McCain - Palin, your true feelings

I disagree that Obama has a grasp on the severity of the situation. Obama was the one that insisted on a debate rather than head back to DC to sort out the economic crisis. Obama is a good speaker, he's able to convince a large audience of "his position" so that the audience walks away thinking what HE wants them to think. I put him in the category of a used car salesman.

You cannot say that McCain has flipped on "everything he believed in". This statement falls into the "always" and "never" category. Two words that you should use with extreme caution. If you look hard enough, I'm sure you'll find something that he did "right".

FDR was a good President. As for Kennedy, I don't care for the guy. I'm glad that he wasn't longer than he was. I hate to see what would have happened if he lived out his term in office. Ted Kennedy is very similar to his brother JFK. Not something that I would have wanted.

You think that McCain is arrogant? Did you miss that "smirk" on Obama's face after every statement during the Presidential debate? If anyone is arrogant, it would be Obama. He's probably thinking "I've got you all fooled. When King Obama takes office, I'll show you!"

There are many issues that cause me to not like Obama for President. On the other hand, there are many issues that cause me to dislike McCain as well. There are MANY MORE issues against Obama, therefore I'll probably be voting for McCain. I don't like having to choose the President this way, but my rights and freedoms are a lot more important to me to not vote for the candidate that I feel would be most capable of running our country. If I have my firearms and ammunition, I'll be able to protect myself if TSHTF and crime skyrockets because everyone's out of money. OTOH, if Obama takes my guns, how will I defend myself and what I have against the many folks who will be coming to take it from me?

Something to think about.


Tell me what good did McCain accomplish by threatening to call off the debate. As I heard it the congress had a deal already negotiated then the Republicans shot it down at the last minute so how did he help? Did he take the floor and make a speach? Did he influence the vote? I wonder if he becomes president is he not able to multi task? Will he need to stop everything to deal with only one issue at a time? I have never been president but I bet the job doesn't give you that luxury of having so much imte you can only choose to work on one issue at a time.

Maybe McCain hasn't flipped on every issue but he cannot even support the legislation he authored that now bears his name. That's pretty telling if you ask me if I put my name on something I am going to make sure I am proud enough of it never to be ashamed of it.

Maybe arrogant isn't the right word but I was giving him the benefit of the doubt. He was condescending and insulting with all that my opponent is just naive or maybe he just doesn't understand. Here's another take on that maybe you are an arrogant ass? He didn't even have the decency to look at him and address him like a man like it was beneath his dignity to look at him. I call that arrogant.

As for my guns no he has addressed that. That is the fear mongering right wing talking heads on Fox talking.

Another issue I did not touch on is his mental and physical ablility. He seems confused at times and I'm sure all the abuse he suffered in the POW camp has taken a huge toll on him. I've had a few injuries and I know that my old injuries hurt like hell at times. After all he went through I doubt he will survive 2 years in office. Look at the before and after pictures of all our recent presidents the job has aged them all 10 years.

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Nearly anyone we elect is better than Bush. If it were *just* 2A that I had differences with Obama on, I could handle that. Most of my friends don't have a CWP and have their phone reminding them to rotate their magazines regularly. I can live with people who aren't wild about guns.

It's the 2A, plus everything else - and not to mention the fact that he seems to switch his views back and forth randomly. I don't like FISA. Why did he denounce it literally one week, then vote for it the next, then say it was for the best? WTF?

He also favors cuts to the space program - this "let's worry about what's going on here" attitude of social improvement. Screw that - problems are inevitable. Get over it and climb some mountains.

I dunno about Palin. To be honest, she seems like a female Bush - totally unaware of what's going on and not very interested in learning. Hopefully she doesn't have to be President.
Nearly anyone we elect is better than Bush. If it were *just* 2A that I had differences with Obama on, I could handle that. Most of my friends don't have a CWP and have their phone reminding them to rotate their magazines regularly. I can live with people who aren't wild about guns.

It's the 2A, plus everything else - and not to mention the fact that he seems to switch his views back and forth randomly. I don't like FISA. Why did he denounce it literally one week, then vote for it the next, then say it was for the best? WTF?

He also favors cuts to the space program - this "let's worry about what's going on here" attitude of social improvement. Screw that - problems are inevitable. Get over it and climb some mountains.

I dunno about Palin. To be honest, she seems like a female Bush - totally unaware of what's going on and not very interested in learning. Hopefully she doesn't have to be President.

All of which just goes to show that between the two major parties, there really are not any good choices in this year's election.
I hope everyone is watching or has watched the interview on CBS with Katie Curin(sp)

Palin confuses the $700M bailout plan with health care reform,
Palin has agreed with Obama about striking Pakistan, while Mccain disagrees,
Mccain ATTEMPTS to RESCUE Palin from her comments

Whats gonna happen when/if McCain is ill, Palin is put in charge, she does something AGAINST McCain policy ?
McCain is too ill to save her.
I hope everyone is watching or has watched the interview on CBS with Katie Curin(sp)

Palin confuses the $700M bailout plan with health care reform,
Palin has agreed with Obama about striking Pakistan, while Mccain disagrees,
Mccain ATTEMPTS to RESCUE Palin from her comments

Whats gonna happen when/if McCain is ill, Palin is put in charge, she does something AGAINST McCain policy ?
McCain is too ill to save her.

I try not to watch anything with Curin. She is about as far to the left as you can get.
As far as being confused as I have said before not knowing who the President was when the depression started or that there was no address on t.v. because there was no t.v. that is a real good case of being confused.
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Excuse you .....?

Did I point out anyone specific and say they are the 1 issue voter ?

But hey, if I hit a nerve, so be it

Watch and read the news, watch the polls

Besides 1 issue voters, we have people voting based on gender ( women for women ), race ( blacks for black ) etc ... many voting not on the broad picture and issues, but just on one principle.

Because this is a 2A issue forum, I highlighted the topic about that issue.

No, excuse you. This is from your OP

"Truth is

most people on gun forums are I've visited are 1 issue voters, upset about Obama stance on firearms so they docare about other issues.

Your first words were "Truth is", which connotes that you are presenting truth and then you make a broad brush statement that most people on gun forums that you visit are 1 issue voters. This is a gun forum and specifics or not, according to your truth this puts most of us into your category of 1 issue voters.

You struck no nerves here, as I am an informed voter that looks at all of the issues, as I believe most people on this and other gun forums do. We are not easily fooled by fancy speeches that have no depth, and candidates that are mere shadows.

What would I know anyway, I am just a bitter guy clinging to my guns and religion.
Generally, lack of support for gun rights goes hand in hand with higher taxes, support for abortion, and basically, all things nanny state related. Look at the gun laws in may issue or no issue people's republics, and you'll discover that those are also the states with the highest taxes, the most liberal judges and overall, the most socialist inclinations.
My humble opinion on McCain/Palin:

To me, McCain is better than Obama on more than just the 2A issue. I don't agree with him all the time, but I agree with him a lot more than I agree with Obama. Palin has a lot of potential. I like her views. As for experience, she may not have all that she needs right now to be president, but she's not running for president. IF something happens to McCain and she becomes president, I'd like to note that the president does not do his/her job alone. I trust that she would surround herself with advisors that would complement her "weaker" areas. I'd by far rather have an "inexperienced" conservative in office than an "experienced" liberal. I don't need more government regulation in any area of my life, thanks.
May want to research where a lot of that mess originated. The financial crisis is a result of decisions made under Clinton. Remember also the president doesn't have omnipotent power and the Democratic controlled Congress/ Senate made many of these decisions.
you are right .............Clintons finger prints are all over this as it was his signiture that brought to an end Glass-Steagall and brought in to replace it Gramm-Leach. it can easily be concluded that this first step at opening up a here to fore regualted and seperated banking system now allowed the banks to be invovled in"everything" included in the present fiasco. add into that the view of the dems that FM & FM are thier personal little cash cows, the fact that banks that did not want to participate by giving these unsecured loans(mortagages) were threatened by the government, including nobama how as an attorney is found to have been involved in these threats...........well you end right where we are now. theres plenty of blame to go around as it was Reps that brought the new bill to the floors but as some in here have said it all ends up on the presidents yes Clinton can be held as responsible as anyone for starting the snowball. he opened the doors for Fannie and Freddie and well........the rest is history.

The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, also known as the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Financial Services Modernization Act, Pub.L. 106-102, 113 Stat. 1338, enacted 1999-11-12, is an Act of the United States Congress which repealed part of the Glass-Steagall Act, opening up competition among banks, securities companies and insurance companies. The Glass-Steagall Act prohibited a bank from offering investment, commercial banking, and insurance services.

The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) allowed commercial and investment banks to consolidate. For example, Citibank merged with Travelers Group, an insurance company, and in 1998 formed the conglomerate Citigroup, a corporation combining banking and insurance underwriting services. Other major mergers in the financial sector had already taken place such as the Smith-Barney, Shearson, Primerica and Travelers Insurance Corporation combination in the mid-1990s. This combination, announced in 1993 and finalized in 1994, would have violated the Glass-Steagall Act and the Bank Holding Company Act by combining insurance and securities companies, if not for a temporary waiver process [1]. The law was passed to legalize these mergers on a permanent basis. Historically, the combined industry has been known as the financial services industry.
Incredibly, Palin has managed to not screw this debate up yet.

So far, I have heard Biden refer to himself on at least one occasion.
I can't stand either major partys' candidates. I'm going to write in Patrick J. Bucanan for President and Dr. Ron Paul for VP.

I would like to see that but unfortunately it will not happen. so like it or not it comes down to the lesser of two evils and I am convinced that Obama , Biden are the more evil.
I can't stand either major partys' candidates. I'm going to write in Patrick J. Bucanan for President and Dr. Ron Paul for VP.

That's actually a good combination. Thanks for giving me an idea, although I'd switch it around; Paul for president and Buchanan for VP.
The Democratic ticket wouldn't be so awful if it were Biden/Obama. If Biden got elected president I would still disagree with him politically, but at least he wouldn't be a totally inexperienced doofus. He would just be a socialist liberal. Obama reminds me a lot of GWB - he looks like he just got out of the 5th grade, and will probably have Biden (Cheney) around as his brain.
The Democratic ticket wouldn't be so awful if it were Biden/Obama. If Biden got elected president I would still disagree with him politically, but at least he wouldn't be a totally inexperienced doofus. He would just be a socialist liberal. Obama reminds me a lot of GWB - he looks like he just got out of the 5th grade, and will probably have Biden (Cheney) around as his brain.

So better a experienced doofus than an inexperienced one?
That's actually a good combination. Thanks for giving me an idea, although I'd switch it around; Paul for president and Buchanan for VP.

I'd have no problem with that. Maine is so strongly in the Obama column that I'm not going to help him by doing a write in, at least not now. There's some talk McCain is sending some staff to Maine after deciding to surrender in Michigan and we're one of two states that apportions electoral votes by congressional district. So if Mac carries the 2nd District, where I live and where most of the folks, myself included, support the 2nd Amendment, he'd get one electoral vote out of four for the state, two of which are at-large and two of which are divided by congressional district.

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