the science is settled” when we know global warming is a farce too. Using the numbers from the article, and even multiplying by a factor of 3 to account for the unreported, unresolved or covered-up bad cop incidents - divided by the number of cops in the US, times the number of interactions they have with people each day does not and will never approach the 51% number that denotes “most”
When that “Good Article” comes to the conclusion that "Friends, don’t listen to anybody who tells you it’s 'just a few bad apples.’ The whole barrel is rotten.", and you push the article, then I assume you agree with its premise. If you don’t think “the whole barrel” means 100%, then please explain...

Good grief. More dishonest discourse from you. When will it end?

You said...

Quote Originally Posted by whodat2710 View Post
He was a bad cop too lazy to chase the guy. I guess my point is that you can tell by the wording in the OP who the bad guys are, at least on here.

Now you're trying to say that it was the "bad guys" who authored the piece at the link in the OP that you were referring to, and not Axe or the rest of us "on here" who regularly question/criticize/condemn the burgeoning police state in this country?

For the sake of all that is holy, quit lying!!! It's just stupid to do when the proof of the lie is right here in this thread. Axe didn't write what you're now commenting on, and that link says absolutely nothing about the "bad guys....on here." If you'd commented on the link instead of comparing murderers with free-speakers "on here," I never would've replied to (or about) you at all.

Your single line from the article, completely out of context to what the author was saying, and immediate dismissal of the line to boot, came after this little kerfuffle between you and me kicked off. When I said there's no evidence that anyone even clicked on the link, I was referring to up to the point at which you compared a murdering cop to the "bad guys on here" who simply say things that piss you off. That you showed evidence of having read the article (or some pull-quote that you thought might be useful to discredit it) subsequent to your statement that I originally took issue with, is rather meaningless now isn't it? Hmmm indeed.

I gave up long ago expecting you to be honest in the way you converse about the subject of cops, or what some of us have to say about the horrendous state of affairs that they are a huge contributory part of in this country. You obfuscate, exaggerate and outright lie about what is said or thought by many of us. It's par for the course with you.

How do you respect a position but not the person who doesn't deserve it? Who's to say what positions have earned respect or not?
Have you been in the military? I only ask because it makes the difference is easier to explain/understand if thought of in that light.
I might think my Commanding Officer is a jackhole. I will therefore not respect him as an individual. If he tries to play captain nice guy at a portcall and buy a round of drinks I would decline that offer since it has nothing to do with the job. I would not associate from him away from work. He would not get invited to a BBQ. But when it comes to his decisions (lawful orders, operational plans etc.) whatever as the captain of the ship I follow those. Regardless of the fact that he might be an idiot or I might not agree with his plans, as the guy that has been given that responsibility you can't pick and choose which orders to follow or the system fails. As long as they are lawful orders, do not infringe on any of the crews rights, or compromise their safety, you just bear with it because of the respect due the position of Captain of the ship. When idiot captains fail miserably at their job, they are held accountable. Justice will eventually be served.
As this applies to cops, if you get to pick and choose which laws you will follow, or which cops you will pull over for when they hit the blue lights, the system fails. Think of it as respecting the fact that when the cop behind you flips on the blue lights, you are respecting the fact that he has the authority to pull you over based on his position. If what he pulled you over for was bogus, you can fight it in court, but you can't (as a law abiding person) just decide that you did nothing wrong and not stop. That is what I mean by respecting the position without respecting the person. Two entirely different forms of respect.
and it is equally true that to some here just saying "some cops are bad" makes you a cop hater.

The very large majority of people who pass by me every day are good people. I carry a gun to protect myself from the minority of people that would desire to commit a criminal act against me. Only a couple people here would have a problem with that.

The very large majority of police officers I have had encounters with have acted professionally towards me, within the bounds of law, with no issues. However, I will protect myself from that one cop that might be bad by not waiving any of my rights at first contact with a police officer. That doesn't mean I have to be rude or unprofessional, but that does mean I am not going to provide them with any information about myself that I am not required, by law, to provide and I will carefully consider what information I give them regarding others.

This is what Blues can't seem to understand about my position. I would never say that ALL cops are good, just like I wouldn't say ALL cops are bad. That is just blatantly wrong on both assumptions. Politeness has nothing to do with "subservience" and does not imply offering anything not required by law.
Good grief. More dishonest discourse from you. When will it end?

Now you're trying to say that it was the "bad guys" who authored the piece at the link in the OP that you were referring to, and not Axe or the rest of us "on here" who regularly question/criticize/condemn the burgeoning police state in this country?

NO! Again, you are reading what you want to read. The bigots that wrote the article, and I say bigot in reference to anyone that would discriminate against a group of people because of the actions of a portion of that group, are in my opinion bad guys. But that is not what I said. I said that if he agrees with the bigots and pushes their message as a "Good Article" then in my opinion he is a bad guy. If I misinterpreted his "good article" comment as being supportive of their conclusion then I apologize to AXE. I see that he may have meant that there is good info in the article, and there was an abundance of info.
However, if you say that because their article was well cited with plenty of links and it proves that their conclusion "The whole barrel is rotten" (translate as "all cops are bad") is therefore fact, then YOU are a bad guy.
How can you not see that this is synonymous with racism? "look at all the black hoodlums in Chicago killing everyone, all blacks are bad"? See how obviously factual statements do not justify the conclusion?

For the sake of all that is holy, quit lying!!! It's just stupid to do when the proof of the lie is right here in this thread. Axe didn't write what you're now commenting on, and that link says absolutely nothing about the "bad guys....on here." If you'd commented on the link instead of comparing murderers with free-speakers "on here," I never would've replied to (or about) you at all.

More nonsense. A murderer is a bad guy. A guy that picks on fat people is a bad guy. One is worse than the other. How hard is it to comprehend that no one compared anyone on here to a murderer. That is just stupid.

Your single line from the article, completely out of context to what the author was saying, and immediate dismissal of the line to boot, came after this little kerfuffle between you and me kicked off.
Again, you display your inability to read what I wrote. The quote from the article was IN THE POST you replied to when you said no one even read the article. Go back and look. My post that quoted the article was #79, yours whining that no one even read the article was #82.

When I said there's no evidence that anyone even clicked on the link, I was referring to up to the point at which you compared a murdering cop to the "bad guys on here" who simply say things that piss you off. That you showed evidence of having read the article (or some pull-quote that you thought might be useful to discredit it) subsequent to your statement that I originally took issue with, is rather meaningless now isn't it? Hmmm indeed.
When the quote that I chose was the conclusion reached by the author of the article, essentially stating that based on the data they provided it was a fact, I believe it is actually relevant to a conversation about the article. Go figure.

I gave up long ago expecting you to be honest in the way you converse about the subject of cops, or what some of us have to say about the horrendous state of affairs that they are a huge contributory part of in this country. You obfuscate, exaggerate and outright lie about what is said or thought by many of us. It's par for the course with you.

Right, and I gave up on the fact that you would read anything I post about any cop related issue with an open mind. Once the guy that hates all cops labels you as a badge-fluffer, you might as well just leave huh?
If this thread was about car salesmen instead of cops, it wouldn't contain half the bad mouthing this one does. And it's all but guaranteed that everyone who has participated in this thread has been F*#KED over by car salesman 10 times worse in their lifetime, than they could ever hope to be by cops. :rolleyes:
If this thread was about car salesmen instead of cops, it wouldn't contain half the bad mouthing this one does. And it's all but guaranteed that everyone who has participated in this thread has been F*#KED over by car salesman 10 times worse in their lifetime, than they could ever hope to be by cops. :rolleyes:
Man, I really hated it when car salesmen faked up a warrant affidavit, murdered Kathryn Johnston and planted drugs in her house...
Man, I really hated it when car salesmen faked up a warrant affidavit, murdered Kathryn Johnston and planted drugs in her house...

Current population of the United States...........................................................319,900,000


Stories Deanimator can come up with about people being killed by "bad cops"...........????????


Odds of dying in a commercial airplane crash...............................................11 Million to 1.

It would appear the cop haters can't seem to get their statistics right. Even when both come from the same site. :confused:


Link Removed


Link Removed
Stories Deanimator can come up with about people being killed by "bad cops"...........????????
Examples of police criminality which you have refuted? ***ZERO***

That's ok, I used to know a Turk who claimed the Armenian genocide involved Armenians murdering hundreds of thousands of Turks...
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