ISLAM is not a religion.....

Islam: Religion?...Cult?...Total System?...Let's SIMPLIFY!

I read every post of this thread & appreciated all. Islam is a Total System of Control (Islam means Submission), but, if you seem to be unable to make headway with the bleeding hearts & bedwetters who use "America Stands for Freedom of Religion" as their trump card answer to me, Billt & the rest of us, consider my rationale, my view of Islam.....

Look only to every commercial airport worldwide: every single time every person traveling has to take off his shoes, belt, cell phone--divest himself of all metals, fluids, etc, pass through security, submit to low-level xrays, get to the airport an hour earlier--every extra dollar devoted to airport/airplane security, no standing in plane isles, not being able to use the forward head on some flights--EVERY ASPECT OF MODERN AIR TRAVEL, BOTH DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL!!!!!.....

Ask yourself, given the above, is there ONE single ENTITY whose very existence has caused all the civilized peoples of the earth to spend hundreds of MILLIONS of dollars every year, tens of millions of wasted man-hours, hugely ramped-up anxiety while traveling, essentially DESTROYING the pleasure many used to take in the act of 'getting away from it all.' ?

Yes! There IS ONE single ENTITY that the entire WORLD must concern itself with, by screening everything related to air travel, spending BILLIONS of our treasure yearly!

That entity is RADICAL ISLAM. And, since one cannot identify a 'peaceful muslim' from one meaning to do the world harm, we have had to take proactive measures to screen the entire traveling public.

I will apologize to this Forum if you can name for me the last time anyone on earth, boarding a commercial jet, was worried about a hijacking by the Methodists, Catholics, Hindus, Buddhists, the KKK, Daughters of the American Revolution, Shintoists, the IRA, get the idea.

There's my (somewhat windy) answer. You can now discount any argument thrown up against your disdain of Islam, because the world does not have to shield itself against ANY entity OTHER than ISLAM.

Oh, you say, it's only a few radicalized terrorists who are the problem, not all the peace-loving Muslims. Sorry, wrong again! A study showed that over 10% of American Muslims believe it OK to use terror bombings (are there other kinds?) to achieve Islamic goals. And because their silence is deafening, any non-radicalized Muslims cannot be practically screened away from the BG's.

I believe in freedom of religion. But Islam doesn't fit the definition, and our political correctness will destroy us. We, in the USA, are essentially the last stronghold, the last hope (once again) of the civilized world, against world domination by Islam.

Why do they get away with rioting for their cause in Spain, Netherlands, Britain, Denmark? Why don't they riot here in the USA? I believe it is not primarily because of our well-equipped police departments, or the numerical deficiency of radical Muslims in America. I believe, fundamentally, that it is because we are the last nation of FREE peoples ARMED TO THE TEETH, and, should it ever come down to it, we will not submit, and we will not go quietly into the night.

--Sorry about all the caps...wasn't shouting, just emphasizing.

People of all faiths need to remember these Four Great Religious Truths:

1. Muslims do not recognize Jews as God's chosen people.
2. Jews do not recognize Christ as the Messiah.
3. Protestants do not recognize the Pope as the leader of the Christian world.
4. Methodists do not recognize each other at Hooters or the Liquor store.

5. Behind every 4 Baptist there's usually a fifth!
Here is a taste of my next post to be...

I am still in the writing stage and plan on submitting this to the paper as well....

Can a good Muslim be a good citizen.....

I mean citizen of any country or Nation such as America ( Europe look out) for that matter. In the Qur'an it is written there is to be no law other than that of Allah as interpreted by Mohammad, these laws written in the Qur'an are all encompassing and absolute.

These rants written by Mohammad called the Koran / Qur'an not only cover laws for religion but all inclusive are of a personal nature, and covering the governing of it's people as well.

According to the Qur'an there can be no government only ISLAM, that religious leaders are to be the sole controlling entity, that ISLAM preaches there can be no other form of government and that all Muslims must work to subjugate all non Muslims and convert the world to ISLAM. Once the entire world has been subjugated then and only then can there be peace.
Those that resist must die by beheading, that any that convert away from ISLAM must die by beheading, that those that do not resist but refuse may become like slaves to the Muslims and pay a tax to them or will be beaten with a whip until they pay the tax......

N that if but a taste of what I am working on. N yes this is all in the Koran!!!
It is a big shame that "Moderate" and "Liberal" Muslims do not speak out against the "Extreme" Muslims, or, at least are not heard doing such (I'm trying to be fair here...).
However, I am not sure what a "Moderate" or "Liberal (some in every group?!)" Muslim is! Even "Peaceloving" means different things to different people! Sometimes it's just smoke and mirrors.
Yes, Women's rights groups should be screaming from the rooftops and beyond against Islam! Silence is not golden here.

My worry is that the "Moderate" and "Liberal" Muslims, out of fear of being killed themselves for insubordination, will do what their leaders say, even if those leaders dabble in the "Extreme" category. This has happened in history before, and it will likely continue to happen. The Christian Church has done wrong here in the past, but has learned from it and changed for the better.
As the KKK was the accepted extremist wing of the Democrat party 100 years ago (big secret!), I worry that the "Extreme" Muslim groups are accepted of Islam as well. There have been many different types of groups in the past (and still present) that will kill you if you speak out against them, and Islam regrettably seems to fit this mold perfectly. On a side note, I was reading an article about the movie "2012" where the producer stated that his reason for showing Christian buildings and monuments being destroyed was due to his dislike of "Organized Religion." Personally, I will take organized religion over disorganized religion any day! The real kicker in the article was that he was afraid to show Mecca being destroyed, for fear of angering a certain group of people! Another blow to equal rights!

Yes, our country was founded on Christian philosophies, and there are extents to freedoms, which vary from person to person and group to group. Total freedom is total chaos, so lines must be drawn somewhere. I can see where infusing a religion like Islam, that currently teaches (please don't throw OLD Testament stuff at me without context!) and encourages violence, can create worries, if not worse things.

This was just my attempt to try to put a little reason into a hot-button topic. Christians are known for the fruits of their labors, good and bad. Let's see how the fruits of other groups come to be and call them for what they are, not bury them under vague statements about peace and tolerance. No Spain train bombings here, please. It's OK by me if I am proven wrong, but I don't see the proof yet.
Follow the link below. Then click the arrow box to view the pictures and description of what this wonderful peaceful religion is about. The more I learn about this peaceful Religion the more despicable, and vile these people are.

You gotta love it. The fearless Mac Dadday in the white house SUPPORTS Sharia Law.

The Canvas Prison Ppt Presentation
Follow the link below. Then click the arrow box to view the pictures and description of what this wonderful peaceful religion is about. The more I learn about this peaceful Religion the more despicable, and vile these people are.

You gotta love it. The fearless Mac Dadday in the white house SUPPORTS Sharia Law.

The Canvas Prison Ppt Presentation

Wow after watching that I still cannot figure out just why any female in her right mind would ever want anything to do with being a Muslim!!!
Billt summed it up pretty good I think.
"The problem with the "peaceful" muslims is they are in fact stupid and fearful. FEARFUL because most will not speak out about radical islam, because they fear violent repercussions from those more radical. STUPID because if that is the case, why are they in the damn "religion" to begin with?"

I am absolutely convinced that these people (All MUSLIMS that follow the Karan) Moderate, Passive or however they are labeled, truly believe in their heart and soul that the non believers (infidels) of the Karan Must die. The writing is on the wall.
Billt summed it up pretty good I think.
"The problem with the "peaceful" muslims is they are in fact stupid and fearful. FEARFUL because most will not speak out about radical islam, because they fear violent repercussions from those more radical. STUPID because if that is the case, why are they in the damn "religion" to begin with?"

I am absolutely convinced that these people (All MUSLIMS that follow the Karan) Moderate, Passive or however they are labeled, truly believe in their heart and soul that the non believers (infidels) of the Karan Must die. The writing is on the wall.

They are but lemmings ready to jump off a cliff at the beckoning of another. If nothing else they are Muslim out of fear of being killed for not being one and like sheep all heard together ......
Amen.. Kill 'em all and let the real God sort 'em out..

Islam is about Submission and control not freedom. ISLAM means submission. These throwbacks maintain the notion that women must be bound up in a burka, and their faces covered. What the Bed wetting Liberals fail to see is a steady relentless push of Islam, radical or otherwise, around the world. This insidious death culture has oozed around the world like a hot lava flow, consuming one city at a time. Our fearless leader Bin Laden hussein Imas Obama is right up front shining the way! Putting these terrorist in a civil court, what a joke. The next terrorist attack on this country will happen, just a matter of when, who will we blame??
Um Yeah I fully believe the terrorist need their day in court, but NOT CIVIL!!! They are military criminals, captured by the military, in a war zone... were the Nuremberg trials held in a civil court, new players, different time but same story!
We need fewer bed wetting liberals and more George Pattons. The more of them we help meet their virgins waiting for them in the next life the better.:pleasantry:
Everywhere these barbaric disgraceful worthless pieces of shit go theyspread war. From Afghanistan to Bosnia, Chechnya to Indonesia, Kosovo to Nigeria the Philippines to Sudan. Every last one of them involves Muslins fighting with there neighbors. I like to see them teach that fact in the government state controlled schools.
The Muslins are currently engaged in 125 out of 127 wars around the world as of now. What a wonderful peaceful Religion.
The strategy of working within the system until you can accumulate enough power to destroy it was what sixties radicals called “boring from within”. Obama, Bill Ayers (Weatherman) Jeremiah Wright and the list goes on and on and one about the Radicals that this jack ass has associated with and were mentors to him. Like termites eating away at the foundation. Islamic radicals have been taught well from this anti capitalistic group to work our system, with much support from Barry and the Democrats and all the other Radicals with have infiltrated into our government. The writing is on the wall, plane as day like graffiti. The game is on….. and the players are in position. Where will it all go from here??

Religion or Politics???
Another thing that is eating away at this nations core is the way we've become obsessed with minorities in this country. Just 21 months ago there were an estimated 3 MILLION people swooning over this radical socialist, idiot at his inauguration. This country was obsessed with electing a black. They didn't care about his background, his radical, over the top agenda, his total inexperience, none of it. He was black, and could look "Presidential" as he read off a Teleprompter. That was all that mattered to anyone and everyone who punched this morons card. And the liberal media in this country has the audacity to say the election wasn't about "race". Are they nuts? That is all it was about!

Now we sit less than 2 years later and cannot wait to handcuff him politically by electing any Republican with 2 arms and 2 legs. This country is acting totally insane with all of this political correct, idiotic thinking. Look at this illegal invader, ("Nicky" something or other), this a$$hat of an attorney Gloria Allred is parading around in front of the television cameras like some kind of martyr. More insanity. This woman should be in jail awaiting deportation! But instead she is being compared to Rosa Parks??? For what, using a fraudulent Social Security Card to remain in this country illegally? This is a complete joke!

Trying to compare radical blacks and mexicans who have zero education and skills to the European immigrants who fled Hitler and entered this nation through legal avenues by way of Ellis Island is absolute nonsense. Those people were all skilled tradesmen who assimilated into the American way of life. These worthless idiots want nothing more than to destroy America as we know it. Do they think these people are all going to get jobs with NASA and build mansions on Jupiter Island? We're going to be a third world $h!thole nation just like mexico. They're not coming here because they made it so wonderful there. Bill T.
Islamic Beliefs

I have spent many hours doing research on the Islamic Beliefs and the Muslim way of life. On 9/11/2001 it was Islamic Muslim Militants that flew those aircrafts into the Twin Towers. It was Islamic Muslim Militants that flew that aircraft in the Pentagon and it was Islamic Muslim Militants that flew that aircraft into the ground in Pennsylviania. Now each of them contained a copy of the Koran(Quran) and each one of them believed that Allah and Mahommad told them to do this. It preaches in the Koran that if an infidel (person other than Islamic or Muslim faith) cannot be converted over to the Islamic Faith they are to be killed or enslaved. Now there is only one Koran. It is the Bible used by every one of the Islamic and Muslim faiths. Now my question is if every Islamic and Muslim Faith lives by the Rules of the Koran and live by it's laws and rules how can any Islamic or Muslim ask us as Americans to trust any of them regardless of how much they preach peace to your face. There are far more reasons we must distrust them than reasons we should. They say that the Pilots of those planes don't represent all Islamic and Muslim beliefs. That they were Terrorists. True, they were terrorists. Each one was of Islamic or Muslim descent and they were Koran packing 100% believers in Allah and the Prophet Mahommad and we quoting scriptures from the Koran when those planes struck their targets. I don't trust any of them. I won't ever trust any of them regardless of how much peace they preach to my faith because what they said to your face is not what is in their hearts and minds. The Koran tells them they can lie , steal , killed and enslave anyone that will not convert. And they want us to trust them? He were I live we are fighting tooth and nail to stop the approval of a Mosque being built here and I think everything possible needs to be done to stop the Mosque at Ground Zero. If they want to practice the Islamic Faith and Muslim beliefs let them go back to a country that accepts it. No other religion I have found tells it's followers it is alright to Lie, Steal, kill and or enslave people around them who are not believers of their religion. That is a CULT belief and not a religious belief. JMHO
Another thing that is eating away at this nations core is the way we've become obsessed with minorities in this country. Just 21 months ago there were an estimated 3 MILLION people swooning over this radical socialist, idiot at his inauguration. This country was obsessed with electing a black. They didn't care about his background, his radical, over the top agenda, his total inexperience, none of it. He was black, and could look "Presidential" as he read off a Teleprompter. That was all that mattered to anyone and everyone who punched this morons card. And the liberal media in this country has the audacity to say the election wasn't about "race". Are they nuts? That is all it was about!

Now we sit less than 2 years later and cannot wait to handcuff him politically by electing any Republican with 2 arms and 2 legs. This country is acting totally insane with all of this political correct, idiotic thinking. Look at this illegal invader, ("Nicky" something or other), this a$$hat of an attorney Gloria Allred is parading around in front of the television cameras like some kind of martyr. More insanity. This woman should be in jail awaiting deportation! But instead she is being compared to Rosa Parks??? For what, using a fraudulent Social Security Card to remain in this country illegally? This is a complete joke!

Trying to compare radical blacks and mexicans who have zero education and skills to the European immigrants who fled Hitler and entered this nation through legal avenues by way of Ellis Island is absolute nonsense. Those people were all skilled tradesmen who assimilated into the American way of life. These worthless idiots want nothing more than to destroy America as we know it. Do they think these people are all going to get jobs with NASA and build mansions on Jupiter Island? We're going to be a third world $h!thole nation just like mexico. They're not coming here because they made it so wonderful there. Bill T.

Well, I didn't push his button and race had nothing to do with my decision. My decision was based strickly on his back ground and previous experience which was almost none. It is funny now how many of the rich folks that voted for him are now running from him as fast as possible. Did they think he was not talking about their money when he spoke of spreading the wealth. I have read that Oprah has purchased an island of the coast out of American reach and moved 95% of her money to off shore accounts to protect it from the guy she wanted to elect so bad. She is even looking at surrendering her American citizenship to keep him from attaching any of her money. you can bet alot of the money people will be following her if the elections in November don't go their way. It will be us here in the use to be the middle class that are now the poverty class stuck with toting The telepromter Presidents agenda. The election of Obama has done one thing that was needed long before now. It has finally woke up the Silent Majority and brought them out in numbers to help deal with the issues. People that were just willing to accept what was and live with it are no longer willing to sit back and be quiet. They have made it clear that America will not go away silently into the night. We have been down before and most folks thought we were done. They were wrong then and they are wrong now. GOD BLESS AMERICA and lets put her back where she belongs. At the head of the CLASS.....:angry:
I have spent many hours doing research on the Islamic Beliefs and the Muslim way of life. On 9/11/2001 it was Islamic Muslim Militants that flew those aircrafts into the Twin Towers. It was Islamic Muslim Militants that flew that aircraft in the Pentagon and it was Islamic Muslim Militants that flew that aircraft into the ground in Pennsylviania. Now each of them contained a copy of the Koran(Quran) and each one of them believed that Allah and Mahommad told them to do this. It preaches in the Koran that if an infidel (person other than Islamic or Muslim faith) cannot be converted over to the Islamic Faith they are to be killed or enslaved. Now there is only one Koran. It is the Bible used by every one of the Islamic and Muslim faiths. Now my question is if every Islamic and Muslim Faith lives by the Rules of the Koran and live by it's laws and rules how can any Islamic or Muslim ask us as Americans to trust any of them regardless of how much they preach peace to your face. There are far more reasons we must distrust them than reasons we should. They say that the Pilots of those planes don't represent all Islamic and Muslim beliefs. That they were Terrorists. True, they were terrorists. Each one was of Islamic or Muslim descent and they were Koran packing 100% believers in Allah and the Prophet Mahommad and we quoting scriptures from the Koran when those planes struck their targets. I don't trust any of them. I won't ever trust any of them regardless of how much peace they preach to my faith because what they said to your face is not what is in their hearts and minds. The Koran tells them they can lie , steal , killed and enslave anyone that will not convert. And they want us to trust them? He were I live we are fighting tooth and nail to stop the approval of a Mosque being built here and I think everything possible needs to be done to stop the Mosque at Ground Zero. If they want to practice the Islamic Faith and Muslim beliefs let them go back to a country that accepts it. No other religion I have found tells it's followers it is alright to Lie, Steal, kill and or enslave people around them who are not believers of their religion. That is a CULT belief and not a religious belief. JMHO
Facts are not opinions!!
You are right on target. I have been reading a lot about our enemy as well and everything thing that you mentioned is also what Barry the Jack Ass has learned and been mentored starting at age 11. I just started reading “The Manchurian President” By Aaron Klein. This person had done extensive research and many foot notes to back the research. The more I read about this despicable piece of dog squeeze the more I realize that we ain’t seen anything yet. Islam is a religion of submission, they will cut your head off or stone you to death if you can not be converted to there side. Women still have to wear Burkas if they do not they know the will be killed. We are being bored for the inside. The problem stems much deep then the Flashy Mac Daddy. When you see the poles of people that still think he is doing a good job, it tells me that we are not hurting enough. Things have to really get bad before they will ever get better.
and you forget the DC snipper who also was a Muslim as was his helper, ..[/U][/B]

Ya. If they were targeting the RIGHT people in DC NOW there might not be such an effort to stop them, if ya know what I mean. Wouldn't you think they'd be smart enough to realize that? I mean really. If politicians and bank CEO's were being picked off by radical Muslims, what are the odds citizens would want to help catch them? We'd be a nation of 300 million sergeant Schultzes. "I see nothing!" :biggrin:

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