Michael Brown

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And that says it all. Got to get me a new cell phone. Yo, mama called and said bring home dinner... and don't burn down KFC or we don't eat.


I always liked this old Far Side comic:

Guilty dog:


No matter what evidence was presented to the court and jury the dog was going to be found G-U-I-L-T-Y!!!

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Enjoy your fried crow for breakfast how does it feel?

I'm eating exactly zero crow, and you're still an idiot.

I called it exactly how it happened way back in Post #27 of this mega-badgefluffing-thread:

You seem at least willing to accept some thin-blue-liners' "investigation" results, the outcome of which is a foregone conclusion to anybody paying a modicum of attention to what's going on in this country...

In case you don't get the rather clear implication, the "foregone conclusion" that I was alluding to is that Wilson would not be indicted.

Post #69:
...on the off-chance that a trial of the killer of Michael Brown ensues out of all this...

Post #141:
assuming he would be a defense witness for Wilson on the extreme off-chance that he'll ever be charged with something

Throughout this thread I have said that it was highly doubtful that a charge would ever be brought. The irony of your moronic post thinking you've caught me in some gloat-worthy moment is that the reasons I gave in the post you replied to are also perfectly consistent with what I've said throughout the thread; Ferguson is a cesspool of racism and police, court and general government corruption. I even tried to get people to recognize it through the use of comedy back in Post #200. I seriously doubt you will listen to it because I've taken note of your utterly imperviable resistance to listening to anything counter to your conclusions, but here it is, and nothing in it has changed because of last nights GJ decision announcement:

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Ferguson, MO and Police Militarization (HBO)

How far has America fallen since 1776?

So far that a freakin' Brit tells us more about tyranny than many of us can figure out for ourselves.

Everything that I've predicted has come true. No resolution between the conflicts of Wilson's side and the eye-witnesses' side will ever be had now. We will likely never even know who all the witnesses are/were, and likewise can never evaluate their credibility against that of the Brown witnesses. The Prosecutor presented the defense side by even bringing those witnesses, which, combined with what he said in his press conference last night, confirms that he never had any intentions of getting a charge filed against Darren Wilson.

In closing, I stand by what I said in Post #216. I figured this out many years ago, and it has been confirmed and reaffirmed many times since then. Enjoy your imagined reason to gloat, but take heed here, government is always, 100% of the time, dangerous to liberty:

The state is woefully ill-equipped to meet its burden of proof that the state is guilty of a crime. A state prosecutor being run by a state-employed judge making his/her case against a state employee is the very definition of a stacked deck against the state's victims. It is the same frustration that led to the Bundy Siege that is driving the legitimate protesters (as opposed to the criminals) in Ferguson. The state cannot be trusted to police itself. It has been proved time after time after time. We, The People failed We, The People when neglecting to include severe penalties for any offense against the public trust when the Constitution was written and ratified. So, it's fair to just say, "That's the system, get over it," but the truth is at the bottom line that government can still not be trusted to police itself.

This is a sad day for America. It's becoming about race. I read the testimony of the witnesses but it still leaves me with questions. How can someone take that number of hits and still not go down?
In reading Wilson's testimony he claims Brown was inside the police car. They were tussling and he locked-onto Brown's arm to keep from being hit. It would seem to me the best course of action would have been to put the car in gear and hit the pedal. That surely would break Brown's grip on the gun. Wilson, in his testimony, said he was looking for something to use to break Brown's grip. Claims his mace was on the left and he couldn't get to it. He couldn't get to his flashlight on the passenger seat. Why not hit the pedal, get free and wait for backup? Brown would not get far before backup would arrive.
PP classes focus on the physiological changes that occur during a violent encounter. Tunnel vision, auditory exclusion, adrenaline and epinephrine dumps into the blood-stream, fear, shaking. Was his thinking so clouded by the situation that he thought of no other options?
This is a sad day for America. It's becoming about race. I read the testimony of the witnesses but it still leaves me with questions. How can someone take that number of hits and still not go down?
In reading Wilson's testimony he claims Brown was inside the police car. They were tussling and he locked-onto Brown's arm to keep from being hit. It would seem to me the best course of action would have been to put the car in gear and hit the pedal. That surely would break Brown's grip on the gun. Wilson, in his testimony, said he was looking for something to use to break Brown's grip. Claims his mace was on the left and he couldn't get to it. He couldn't get to his flashlight on the passenger seat. Why not hit the pedal, get free and wait for backup? Brown would not get far before backup would arrive.
PP classes focus on the physiological changes that occur during a violent encounter. Tunnel vision, auditory exclusion, adrenaline and epinephrine dumps into the blood-stream, fear, shaking. Was his thinking so clouded by the situation that he thought of no other options?

Just guessing here but if one trains 500x more with a gun than without, it probably feels like the only option when shtf.

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.In reading Wilson's testimony he claims Brown was inside the police car. They were tussling and he locked-onto Brown's arm to keep from being hit. It would seem to me the best course of action would have been to put the car in gear and hit the pedal. That surely would break Brown's grip on the gun. Wilson, in his testimony, said he was looking for something to use to break Brown's grip. Claims his mace was on the left and he couldn't get to it. He couldn't get to his flashlight on the passenger seat. Why not hit the pedal, get free and wait for backup? Brown would not get far before backup would arrive.

Although this all happened very quickly- Edit- in my opinion- in small low income and largely black population towns- they very quickly congregate around any commotion. And they don't do it at a distance. They do it at a rather close proximity. Him putting that car in gear would've surely put a civilian in jeopardy.

As for Blues' mentioning ferguson being a very racist and corrupt town. You have no idea what ferguson is except for what reporters have depicted it as. It is a largely black town- and a small town on the border of the edge of northern St. Louis county. Is it a racist town? Yes. But the racism stems largely and very vocally from its residents. That's the irony in St. Louis. I have never heard a white person. In any socioeconomic class- and in any neighborhood- call a black person a racial slur to their face in an argument. However I have LOST COUNT of the times that I have heard blacks openly call whites crackers and white trash. And while grocery shopping in the China town part of St. Louis- I've seen blacks use "chink" countless times whenever some conflict has been engaged. Yes. Racism exists.

And corrupt? Ferguson is a small town- that St. Louis county pd does not cover. However county pd has eaten up many small towns and in turn, have taken the towns good cops on board. St. Louis county, city and st. Charles pd- (and mo state trooper) are the largest companies and the ones that provide the best benefits. Ferguson has only a few black officers bc why work in small town pd when you can make more, get better benefits and a pension and belong to a union (with legal representation) - at a larger pd.
the only injustice here, is that which officer Wilson has endured. All he did was attempt to arrest a 6 ft 4 300 lb. man who just committed felony assault on a Police officer.. The minute Brown reached inside the car and attacked Wilson he became a felon...what child of god is taught to put their hands on a Police officer.. Brown was brought u[p a thug, who by his own mothers words said" a little drugs and a little law breaking, is what All kids that age do.... and to that I've said... No Mrs. Brown.. not where I live , do children 18 years old rob merchants and commit felony assaults on Police officers...
Who is going to give Officer Wilson back his life, that was taken from him for doing his job. the one all the eye witnesses lied about.. will all that testimony that was contrary to the physical evidence, bring about more indictments for those who interfered in a federal investigation... those liars should be held responsible for their willful obstruction of justice. Is the accomplice of Michael Brwon , in jail??? he was a co-conspirator in the mini mart robbery, and gave false witness to the events that actually happened... No one is giving any respect for the officer who was just doing his job, and was the victim of a thug who would have wound up in jail or in the ground sooner or later anyway..
I feel no remorse for Michael Brown and plenty for Officer Wilson... And all those blacks wonder why the rest of the world has any respect for them as a race...
Report from last night had 61 arrested. Of those 61, all were from Ferguson. And the ones who were hurt the worst, the store owners who lived in Ferguson. Like the owner of the beauty shop.
...perfectly consistent with what I've said throughout the thread; Ferguson is a cesspool of racism and police, court and general government corruption.
Because, of course, you live there and know about this first hand. Sorry, but I'll have to side with Courtney Chen on this one. Since they didn't produce the outcome you wanted, based on your limited knowledge of facts presented to the GJ, there is corruption. Eyewitness testimony is always suspect; Biased eyewitness testimony even more so. Had the eyewitnesses seen the ENTIRE confrontation, and then been sequestered so that they didn't corroborate their stories, I may have had a different opinion. Personally I'll go with facts and forensic evidence.
...and nothing in it has changed because of last nights GJ decision announcement:
Of course not, it's over for everyone but you the Brown family and Eric Holder. Think about the sides you are taking when you decide to automatically convict all cops as racist criminals simply based on the job they perform. You lose credibility with anyone that has an unbiased opinion. Go ahead and stoop to your stengun-esque name calling, since anyone that sides with a cop in any circumstance is a "badge-fluffer"
Everything that I've predicted has come true. No resolution between the conflicts of Wilson's side and the eye-witnesses' side will ever be had now...
Guess what, the grand jury heard both. That is, in part, how they reached their decision. You are like the football fan that cheers an obviously bad call by the ref because it went in favor of your team, or jeers at the ref for a righteous call that went against your team.
...but take heed here, government is always, 100% of the time, dangerous to liberty
Unlike you, I have faith in the system of government our founders put in place. I think deviations from that plan have had bad results, but a return to it would be preferable to no government at all.
the only injustice here, is that which officer Wilson has endured. All he did was attempt to arrest a 6 ft 4 300 lb. man who just committed felony assault on a Police officer.. The minute Brown reached inside the car and attacked Wilson he became a felon...what child of god is taught to put their hands on a Police officer.. Brown was brought u[p a thug, who by his own mothers words said" a little drugs and a little law breaking, is what All kids that age do.... and to that I've said... No Mrs. Brown.. not where I live , do children 18 years old rob merchants and commit felony assaults on Police officers...
Who is going to give Officer Wilson back his life, that was taken from him for doing his job. the one all the eye witnesses lied about.. will all that testimony that was contrary to the physical evidence, bring about more indictments for those who interfered in a federal investigation... those liars should be held responsible for their willful obstruction of justice. Is the accomplice of Michael Brwon , in jail??? he was a co-conspirator in the mini mart robbery, and gave false witness to the events that actually happened... No one is giving any respect for the officer who was just doing his job, and was the victim of a thug who would have wound up in jail or in the ground sooner or later anyway..
I feel no remorse for Michael Brown and plenty for Officer Wilson... And all those blacks wonder why the rest of the world has any respect for them as a race...

I'm amazed how many folks just can't get this simple truth through their heads. Rather they choose to make it a black thing and pretend it's something other than a violent criminal act that went way out of hand and a felon who didn't know when to quit. Nobody feels bad for Officer Wilson . That poor guy got put into one of those shitty situations that just happens for no good reason. Where ever he goes he is going to have to look over his shoulder and everybody is going to whisper behind his back and for what? Simply doing his job. If this had been a black cop the exact same thing would have happened except that no one would have even noticed.
My understanding was that the officer had pulled his car perpendicular across both lanes to block Brown and keep traffic out of harms way. He probably was not able to accelerate and get out. Did he put himself in a bad situation? Possibly but he had very little time to assess the situation and react.
Because, of course, you live there and know about this first hand. Sorry, but I'll have to side with Courtney Chen on this one.

Not because I live there, no. Because I can read and can discern what stats show as-regards racism and corruption. I wasn't alluding to Wilson specifically, but to the stats I posted about, and your dismissal of the stats I provided, combined with your assertion that 150% of the population in Ferguson are criminals (that doesn't even make sense, you moron) was so brainless that I didn't see the point in replying to it.

Since they didn't produce the outcome you wanted, based on your limited knowledge of facts presented to the GJ, there is corruption. Eyewitness testimony is always suspect; Biased eyewitness testimony even more so. Had the eyewitnesses seen the ENTIRE confrontation, and then been sequestered so that they didn't corroborate their stories, I may have had a different opinion. Personally I'll go with facts and forensic evidence.

How much of the transcripts have you read? Do you know that the "prosecutor" didn't even cross-examine Wilson? He just turned him loose to give his own self-serving narrative and didn't question a single sentence of it. Like I said in my last post, he never had any intentions of getting an indictment. He wasted the tax-payers money on a kangaroo court process that he never intended to get at any truth out of, because he had his truth before ever entering the room.

He sho' 'nuff picked apart the witnesses against Wilson though, which lead to the outcome you wanted, so don't get all high and mighty about the fact that I thought a different outcome was appropriate than the one you did just because you got the one you wanted.

Of course not, it's over for everyone but you the Brown family and Eric Holder.

Yeah, and you and the others got the same outcome the KKK was looking for, cupcake. I wasn't going to go there unless you did, but I knew it was coming from someone, so I was ready for it. Oh, and you got the same outcome that Mark Furman wanted too. Imagine that, one of the most racist cops ever to expose himself as such in the LAPD agrees with everything you've said, everything the "prosecutor" did, and didn't do, in the GJ hearings, and everything that Wilson did, but gee, to think there's any racism present in your side of the argument when no less than the KKK and Furman agree with you is such a stretch, huh? Pffft.

...and nothing in it has changed because of last nights GJ decision announcement:

Think about the sides you are taking when you decide to automatically convict all cops as racist criminals simply based on the job they perform. You lose credibility with anyone that has an unbiased opinion.

You are unbiased??? BWAHAHAHAHAHA! You either are too stupid to understand the words you read, or you actively refuse to acknowledge that you understand what I've said, even if you disagree with it. I didn't "automatically convict all cops as racist criminals," I said that "Ferguson is a cesspool of racism and police, court and general government corruption" based upon actual statistics that prove it to my satisfaction. I hardly just pulled it out of my ass because of my distrust of cops.

Guess what, the grand jury heard both. That is, in part, how they reached their decision.

You really have no problem with a so-called "prosecutor" convening a GJ to attempt to establish probable cause to bring a charge, and then presenting the defense's side for the accused???? Can you cite another case where McCulloch presented all the evidence in a GJ proceeding? Can you cite another case where he failed to cross-examine the accused (which in and of itself is a nearly unheard-of circumstance for the accused to testify in a GJ), but went out of his way to discredit his own prosecution witnesses? When, in modern grand jury history, are you aware of a "prosecutor" failing to even recommend an indictment? And if he wasn't willing to recommend an indictment, why the Hell did he even take it to the GJ? He could've refused to bring a charge on his own and left the GJ completely out of it, except for the fact that he wanted the political cover to blame whatever happened on a bunch of innocent, but nonetheless anonymous, grand jurors.

But hey, who cares about all the irregularities in the prosecutor's processes. He got for you the result you wanted, so WTF, I'll just rail at Blues for recognizing and exposing the corruption in Ferguson. Pffft. Stick it where the sun don't shine.

Unlike you, I have faith in the system of government our founders put in place.

That's the stankiest pile of bull excrement I've ever read in my life! You are now fluffing the prosecutor for completely bastardizing the system of government our founders put in place! Answer all the irregularities listed above before you try to BS the board with that crap again.

I think...

No you don't. You spew.

There are statistics out there to validate any black person's concerns over the way "justice" is meted out in Ferguson, MO. ... in 2013 three warrants were issued on average for every household in Ferguson. Of those warrants, 1.5 cases were brought per household in Ferguson.

1.5 cases brought per household, hence my tongue in cheek comment about 150% of the population being criminals. Get over it.
In the Newsweek article you linked (isn't Newsweek the one that couldn't sell magazines anymore so they decided to just go digital?) it says
Defendants routinely alleged that a racially-motivated traffic stop led to their being jailed due to inability to pay traffic fines, which in turn prompted people to “los[e] jobs and housing as a result of the incarceration.” In other words, defendants alleged that racial profiling, for traffic tickets, propelled them deeper and deeper into the cycle of poverty. The ArchCity report does not allege racial profiling; however, it is clear that many of the people stopped for traffic violations feel that they were targeted for their race.
You interpret it your way, I interpret it differently. I have never heard of a guilty person blaming something or someone for causing their demise, or using race to try and deflect from the fact that they did something worthy of a traffic ticket. (that was sarcasm in case you didn't pick up on that.) Every percentage and total in that article can be interpreted differently from what they presented. If the black population is 67% of the community, why are their unemployment and public assistance numbers higher than 67% of what is received in that community? Could that inherent lifestyle of entitlement and having more spare time also be the cause of them having a higher percentage of everything else? I'm not saying it does, just that any list of statistics can have different interpretations. These are the same people out there burning everything in site, flipping cop cars etc. Mom is inciting riots and dad says "burn this mother!@*&^$" down", And even though there are protesters and rioters from places other than Ferguson, all those arrested last night were from Ferguson.
Plain and simple, I don't believe the eyewitnesses. Why? Not because they are black, because their stories match so perfectly. Because none of them mentioned anything bad about MB. Because what they say is not supported by the forensic evidence. If the Grand Jury felt the same, and if DW's testimony WAS supported by the evidence, what is the problem?
Crowds gather after an incident has begun, and the only eyewitness there from the beginning has already been discredited. You don't believe DW because he's a cop, and you believe the eyewitnesses because they aren't cops. Good reasoning. You convicting DW just because he's a cop is right up there with racism as far as damning a group for the actions of a few.
Isn't the real problem that "cycle of poverty"? How do you break that? Jobs? Better economy? Teaching your kids not to steal cigars and assault cops?
I'm eating exactly zero crow, and you're still an idiot.

I called it exactly how it happened way back in Post #27 of this mega-badgefluffing-thread:

In case you don't get the rather clear implication, the "foregone conclusion" that I was alluding to is that Wilson would not be indicted.

Post #69:

Post #141:

Throughout this thread I have said that it was highly doubtful that a charge would ever be brought. The irony of your moronic post thinking you've caught me in some gloat-worthy moment is that the reasons I gave in the post you replied to are also perfectly consistent with what I've said throughout the thread; Ferguson is a cesspool of racism and police, court and general government corruption. I even tried to get people to recognize it through the use of comedy back in Post #200. I seriously doubt you will listen to it because I've taken note of your utterly imperviable resistance to listening to anything counter to your conclusions, but here it is, and nothing in it has changed because of last nights GJ decision announcement:

Everything that I've predicted has come true. No resolution between the conflicts of Wilson's side and the eye-witnesses' side will ever be had now. We will likely never even know who all the witnesses are/were, and likewise can never evaluate their credibility against that of the Brown witnesses. The Prosecutor presented the defense side by even bringing those witnesses, which, combined with what he said in his press conference last night, confirms that he never had any intentions of getting a charge filed against Darren Wilson.

In closing, I stand by what I said in Post #216. I figured this out many years ago, and it has been confirmed and reaffirmed many times since then. Enjoy your imagined reason to gloat, but take heed here, government is always, 100% of the time, dangerous to liberty:


If your uneducated name calling helps your meds work quicker have at it moron
Most people can't tell the difference between 10 rounds shot rapidly from a semi auto and 10 rounds fired from a full auto. And if you have a SlideFire stock, it isn't an NFA Title II gun but it will fire almost as fast as some full autos. And there is no such thing as a Class 3 firearm.

Most of those shots were later noted to be coming from that burning police car. That same car somehow managed to burn for well over 2 hours. Around midnight the cops were shooing reporters away from it because there were still occasional rounds going off. It seems odd that some of them sat so long in a fire that hot but they did. As for the initial sporadic gunfire near the police station they later concluded that most of the initial gunfire was rounds cooking off from that same car.
...what is the problem?

I already delineated my problems with the new One-Time-Only process of McCulloch:

You really have no problem with a so-called "prosecutor" convening a GJ to attempt to establish probable cause to bring a charge, and then presenting the defense's side for the accused???? Can you cite another case where McCulloch presented all the evidence in a GJ proceeding? Can you cite another case where he failed to cross-examine the accused (which in and of itself is a nearly unheard-of circumstance for the accused to testify in a GJ), but went out of his way to discredit his own prosecution witnesses? When, in modern grand jury history, are you aware of a "prosecutor" failing to even recommend an indictment? And if he wasn't willing to recommend an indictment, why the Hell did he even take it to the GJ? He could've refused to bring a charge on his own and left the GJ completely out of it, except for the fact that he wanted the political cover to blame whatever happened on a bunch of innocent, but nonetheless anonymous, grand jurors.

I guess your reply is a resounding "NO!" to all the yes/no questions, and a big, "Duh, I don't know" as to why he even took the case to the GJ.

I have never talked about the riots to any degree past a passing mention here or there, and none of my last post was about them at all, so I (again) won't let you succeed in deflecting and distracting from the valid questions I asked above.

By the way, Witness #10's testimony is nearly identical to Wilson's, even using some of the same language. Guess that means their testimony ain't credible because of collusion too, right? Riiiiiiiight.

By the way, Witness #10's testimony is nearly identical to Wilson's, even using some of the same language. Guess that means their testimony ain't credible because of collusion too, right? Riiiiiiiight.
Hmmm, some testimonies match each other AND the facts, others match each other and the Sharpton agenda, but not the facts. Gee, I don't know which one I will give credence to. Were the witnesses coached? Of course, on both sides. That happens for almost every witness in every proceeding in the country to one extent or another. Could the pro-DW be coached in a way that corroborates the forensic evidence and makes sense of it? Sure, which is why I said ALL witness testimony is suspect. When weighed against the forensics of the case, one is credible and one is not. How hard is that to comprehend?

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