Martial Law in Boston Justified? Yay or Nay?

Was Martial Law Justifed In Boston?

  • Yes...It was for the good of the people.

    Votes: 4 4.0%
  • No...It was a violation of the people's rights.

    Votes: 92 92.9%
  • Undecided...My brain hurts.

    Votes: 2 2.0%
  • What does 'Martial Law' mean???

    Votes: 1 1.0%

  • Total voters
In Boston more citizens were directly terrorized in their homes at gunpoint by jackbooted cops than by the unarmed wounded 19 year old. Looks like the paramilitary training and indoctrination that citizens are the enemy has been successful in law enforcement agencies.

I wonder how many dogs were shot by the storm troopers and illegally entered and searched homes. Even the friendliest dog will defend the home and their pack, i.e. the family. I have two labs that are friendly to a fault, but bark their head off if a stranger comes to the door. Cops seem to love shooting a dog that dare to bark at them.

I wonder how many citizens were threatened to remain silent regarding the abuse and illegal activities of the storm troopers, and how much damage was done in entering homes.

The answer to your question is either as many and as much as possible or not as many as you might expect. I for one, think the death toll was pretty high for dogs. Especially non aggressive breeds, like labs.

So what would 'you' be saying if the terrorist suspect was hiding in someones private property and the citizen homeowner was the one who actually found the suspect without the help of law enforcement??..........
..........~Crickets Chirping~...........

If that homeowner was armed and had a decent set of caJones, he easily could have taken that suspect into custody without getting his valuable boat all shot up by the trigger happy gestapo imvho.

And as it turns out, the cops riddled the boat shooting at an unarmed individual, plus 3 or 4 flash bang grenades. Flash bangs don't create shrapnel, but the over pressure and blast wave will definitely cause damage to property. Wonder if the back slapping and high 5'ing party at the Boston PD is still going on. Bragging about causing citizens to piss their pants, women and children cry, etc.
"I hope they catch him", the same as I would with anyone else they're looking for without turning part of the country into a police state. You're saying we should suspend the Constitution and surrender our rights because we're searching for a terrorist. The end justifies the means and our rights are negotiable as far as you're concerned. As soon as we accept that concept as legitimate, who decides what is justified tomorrow, and under what circumstances? If you really want to live in a country where rights are so negotiable, I can suggest several of them. You wouldn't be there very long before discovering how good we have it here, and how passionately we need to protect it.

Thank you Rhino for disinfecting the Jim Page horsepoop.
So what would you be saying if they had not done what they did and the terrorist was in one of those houses?
If they hadn't done what they did? For one thing, it would have been far more civilized if they had knocked on the door, and just asked if everything was alright, while looking for anything out of the ordinary. If the punk would have been in one of them, they would have discovered it-- without being Nazis!

Everyone of those gestapo-esque jack-booted thugs should have been shot. I know there are arms in those private homes that should have been brought to bear on them. Yes, it would have ended up with someone getting shot, but it would also have brought to the forefront the idea that all of their rights were being violated by the thuggery.
I don't care one whit about your pacifist mindset, Jim, you are just plain wrong about this situation.
A real patriot/American will squawk and scream, and pull the trigger if necessary, on someone who is pointing a gun at their family and violating their rights. I will. Period.
If that crap had taken place in my part of Texas, it would have started a darned revolution. And those Nazi-bastards would have lost.
Molon Labe!
Do not for one moment think that the thugs in DC and our whitehouse garbage and his cohorts did not take special notice of how this happened. I hope I am wrong and am willing to accept ridicule but this has everything to do with the end of a 2 term presidency and the end of democracy as I know it.
I was a police officer a blockade of that big an area, is not HOT pursuit. We arrested many badguys with out stormtrooping into a person house. The police were lifting the lockdown and a home owner called on a tip. no need for the home searchs w/o consent. You can ask but remember this is America, Our son and dauthers and fathers and mothers and we the people died for the rights, If the gov turns into a police state we lose us. We are not the America who died for us.
Shame on the cops in the video who are pointing guns at women and children who are not anywhere near the male suspect id
for this crime. what prob cause did they have for deadly force on a women and children. They did iT look at the video.
NO hot pursuit, wrong search w/o concent, no lawfull order at gun point!!!!!
YES THE BADGUY had BOMBS Well no shix sherlock!! We used to be brave so much so that Americans would take a hit to keep our FREDOM!!! Freedom from search and threat of force to comply the police were not allowed to be nazies.
We had a big war where our best died to KEEP AMERICA FREE. What is FREEDOM to you ( SHUTUP OR I PUT YOU IN JAIL.)
OPEN your door or I WILL SHUT YOU. SWEARING at parents in front of their small kids to pull up your hands or I will kill you. PUT UP YOUR FUCxING HANDS!!! WOW SERVE n PROTECT WHO?????? a cop got some milk for a baby.
DID HE shoot the parents and have no choice, OH no just took them out of their home at gun point, ( depends for everyone!!!!! - cause everyone shix them selfs) You know we are the best in the world at what we want to do.
So we can outdo the german thugs at being scary. we got scarer uniforms w masks and bigger gun and black helicopter.
dogs and we pretend we are not using force, Oh it was a lockdown we did not order you to house arrest and we did not handcuff you if we saw you on the street. We did not order you out of you home at gunpoint. We did not detain you w/o a lawfull reason just cause we want to. it made our job easyer. sorry about thearts and scarying you and detaining you and all that WE GOT OUR MAN.. JUST LIKE THE STORM TROOPERS only we did it better we are THE AMERICAN POLICE FORCE, OOPS the godfathers of our country did not want a national police force, too much power in a small few hands.
they want the power to stay in the hands of the people. ( YES I CAN NOT SPELL OR HAVE VERY GOOD writing skills. BUT I was a US MARINE And a POLICE OFFICER and I am an American. I know our history and am very proud of it no place on earth with the law and rights we have. That we are losing!!!! I see the teacher training our kids to be sheep. ask any kid who was murphy, bastone, what president turned down becoming KING. I pray the next president says Hey we are going to make the laws and consititution stronger, keep the seperartion of power, and never again allow this shix to happen again. THIS IS WHY WE THE PEOPLE HAVE THE 2A

I think we ought to take a look at history from people who knew how to defeat a terrorist bombing campaign, our lesson today, comes from the British of all people, during ww2 and the terrorist campaign by the Nazi's of sending flying bombs and rockets to rain down on England, official response? Go about your f'in business as if it weren't happening, go to work, go to the pub, do whatever, because if it's your time it's your time but if everyone is cowering in their home then you have handed victory to your enemy.
So what would you be saying if they had not done what they did and the terrorist was in one of those houses?

Everyone on this forum would have instantly jumped on the police for being ignorant and failing to do their job. In the eyes of the extreme anti-government folk on here, the police are wrong no matter what they do.

I don't agree with searching houses involuntarily. But I guarantee people would be trash talking the police if another innocent family was killed by the terrorist.

I believe that you mean to say that you are "anti douchebag." Don't worry, the cop groupies here apply liberal logic to this issue and will label you with the broad term "cop basher" even though you condemn the unjust acts of a few.

FYI desterteagle, there's a few former LEOs on my friends list here at USA Carry. Not that you care.

Oh gosh, your political views must be so balanced.
Originally Posted by JimPage View Post
So what would you be saying if they had not done what they did and the terrorist was in one of those houses?
Everyone on this forum would have instantly jumped on the police for being ignorant and failing to do their job. In the eyes of the extreme anti-government folk on here, the police are wrong no matter what they do.

I don't agree with searching houses involuntarily. But I guarantee people would be trash talking the police if another innocent family was killed by the terrorist.

Originally Posted by tricolordad View Post
I believe that you mean to say that you are "anti douchebag." Don't worry, the cop groupies here apply liberal logic to this issue and will label you with the broad term "cop basher" even though you condemn the unjust acts of a few.

FYI desterteagle, there's a few former LEOs on my friends list here at USA Carry. Not that you care.

Oh gosh, your political views must be so balanced.
In reference to what I put in bold above for emphasis. What was that saying about a pot and a kettle?

Edited to fix including the pertinent quotes...
I don't agree with searching houses involuntarily. But I guarantee people would be trash talking the police if another innocent family was killed by the terrorist.

That would be the terrorist who was injured and cowering under the tarp in a boat that was outside the Iron Curtain Zone where the thugs were violating everybody's constitutional rights, right? Pffft. Tool.

I am just amazed. I am now wondering, Am I spinning my wheels? I am involved in the 2A Fight up to my neck. I attend 3 to 4 meetings a month. 3 to 4 informal sub meetings a month. Numerous hours daily reaching out to slimy politicians. (the worst part of the whole thing) and now I am asking myself for what?
Sure the people I am in direct contact with understand the battle. But I am aghast at how many people don't see the problem with the whole Boston thing.
Makes me want to throw up my hands and quit.
Maybe I should just start concentrating on my interests and worry about making myself happy.

Good Lord people! I know that the Dept of Education stopped the mandatory teaching of Government 101 but holy crap.
The progressives have you so stupefied and feeling guilty about not going along to get along that you are willing to lock your self in your house because some ******* tells you to? They have had 40 years of making movies and sitcoms that are forming your opinions today. Big business BAD! Government GOOD!
You don't see anything wrong with Assault Teams searching house to house like they were in Fallujah Iraq? They didn't even have the right neighborhood.
They had you terrified of a 19 year old kid who they are now trying to paint as an unwilling victim because they just cant get the words Islamic Jihad out of their progressive mouths lest they upset their lord and savior Barak Obama.
Don't forget that they painted Lee Harvey Oswald as a lone wolf too because they didn't want to connect him to the communists.
When people start touting phrases like "for the common good" or for the collective good, don't walk RUN. COMMON - COMMUNITY - COMMUNISM oh my I used the dreaded C word which is another phrase they have hypnotized everyone into a turn off word, now I will be labeled a tin foil hat wearer.
Rant finished.
I am not anything special in the fight to retain freedom. I'm not anything special at all. Like many others I've expended effort to counter the continuous onslaught against the right to keep and bear arms in many ways from letters to Congress critters who pay absolutely no attention to "thooooooseeee lowly peeeepulllllll" (say it slowly) to confrontations involving carry and LE, spending my own money, and attending local council meetings, and much more ....simply because I understand that those who would return things to the rule of the elite in the castle with all the privileges and luxuries over the commoners in the mud who spend their lives struggling in the mud busting their arses working to provide all those luxuries for the elite .. the elite must first eliminate any possibility that those less than human POS commoners have any means of opposing their rule.

And the first thing that must go is for those lowly commoners to have guns to shoot back!!!

Am I being tin foil hat ridiculous? Is there really an elite level of society who wants to enjoy a luxury lifestyle on the backs of the commoners?

Well... golly.. why is it that when Congress passes laws that affect everyone... they also include language that exempts themselves?

I mean... DUH! What will it take for people to understand?
And while I'm far from being anti cop... I've had it with the stupid crap that cops are all powerful and all knowing deserving of undying adoration and blind obedience and us dumb ass civilians should just shut up, obey orders, and be thankful men in blue are willing to put their lives on the line to protect us chicken sheeeit sheep. Where the hell where you all powerful Superman cops when the really bad guy was about to shoot me in my own damn house? Where were you? Don't try to hand me crap about "call 911" because if I didn't have a gun of my own I'd be a damn chalk line and a note in a report!

Get over yourselves already! All that is happening is the definition of "sheep" is being expanded to include LE who flock to protect each other under the pretend idea that they are protecting the "sheep".

Who is the "sheep"? Those poor simple dumb ass commoners milling around desperately in need of a police force armed with real machine gun assault weapons and armored vehicles like in Boston? Or the dumb ass LE who are unwittingly part of the political machine that uses men with real machine guns and armored vehicles to force the commoners to submit to authoritarian rule by the political elite?

Who are the real "sheep"?

Why do people not understand that every wannabe dictator, past or .. dare I say.. present .. understands this simple truth:

Every Communist must grasp the truth; "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun."

"Problems of War and Strategy" (November 6, 1938), Selected Works, Vol. II, p. 224.

Quotations from Mao Tse Tung — Chapter 5

So... who exactly had the power in Boston? "We the people"? Or them .. the government.... and what did they use to enforce that power?

You know... the really bad thing about it all is.. with all the equipment.. with all the manpower...


that "them the government had" (and dammit! LE is an extension of "the government!)...........

A civilian was the one who showed all that amassed force where the bad guy was hiding.

Rather embarrassing I think.

Not to mention the fact that a civilian found what a massed militaristic force armed with weapons Obama himself said don't belong on the streets couldn't find will be downplayed and shuffled into obscurity while a random act of kindness involving milk will be............. milked ... to show how wonderfully generous our authoritarian saviors are.
And while I'm far from being anti cop... I've had it with the stupid crap that cops are all powerful and all knowing deserving of undying adoration and blind obedience and us dumb ass civilians should just shut up, obey orders, and be thankful men in blue are willing to put their lives on the line to protect us chicken sheeeit sheep. Where the hell where you all powerful Superman cops when the really bad guy was about to shoot me in my own damn house? Where were you? Don't try to hand me crap about "call 911" because if I didn't have a gun of my own I'd be a damn chalk line and a note in a report!

Get over yourselves already! All that is happening is the definition of "sheep" is being expanded to include LE who flock to protect each other under the pretend idea that they are protecting the "sheep".

Who is the "sheep"? Those poor simple dumb ass commoners milling around desperately in need of a police force armed with real machine gun assault weapons and armored vehicles like in Boston? Or the dumb ass LE who are unwittingly part of the political machine that uses men with real machine guns and armored vehicles to force the commoners to submit to authoritarian rule by the political elite?

Who are the real "sheep"?

Why do people not understand that every wannabe dictator, past or .. dare I say.. present .. understands this simple truth:

Every Communist must grasp the truth; "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun."

"Problems of War and Strategy" (November 6, 1938), Selected Works, Vol. II, p. 224.

Quotations from Mao Tse Tung — Chapter 5

So... who exactly had the power in Boston? "We the people"? Or them .. the government.... and what did they use to enforce that power?

You know... the really bad thing about it all is.. with all the equipment.. with all the manpower...


that "them the government had" (and dammit! LE is an extension of "the government!)...........

A civilian was the one who showed all that amassed force where the bad guy was hiding.

Rather embarrassing I think.

Not to mention the fact that a civilian found what a massed militaristic force armed with weapons Obama himself said don't belong on the streets couldn't find will be downplayed and shuffled into obscurity while a random act of kindness involving milk will be............. milked ... to show how wonderfully generous our authoritarian saviors are.

Ding ding ding! Winner!
Interesting poll since it wasn't martial law to begin with. It has to be military action with a failure of civilian order/authority. Contrary to popular belief, LE doesn't go out every day thinking of ways to F*&ck up your day. Boston continues to wholeheartedly support their LEOs and the job they successfully completed. They were in and out and got their man. Life now goes on.

Link Removed

I wonder what your response would be if you were the one ousted from your home with your hands clasped above your head?

I don't give a crap whether they got the guy or not, that wasn't right.

Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk 2
I don't give a crap whether they got the guy or not, that wasn't right.

But tell this to those who were killed, that 8 yr old's family...the MIT cop and his family. This wasn't just a "19yr old kid" as many of you like to water down. He had and still has no remorse or fear....nothing to lose essentially and committed an act of war in a major US city. Ever since Columbine these situations require an offensive police action to either capture or kill. Understand the dynamics and psyche of these individuals before you make crass comments as above. And for those of you that thought this was an exaggerated police response with armored vehicles and weapons. Well, if there is an expectation that civilian LE is to respond to bombings, mass killings and shoot out with terrorists, this is the response you will get every time. The police getting "militarized" is a response to the increasingly dangerous world we are encountering and the weaponry being used, not to diminish constitutional rights of the citizens or create conspiracies suggesting the government is creating a 'commie' or 'gestapo' state. You can choose to read the erroneous internet conspiracies and jump to conclusions by looking and watching these Boston searches without knowing the facts but at the end of the day, you will still have to rely on LE to complete this mission to YOUR benefit and thousands if not millions of others when these tragic events happen on our soil and kill our people.
But tell this to those who were killed, that 8 yr old's family...the MIT cop and his family. This wasn't just a "19yr old kid" as many of you like to water down. He had and still has no remorse or fear....nothing to lose essentially and committed an act of war in a major US city. Ever since Columbine these situations require an offensive police action to either capture or kill. Understand the dynamics and psyche of these individuals before you make crass comments as above. And for those of you that thought this was an exaggerated police response with armored vehicles and weapons. Well, if there is an expectation that civilian LE is to respond to bombings, mass killings and shoot out with terrorists, this is the response you will get every time. The police getting "militarized" is a response to the increasingly dangerous world we are encountering and the weaponry being used, not to diminish constitutional rights of the citizens or create conspiracies suggesting the government is creating a 'commie' or 'gestapo' state. You can choose to read the erroneous internet conspiracies and jump to conclusions by looking and watching these Boston searches without knowing the facts but at the end of the day, you will still have to rely on LE to complete this mission to YOUR benefit and thousands if not millions of others when these tragic events happen on our soil and kill our people.
I agree it is disingenuous to refer to the 19 year old bomber as ... just a kid. Age is immaterial when it comes to intentionally blowing people up.

But... and understand I'm not anti cop yet when someone jumps up and defends the police with a barely hidden BS "us commoners are gonna be on our knees kissing the ground the cops walk on because we need cops with automatic weapons to protect us from those nasty terrorists" I'd just like to point out the inconvenient truth...

For all the resources put on the ground and in the air by LE..

................ it was a citizen who found the guy hiding in his boat. Not the cops... not any fancy technology... just a regular guy stepping outside for a smoke.

For all the weaponry put on the ground by LE....

The boat.. a boat that has the bullet resistance properties of used toilet paper... the guy was hiding in was shot up with (according to the police) over 250 rounds and only managed to hit the guy twice.

With that dismal of a showing of effective use of resources, ability to find the bad guy, and proficiency with weapons, you want folks to be suitable grateful they have the police to protect them?


I've had police come to my aid... and appreciated it greatly. But that doesn't mean I'm going to become a "groupie" and turn a blind eye to when the cops screw things up big time...

And Boston was a great big screw up. To even suggest otherwise is to ignore the truth of the incident.

And is equally as disingenuous as calling the bomber a ..... 19 year old kid.
Interesting poll since it wasn't martial law to begin with.
Maybe the OP created the poll so he could indirectly get an answer to the burning option #4 question in his mind:

"What does 'Martial Law' mean???"

Naw, most likely just bloviations of an anti-government gun-nut extremist.
Frankly it was a trial run to see how the folks would react to an absurd show of force. Here is the damned problem...if they were locking down the community because they thought the bad guy was going to blow crap up...they sure didn't catch him, did they? How many hours did the keystone cops let this guy run loose to create mayhem. Look at what happened in LA with Dorner...the cops nearly kill a couple of women!! If the people in Watertown were armed there would be know need for such an overreaction by the...what are they anyway...good guys? In the time it took these cops to finally cuff the guy he coulda blown up Boston Harbor. What happened in Watertown with respect to the "lockdown for your own good" should be reserved for the most of serious circumstances. I remember a Supreme Court justice saying once that he didn't know what pornography was but he would when he saw it...same thing here. We all know what serious is and this wasn't it. I think the cops were pissed to the max and they wanted revenge on the guy. Therefore make everybody lock themselves up and we can go a huntin...yahhhoooo! They spent a couple hundred rounds shooting the place up and could only drop one bad guy and put a round or two in the other guy before he out flanked em and scooted away...oh yeah...the cops were pissed big time and they used their so called "authority" to remedy their anger. They showed the citizens how tough they were because some 19 year old bad guy told em to pound sand. This was a dangerous precedent...when is it not going to be serious enough of an event to keep the cops from wrecking your town. Hey kwimby...simply because we love the way America was and should be does not make us extremists it makes us patriots...learn the difference...oh...or better yet why not just come lock me up!

The language has been changing in this country. Ronald Reagan called us fellow citizens...the folks in Washington now...both us "workers", not citizens. How long before one of those a holes slips up and calls himself one of the rulers.

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