Islam's agenda--Warning--Very Graphic‏


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My mom sent me this link in an email. I wanted to post it and see what you all thought about it.

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I have seen this before. We had a few copies in our church library. Very sobering. At one time in history they ruled a lot of the world and they want to regain what they have lost.
Most Muslims are peace loving people. The jiadists are a fringe movement and a very tiny fraction of the world's practicing Muslims. Islam, like all religions (including Christianity and Judaism) has its share of extremists. Unlike Christianity and Judaism, however, the Muslim whackos, such as Mahmoud Ahmadenijad, are ruling entire countries and have access to nuclear weapons. That's what makes them very scary indeed.
I have a few close friends who are muslum. they can't understand all this extremist garbage. then again the "holy war" has been going on for centuries.I wonder if the peaceful muslums ever pray for the extremists to stop being such jerks...
Good show on TV yesterday NBC the other day about how they recruit among the Muslim population, they are masters at brainwashing kids into doing stupid things.:crazy_pilot:
See i can not under stand this at all, They want to kill every thing that is not Muslim. Ok but how does blowing your selfs up by the hundreds just to kill a few of us help your holy war at all? I know they think it's a great honor to die for Alliah ( not sure if thats spelled right). But would it not hurt us more if they stopped blowing them selfs up and came at us every day? Live to fight another day and kill more of us? People have been killing in the NAME OF GOD for million of years. The funny part is each side always says that GOD says you must die so they are killing in his name and doing his work. It's like god has been the scapegoat for all the wars for millions of years. I am killing you because my god says to and i am right. What if we all stopped and went HOLY shit i am not killing for god. I am killing because i was told to do so by my leader. This is a war for land,gold,oil,food,water or just because i my leader does not like yours, or because you call god by another name then we do. When we go into battle Each side is asking god to watch over them and kill the other guy lol. It's a huge joke. I do not hate all muslim's ... But when you face a enemy who is not Afraid it makes you really think about going to war. As you do not feel the same and want to come home again. After all what more can you do to some one who is afraid of nothing? I read in a book that we are afraid when we go to war because we still cling to hope we will make it home alive. But really the only hope we have is to accept the fact that we are already dead because when we do that It free the mind.
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Most Muslims are peace loving people. The jiadists are a fringe movement and a very tiny fraction of the world's practicing Muslims. Islam, like all religions (including Christianity and Judaism) has its share of extremists. Unlike Christianity and Judaism, however, the Muslim whackos, such as Mahmoud Ahmadenijad, are ruling entire countries and have access to nuclear weapons. That's what makes them very scary indeed.


Fundamentalism in any form is the enemy of free thought.
See i can not under stand this at all, They want to kill every thing that is not Muslim. Ok but how does blowing your selfs up by the hundreds just to kill a few of us help your holy war at all? I know they think it's a great honor to die for Alliah ( not sure if thats spelled right). But would it not hurt us more if they stopped blowing them selfs up and came at us every day? Live to fight another day and kill more of us? People have been killing in the NAME OF GOD for million of years. The funny part is each side always says that GOD says you must die so they are killing in his name and doing his work. It's like god has been the scapegoat for all the wars for millions of years. I am killing you because my god says to and i am right. What if we all stopped and went HOLY shit i am not killing for god. I am killing because i was told to do so by my leader. This is a war for land,gold,oil,food,water or just because i my leader does not like yours, or because you call god by another name then we do. When we go into battle Each side is asking god to watch over them and kill the other guy lol. It's a huge joke. I do not hate all muslim's ... But when you face a enemy who is not Afraid it makes you really think about going to war. As you do not feel the same and want to come home again. After all what more can you do to some one who is afraid of nothing? I read in a book that we are afraid when we go to war because we still cling to hope we will make it home alive. But really the only hope we have is to accept the fact that we are already dead because when we do that It free the mind.

Dieing a martyr is the only assurance they have of gaining their salvation.
Yeah i know it's just fucked up. How they think god will welcome them with open arms for blowing them selfs up as well as kids. Christianity Suicide is not looked on vary well, in the old days they would cut off your head and it was said you would be stuck in hell. I got no beef with any one, but i will be the first to strap on the body armor and lock and load if and when JIHAD rolls into my town and or the USA. I remember when 911 happened people all started attacking Muslims that had nothing to do with it. They are the first to stand up and bitch when we miss a target and kill Civ's then the vary next day they drive a icar with C4 into the market and kill 3 times the amount of Civs we killed. On top of that we where not aiming for the civ's they are killing there own people in the so called holy war.
If their Allah is so great and he wants us infidels dead then why does he need lackeys he could just do it himself.:triniti:
That's just a bastardized version of Islam. Most true Muslims don't believe in that stuff.

My point was and is that if he was so great as they believe then he would be preforming miracles for them, he would be able to change our hearts, and not commanding them to go forth and kill every one that is not of their faith.

Simple logic something they do not possess would tell these inbred morons that, but then if you keep them uneducated, stupid and inbred then they are easer to control and you get to remain in power, and they have a very special place in Hell (and not Hell Michigan either) for these people, and it is the job of the Military (any countries) to help them get there sooner.

One more thing if you look closely enough you will quickly realize just how big a sham their Koran and faith is!
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My point was and is that if he was so great as they believe then he would be preforming miracles for them, would ber able to change our hear, and not commanding them to go forth and kill every one that is not of their faith.

Simple logic something they do not possess would tell these inbred morons that, but then if you keep them uneducated, stupid and inbred then they are easer to control and you get to remain in power, and they have a very special place in Hell (and not Hell Michigan either) for these people, and it is the job of the Military (any countries) to help them get there sooner.

One more thing if you look closely enough you will quickly realize just how big a sham their Koran and faith is!

Would you tell a nonextremist Muslim that to their face? What if one of them told you the same thing about your faith to your face? Their faith is just as legitimate to them as Christianity is to Christians.

I guess the only difference is that if you diss their religion, the extremists will be ready to declare holy war, while if they diss Christianity, we'll just turn the other cheek.
The Bible tells where this people come from and it is not the God of creation. Islam is not a religion of peace and if they get a strong foothold here we will see evil like none have seen before.:frown:
The Bible tells where this people come from and it is not the God of creation. Islam is not a religion of peace and if they get a strong foothold here we will see evil like none have seen before.:frown:

What is happening in London and other parts of Europe is a prime example.
Would you tell a nonextremist Muslim that to their face? What if one of them told you the same thing about your faith to your face? Their faith is just as legitimate to them as Christianity is to Christians.

I guess the only difference is that if you diss their religion, the extremists will be ready to declare holy war, while if they diss Christianity, we'll just turn the other cheek.

Yes I would, the Koran was written by an illiterate individual that was supposedly Gods voice to the masses. Kind of like a Pope.

The extremest of their religion rape, murder, practice incest, beat their wife worse than you would a cur dog, their children are cannon folder, and hate all who are not of their sect. If a Jew, Catholic, Protestant, Methodist, Buddhist, or any other religion were to practice this bull they would be chastised, ostracized, and persecuted and not hidden and tolerated like the Muslim world does. Even the Communist at their pinnacle of deprivation did not reach this low, although Mao came closest.

Although the Pope's of the past caused some real messes they did not go around trying to create the word of God by withing their own bible, it is the work of many over centuries, and not the work of a lone individual who's obvious drug induced ramblings and opinions do not stand up under scrutiny.

Mohamed did just that further his greedy kin and first in command started the holy wars, distorted the writings, and my guess Mohammad was murdered by some of his own in their quest for power. Y

:girl_wacko:Yeah that is a religion I could get into all right.:girl_wacko:
OK WOW, how did we go from talking about the video and the JEHAD people to bashing a entire race for what a few are doing? Because some of them take the words from there bible and use it as a cause to murder rape, and behead people. Does not give us a right to say All muslims are bad people thats just nuts thats in line with what Hitler did with the jews. Sheldon The people you keep calling imbreds and dumb ass people are far from that. How can we as the US claim to be what we are if we are no better then the People on the holy war who hate all of us? Hating a Entire race for what a few do is Nuts and you sound like the JEHAD mother fucks who talk all that shit about our race. Don't get me wrong i will be the first to shoot one of them if it comes to it. But don't make your self sound like a racist by bashing the whole race.
The film is scary, no doubt about it. But what worries me is that there are some on one side who believe that ALL muslims are potential terrorists because some of the terrorists quote the Koran as their inspiration or whatever. Meanwhile there are those on the other side who think that people like Bush are simply Christian versions of those same extreme views. Fortunately there are a lot more sensible people than that, but seems sometimes the kookiest birds chirp the loudest... :crazy_pilot:
Key word Extremist... read it again, and you are right not all Muslims are a issue but the 10% that are have been and continue to be ignored, harbored, given refuge too and thus sanctioned by the overwhelming majority of the remainder.

So anyone else here remember the poem about WWII and Hitler and his persecution of the Jewish community... They came for... and I did nothing... well it is a direct analogy to the Muslim community, They go for... and they do nothing...

If I as a Christian should see some other Christian killing, maiming, raping, or carrying a bomb, they are in deep doo do right now, and depending on the situation they may not survive the encounter, can you name more than a handful of Muslims that would do this, but I bet every member of this forum would.
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