Islam's agenda--Warning--Very Graphic‏

The meek shall inherit the earth .Does not say the WEAK. Meek slow to anger and then clay more.Walk softly and carry a big stick.

LOL this whole thing has been blown up, every one has there views some like them and some don't. I am not asking you do like them as it;s your right not to. Hell i use to be/still am like you i hate them all and look at each one like they are a walking IED even the ones in my town. Any one who thinks for just one min that when you fill up your gas tank. The money is not going to fund more training camps as well as more 911 style attacks has another thing coming. I am just trying to understand them is all as if you know how they work and think you can. Cut the head of the snake off before he/she has time to strike. I try not to look at them and think like this but i can not help it. But i keep my views to my self as i am sure they are looking at me thinking the same thing.
Someone earlier in this thread said that Christians don't go around threatening jihad and fighting wars to spread their faith. Does anyone remember the Crusades? What was that all about? Before I get flamed, I don't want anyone to think for one second that I'm comparing the two religions and who is capable of what. All I'm saying is that every religion has extremists, and we Christians have no right to say that Islam is an inherently evil religion or that Muslims are inherently evil people. I love my God and I practice my faith faithfully, but I also know that my faith, just like Islam, has its share of extremists, some of whom fought wars over it during the Crusades, and for that reason, I would never tell a Muslim (or anyone from any religion) that their religion is somehow inferior to mine.

As for the earlier statement that Islam is a sham and could be shown to be so logically, that's bunk. I am a Christian, and I would never attempt to use logic or reason to justify my beliefs; the sole basis of my belief are the scriptures and my FAITH. Faith is the basis of any religion, including Islam; people who rely exclusively on logic and reason would ridicule me just as severely as they would ridicule a practicing Muslim, extremist or not.
Islam is a sham and it can be proved just read it and check it's history. N yes the Pope went a bit control and the crusades happened. but that was hundreds of years ago, and man progress and learns from his mistakes, that tis how we evolve and become more civilized, after all at one time we conked each other on the head and resorted to cannibalism and we did outgrow that (except for the few deviants we throw into prison).

Muslims have been at war over this in the middle east since the death of Mohamed, and yet they still do not learn, the only difference is they have gotten more resolute on the all infidels must die thing, and they have better weapons. It still boils down to a bunch of nobody's wanting to have domain over all else and they use their religion as a tool to accomplish this.
using the crusades as an example of Christian aggression is using revisionists history....and not accurate
the first crusades were begun in response to an ever expanding islamic empire.....
it was at the request of a Byzantine emperor who was under assalt by muslims in an attempt to overthrow and dispose of a then Christain empire that the Pope started the first........not to mention that Jerusalem had been over taken by muslims and this was an attempt(successful) to re-take and place Jerusalem under Christain athourity.
add in that the muslims had already made inroads into Europe (Spain,Balkans) in N Africa, Egypt which before being overthrown by muslims was the largest coptic Christain nation of its can go back in this history and try to find who threw the first stone, I doubt there will ever be agreement, but the Crusades were a reaction to an action.......Christians responding to the invasions of muslims and NOT an example of nasty little Christians going after the poor muslims. were atrocities commited,yes, by both sides, did it expand beyond what it was initially begun for...perhaps.......and I for one am glad that the Christians of that time stood up and fought and were not afraid of what the rest of the world might say.
using the crusades as an example of Christian aggression is using revisionists history....and not accurate
the first crusades were begun in response to an ever expanding islamic empire.....
it was at the request of a Byzantine emperor who was under assalt by muslims in an attempt to overthrow and dispose of a then Christain empire that the Pope started the first........not to mention that Jerusalem had been over taken by muslims and this was an attempt(successful) to re-take and place Jerusalem under Christain athourity.
add in that the muslims had already made inroads into Europe (Spain,Balkans) in N Africa, Egypt which before being overthrown by muslims was the largest coptic Christain nation of its can go back in this history and try to find who threw the first stone, I doubt there will ever be agreement, but the Crusades were a reaction to an action.......Christians responding to the invasions of muslims and NOT an example of nasty little Christians going after the poor muslims. were atrocities commited,yes, by both sides, did it expand beyond what it was initially begun for...perhaps.......and I for one am glad that the Christians of that time stood up and fought and were not afraid of what the rest of the world might say.

+1. Most of the really devout Muslims want to see a return to that type of empire. Go into any Muslim country and see how Christians or any other religion is treated. Then tell their victims how peace loving they are.
Well then we will all BE FUCKED when OBAMA takes office as he is a Muslim is he not? The fact of the matter is we depend on them for oil and with out them the Whole US and other country's would come to a halt. You walk into any gas station 80% of the time it's owned my a Muslim. Another sad fact of the matter is if things keep up the way they are going we will see a real life Image of what happened in the movie the siege, The ball parks turned into camps and holding cells for all Muslims.. That or we will be in WW3..
using the crusades as an example of Christian aggression is using revisionists history....and not accurate
the first crusades were begun in response to an ever expanding islamic empire.....
it was at the request of a Byzantine emperor who was under assalt by muslims in an attempt to overthrow and dispose of a then Christain empire that the Pope started the first........not to mention that Jerusalem had been over taken by muslims and this was an attempt(successful) to re-take and place Jerusalem under Christain athourity.
add in that the muslims had already made inroads into Europe (Spain,Balkans) in N Africa, Egypt which before being overthrown by muslims was the largest coptic Christain nation of its can go back in this history and try to find who threw the first stone, I doubt there will ever be agreement, but the Crusades were a reaction to an action.......Christians responding to the invasions of muslims and NOT an example of nasty little Christians going after the poor muslims. were atrocities commited,yes, by both sides, did it expand beyond what it was initially begun for...perhaps.......and I for one am glad that the Christians of that time stood up and fought and were not afraid of what the rest of the world might say.

I'm not being revisionist. I'm just stating facts. Yes, the Crusades did happen in response to an ever expanding Islamic empire. Now, I'm not justifying terrorism, but isn't their perceived (emphasis on "perceived") expansion of the West their primary reason for terrorism? How in the world does that make thier religion somehow inferior to ours? True, we have no control over what the Christians of the past did, but it seems hypocritical to refer to Islam as a sham for reasons that could reasonably be applied to Christianity.

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