ISLAM is not a religion.....


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found this else where....

Islam is not a religion,nor is it a cult. In its fullest form, it is a complete, total, 100% system of life.

Islam has religious, legal, political, economic, social, and military components. The religious component is a beard for all of the other components.

Islamization begins when there are sufficient Muslims in a country to agitate for their religious privileges.

When politically correct, tolerant, and culturally diverse societies agree to Muslim demands for their religious privileges, some of the other components tend to creep in as well.

Here's how it works:
As long as the Muslim population remains around or under 2% in any given country, they will be for the most part be regarded as a peace-loving minority, and not as a threat to other citizens. This is the > case in:

United States -- Muslim 0..6%
Australia -- Muslim 1.5%
Canada -- Muslim 1.9%
China -- Muslim 1.8%
Italy -- Muslim 1.5%
Norway -- Muslim 1.8%

At 2% to 5%, they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups, often with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs. This is happening in:

Denmark -- Muslim 2%
Germany -- Muslim 3.7%
United Kingdom -- Muslim 2.7%
Spain -- Muslim 4%
Thailand -- Muslim 4.6%

From 5% on, they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population. For example, they will push for the introduction of halal (clean by Islamic standards) food, thereby securing food preparation jobs for Muslims. They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature halal on their shelves -- along with threats for failure to comply. This is occurring in:

France -- Muslim 8%
Philippines -- 5%
Sweden -- Muslim 5%
Switzerland -- Muslim 4.3%
The Netherlands -- Muslim 5.5%
Trinidad & Tobago -- Muslim 5.8%

At this point, they will work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves (within their ghettos) under Sharia, the Islamic Law. The ultimate goal of Islamists is to establish Sharia law over the entire world.

When Muslims approach 10% of the population, they tend to increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions. In Paris , we are already seeing car-burnings. Any non-Muslim action offends Islam and results in uprisings and threats, such as in Amsterdam, with opposition to Mohammed cartoons and films about Islam. Such tensions are seen daily, particularly in Muslim sections, in:

Guyana -- Muslim 10%
India -- Muslim 13.4%
Israel -- Muslim 16%
Kenya -- Muslim 10%
Russia -- Muslim 15%

After reaching 20%, nations can expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings, and the burnings of Christian churches and Jewish synagogues, such as in:

Ethiopia -- Muslim 32.8%

At 40%, nations experience widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks, and ongoing militia warfare, such as in:

Bosnia -- Muslim 40%
Chad -- Muslim 53.1%
Lebanon -- Muslim 59.7%

From 60%, nations experience unfettered persecution of non-believers of all other religions (including non-conforming Muslims), sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon, and Jizya, the tax placed on infidels, such as in:

Albania -- Muslim 70%
Malaysia -- Muslim 60.4%
Qatar -- Muslim 77.5%
Sudan -- Muslim 70%

After 80%, expect daily intimidation and violent jihad, some State-run ethnic cleansing, and even some genocide, as these nations drive out the infidels, and move toward 100% Muslim, such as has been experienced and in some ways is on-going in:

Bangladesh -- Muslim 83%
Egypt -- Muslim 90%
Gaza -- Muslim 98.7%
Indonesia -- Muslim 86.1%
Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment.

Most religions (if not all) try to actively impose their religious beliefs into law. Many of the laws in the U.S. only exist because the majority religion has forced them into existence. We're fortunate that most Christians in this country do not follow the directions of their holy book as much as Muslims do anymore or this country would look a lot like the 80%+ quoted in the original post.
How do you figure that JLC?? I do not see any beheadings and there never has been in the US. The worst ever religious persecution was by the Puritan sect and only in a small area and small time slot. The mormons got a rough go of it for a short time but our laws were being violated even then. Our country was founded on the premise of religious freedom. Mainly because the Catholic church was way out of control and way out of Biblical teachings. They were persecuting, torturing, and even murdering those who disagreed with the pope and the catholic teachings. William Tyndale was murdered simply because he translated the Latin Vulgate into the English language. Many were murdered/etc. because they did not agree that the wine actually became literally the blood of Jesus during communion. Most of the early settlers of the "New World" came here out of that kind of persecution. That is the reason for freedom of religion being stressed so strongly in the constitution.
Yes, any religion can get out of hand but it is the actual teachings of Jesus that should keep us in the bounds of love---and not hate. It should teach us not to hate our brother or neighbor or stranger or foreigner. It does teach us to reach out to other faiths/non faiths in compassion--not murderous intent because they believe differently. One cannot be a true believer in the teachings of Jesus the Christ and do harm to another being because of religious differences. He did not teach anything close to that. It is only the power hungry that pervert the gospel into something vile.
I, personally am not a pacifist and would not easily turn the other cheek. Strike me and expect retribution unless the Holy Spirit directed me differently. I have experienced both ways and prefer neither.
How do you figure that JLC?? I do not see any beheadings and there never has been in the US. The worst ever religious persecution was by the Puritan sect and only in a small area and small time slot. The mormons got a rough go of it for a short time but our laws were being violated even then. Our country was founded on the premise of religious freedom. Mainly because the Catholic church was way out of control and way out of Biblical teachings. They were persecuting, torturing, and even murdering those who disagreed with the pope and the catholic teachings. William Tyndale was murdered simply because he translated the Latin Vulgate into the English language. Many were murdered/etc. because they did not agree that the wine actually became literally the blood of Jesus during communion. Most of the early settlers of the "New World" came here out of that kind of persecution. That is the reason for freedom of religion being stressed so strongly in the constitution.
Yes, any religion can get out of hand but it is the actual teachings of Jesus that should keep us in the bounds of love---and not hate. It should teach us not to hate our brother or neighbor or stranger or foreigner. It does teach us to reach out to other faiths/non faiths in compassion--not murderous intent because they believe differently. One cannot be a true believer in the teachings of Jesus the Christ and do harm to another being because of religious differences. He did not teach anything close to that. It is only the power hungry that pervert the gospel into something vile.
I, personally am not a pacifist and would not easily turn the other cheek. Strike me and expect retribution unless the Holy Spirit directed me differently. I have experienced both ways and prefer neither.

Are you disagreeing that we have laws in the U.S. solely based on religious reasons? Why is it legal for me to pick up a six pack of beer here 6 days a week but not on Sunday? Why are faiths that promote multiple wives not allowed to legally practice that in most of the country? Do you know a lot of atheists that oppose gay rights?

Do you disagree with me saying that most Christians don't follow the rules of their holy book? How many children have been put to death for not honoring their parents here? In Matthew Jesus states that that is God's law and should be obeyed right? In fact, it is mentioned multiple times in the New Testament that the Law (the Old Testament) should be followed.

As for the second paragraph, I don't disagree about the reason for the 1st Amendment one bit. Though I'd say the majority of Christians in this country are not warm and compassionate towards other religions as countless polls have shown in the recent past. I will say that the majority of posts talking about Islam and news stories about it have been far from reaching out and compassionate. The only thing I can take as the purpose for the original post in this thread is to spread warning and hatred toward another religion in fact.
The only thing I can take as the purpose for the original post in this thread is to spread warning and hatred toward another religion in fact.[/QUOTE]

I get it, he's must a Racist.
May ALLAH kiss my ass!


Subject: Muslim's Stoning Young Girl To Death......Caution!!!!! Very Graphic

We send our good men from this country to save barbaric people.

The young girl in this video was sentenced to death by an ISLAMIC Court because she did not want to marry an old man the family arranged for her! This is NOT Al Qaeda or the Taliban, but MUSLIMS following SHARIA LAW! These are the same people who want to build a mosque near Ground Zero, where they killed 3,000 on 9/11.

... and Obama is agreeing to this as religious freedom!

Tell me again why we can't call them MUSLIM or ISLAMIC terrorists... Where are all the Liberal Women's Group now?


May ALLAH kiss my ass!

TruthTube. tv** 18+ SHOCKING! Family Stone Young Girl To Death In Iran.
Very intrestring statements I could not state this any better . Non-believers see us Christians as weak; including the S.D.A. Church who tried to ruin me as a young man . I had to fight everyday . I did not like it ! It makes you strong though ; here is a Christian who is honest and respectful of others .But as my firearm brothers and sisters know don't mess with us just because we are decent .We are not weak or milk toast ! Just try to be like our Master ! God Bless and have ammo .
Are you disagreeing that we have laws in the U.S. solely based on religious reasons? Why is it legal for me to pick up a six pack of beer here 6 days a week but not on Sunday?
-----You can buy beer here 24/7.
Why are faiths that promote multiple wives not allowed to legally practice that in most of the country?
If you want extra mother in laws then go for it.
Do you know a lot of atheists that oppose gay rights?
Why should they.

Do you disagree with me saying that most Christians don't follow the rules of their holy book?
Do you disagree with me that if they did this would be a much better place???
How many children have been put to death for not honoring their parents here?
Got me--do you know of any???
In Matthew Jesus states that that is God's law and should be obeyed right? In fact, it is mentioned multiple times in the New Testament that the Law (the Old Testament) should be followed.
Jesus said: I have not come to change the law but to fulfill it. One has to understand that the "law" he was talking about was the spiritual system of worship-there has been a change of interpretation over the years as to what the word means. A lack of knowledge causes many misunderstandings.

As for the second paragraph, I don't disagree about the reason for the 1st Amendment one bit. Though I'd say the majority of Christians in this country are not warm and compassionate towards other religions as countless polls have shown in the recent past.
What polls??? -- I meet Hindus, Buddhists, Mormons, JWitnesses, Atheists, Agnostics, and even muslims regularly--I have never seen anyone shooting/beheading/or even treating them differently.
I will say that the majority of posts talking about Islam and news stories about it have been far from reaching out and compassionate.
OK, you have baited me--I feel no compassion for a "religion" that pushes men and women to strap on explosives and kill innocents, that stone an 18 yr old to death because she does not want to marry an older man, that condones and encourages beheadings of helpless captives, that has as a goal to either convert or destroy everyone on the planet. Now, if you want me to show them compassion then talk them into acting like a citizen of the world instead of psychotic criminals intent on their bizarre behavior.
People of all faiths need to remember these Four Great Religious Truths:

1. Muslims do not recognize Jews as God's chosen people.
2. Jews do not recognize Christ as the Messiah.
3. Protestants do not recognize the Pope as the leader of the Christian world.
4. Methodists do not recognize each other at Hooters or the Liquor store.

Subject: Muslim's Stoning Young Girl To Death......Caution!!!!! Very Graphic

The young girl in this video was sentenced to death by an ISLAMIC Court because she did not want to marry an old man the family arranged for her! This is NOT Al Qaeda or the Taliban, but MUSLIMS following SHARIA LAW! These are the same people who want to build a mosque near Ground Zero, where they killed 3,000 on 9/11.

... and Obama is agreeing to this as religious freedom!

Tell me again why we can't call them MUSLIM or ISLAMIC terrorists... Where are all the Liberal Women's Group now?


May ALLAH kiss my ass!

TruthTube. tv** 18+ SHOCKING! Family Stone Young Girl To Death In Iran.

TruthTube. tv** 18+ Beheading by Muslim Butchers of Russian Conscript!


Excellent post. You are correct, where are all of these progressive, liberal, stupid women in this country now, who support these worthless vermin? Why doesn't our liberal, pro muslim media show these reels on the 11:00 O'Clock news?

This is not a "religion". These people are nothing more than crazy animals. We are supposed to allow these spineless, sub human pieces of $h!t "religious freedom"? Give me a break! Someone please tell me how, if we woke up tomorrow, and this planet did not contain one single muslim, how would we, and the rest of the world suffer? These animals are worse than cockroaches. How ANY person could justify such a stupid, violent, senseless act in the name of religion, are themselves crazy. I hope when the time comes, and we must strike Iran, we kill as many of these animals as humanly, and as inhumanly as possible. There is no such thing as a "good muslim". Anyone who even remotely thinks there is are as crazy and totally stupid as they are. The only thing these people know and understand is a high body count. It's time we give them one. A large one! Bill T.
we kill as many of these animals as humanly, and as inhumanly as possible. There is no such thing as a "good muslim". Anyone who even remotely thinks there is are as crazy and totally stupid as they are. The only thing these people know and understand is a high body count. It's time we give them one. A large one! Bill T.

Hate mongering at it's finest. Let's just kill a bunch of innocent people because that's where they happened to be born and raised. That's the problem with religion, you are usually indoctrinated as a child and really don't have time to open your eyes and brain and make a decision. There's plenty of good Muslims as there are Jew, Christian, Taoist, Buddhist, etc.. " Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion." -Steven Weinberg
That's the problem with religion, you are usually indoctrinated as a child and really don't have time to open your eyes and brain and make a decision.

That is total bull$h!t, nothing more. I was born and raised into the Catholic church. I went to Catholic grammar school until the 5th grade when my parents split up. When I started 6th grade I refused to attend Catholic school any longer, and told my mother so. She tried to force me, but it didn't work. I ditched until she gave up and enrolled me in public school where I was a much happier child not having to wear uniforms to school, and have religion rammed down my throat every single day. By the 7th grade I refused to attend Catholic church any longer on Sunday, or any other day for that matter.

I told my mother I'll go to church when she does again. She couldn't because she was a divorced woman and was "excommunicated" because of it, or some such nonsense. Now, if I could make up my mind that the Catholics were full of $h!t by the 6th grade, don't give me this silly, stupid crap about, "Not having time to open your eyes and brain to make a decision". That's pure, unadulterated horse$h!t.

Now, as far as your whining about "killing a bunch of innocent" people. How innocent was that girl that had her brains bashed in by rocks until the street was soaked in her blood? How innocent was that poor bastard who had his head sawed off? All of this animalistic crap is supported and believed in by muslims. It is the law they live by. There is no such thing as "innocence" when you have animals who behave like that, and others who support it. What kind of parents raised those children who were singing, smiling, and dancing in the street after 9/11? What kind of nutcase tells their kids to throw rocks at tanks?

These people, along with their stupid, senseless beliefs, are going to get a lot of people killed before this is all over. War is war. "innocent" people die because of it. Better them than us. Curtis Le May roasted 50,000 japanese women and children in their beds when he fire bombed Tokyo the first night. We killed tens of thousands more "innocent" japs when we lit up Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Would you rather have had MacArthur invade the Japanese mainland? That would have cost the United States 800,000 more American lives. Would that have been better?

We are fast reaching the point of no return with Iran. This nutcase is crazy and wants to kill every Jew in Israel. He has publicly stated that many times. If he gets a nuclear weapon, we will be in more danger than ever before. Should we just sit and wait, and perhaps send Hussein to chat some more? Sooner or later we are going to have to shoot at this crazy, worthless, bastard. As far as I'm concerned that is not worth one single American life. I would sleep a lot easier if we as a nation simply air bursted 3 megatons over Tehran, just the same as Americans were so tickled after we wiped tens of thousands of japs off the face of the Earth forcing their surrender. Soldiers were kissing the women in Times Square they were so happy. I'll be dancing when we give these worthless muslims a free ticket to meet Allah along with their 57 virgins, or whatever crap they ejaculate over. I'll leave all of the crying to you. I'm too sick of these worthless animals to give a rats ass any longer.They hate our guts, and want us dead. I want the same for them. Call it mutual admiration. Bill T.
Children will believe anything you tell them, and believe it fiercely.

TruthTube. tv** 18+ SHOCKING! Family Stone Young Girl To Death In Iran.

I'll go way out on a limb here and say the only "child" I see, is the one having her head bashed in by adults with chunks of concrete.......

TruthTube. tv** 18+ Beheading by Muslim Butchers of Russian Conscript!

It seems there are no "children" here either. Just adults taking part in another nice, friendly, muslim ritual...... Bill T.
The enemy is Radical Islam- or, if you prefer, Islamic Fascism. The Islamic fascists are dedicated to the destruction of the West. Let’s not lose site of that fact. They are zealots who truly believe that it’s their destiny to bring the world under Islamic law. For those non believers that chose to keep there heads up their ass and that like to scrutinize every last word of the Bible and like to use words like “ Hate Mongers” or “ Racist” I would suggest you do “Critical Thinking”. There are many books out there written by people far more knowledgeable than I on the subject. Among the most prolific is Robert Spenser, whose books include:
- Islam Unveiled
- Onward Muslim solders
- The truth about Muhammad
- The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam
- The Myth of Islamic Intolerance

Maybe this will help you understand that Christians are not the enemy, You are.
sFe;156738[B said:
]Hate mongering at it's finest[/B]. Let's just kill a bunch of innocent people because that's where they happened to be born and raised. That's the problem with religion, you are usually indoctrinated as a child and really don't have time to open your eyes and brain and make a decision. There's plenty of good Muslims as there are Jew, Christian, Taoist, Buddhist, etc.. " Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion." -Steven Weinberg

Not hate but fear, justifiable fear carried to extreme.... ALL Muslims are taught from birth to hate all who are not Muslim, to want to kill all who are not a Muslim, to lie to all who are not a Muslim, that murder only applies if the victim is a Muslim, to never trust anyone that is not a Muslim, that women are property, to beat your wife, that sex with children is OK, looting is OK if the victim is not a Muslim, to die for Allah is the supreme good deed, and to kill on sight anyone that converts to a different religion, it's all in the Koran.....

Just a FYI they all believe this but do not want you to know....

On a side note on the Koran burning on 9/11 at the Florida church, and the Muslim extreme protest..... They don't seem to have issues with burning bibles, burning churches with people inside, burning American flags.... I say do it, make it public as all hell, and bring the extremist out of the woodwork and deal with extreme prejudice!!!!
I do believe that some, but not all are brought up that way and I think a lot of that has to do with the lack of freedoms in their countries. I don't understand how you can be so certain all are though.Of course the extremists need to be taken care of, as well as the governments that allow them to be so. I don't think that removing every last Muslim is the answer though.
I am sure there are many peaceful Muslim that do not want to engage in any sort of violence in this country and abroad, however I believe it is in MOST not ALL in their heart (like it was with Hitler to destroy the Jews) that that infidels will be wiped out on the face of the earth. The dumb ones or the radicals will blow themselves up with other innocent people the smart ones will gain control thru our weakness, ignorance and thru our political correctness. I just don’t understand why people cant see what is before our eyes every single day.
I am sure there are many peaceful Muslim that do not want to engage in any sort of violence in this country and abroad. The dumb ones or the radicals will blow themselves up with other innocent people the smart ones will gain control thru our weakness, ignorance and thru our political correctness. I just don’t understand why people cant see what is before our eyes every single day.

The problem with the "peaceful" muslims is they are in fact stupid and fearful. FEARFUL because most will not speak out about radical islam, because they fear violent repercussions from those more radical. STUPID because if that is the case, why are they in the damn "religion" to begin with?

Look at "The Reverend" Jim Jones and his Guyana jungle bunch of not so happy camper idiots. Most wanted to get out, but they feared what would happen to them if they tried. They were in fact massacred by their own weakness and stupidity. The "good muslims" are worthless in that regard because they'll follow along like the mindless, gutless, little robots that they are. They don't have the spirit or guts to play with the big boys like the ones in the video, so they are simply a bunch of quiet little tagalongs who "go with the flow". Either way they'll support radical islam because they are too fearful or stupid to do otherwise.

These people have no backbone, or else they wouldn't allow themselves to be so controlled in this manner. I have an idiot sister in law who is stuck in the Jehovah Witness "religion" in much the same way. The woman is miserable as hell because she is an invertebrate with zero backbone. She hates her life, but is powerless to do anything about it. They can't have cable TV, go on the Internet, drink alcohol, see action movies, name it. They all but need the "church's permission" to take a dump. She's ready to blow her head off because of it. She's such a total bitch, my wife won't even have her in the house because she can't stand her.

This is what "religion" does to people. The really fu*#ed up ones like islam just do it better, (or worse), than the others. We're going to end up in a super war with these people because it can go no other way. Idiot liberals who think we can peacefully co exist with them are as nuts as they are, and will end up paying a very large and violent price for their total stupidity. Muslims cannot adapt the "live and let live" philosophy. It's not in their make up. They want to convert the world to their way of thinking. The world doesn't want it. That spells war in any language. I just hope these people are up to it when it happens. Considering the total idiot they put into the White House, I rather doubt it. They wanted hopey changey from Hussein. The muslims will give it to them all right. Just not the way they had envisioned it. They all hated George Bush. Let's see if they'll love Allah any better. Bill T.
The problem with the "peaceful" muslims is they are in fact stupid and fearful. FEARFUL because most will not speak out about radical islam, because they fear violent repercussions from those more radical. STUPID because if that is the case, why are they in the damn "religion" to begin with?

Look at "The Reverend" Jim Jones and his Guyana jungle bunch of not so happy camper idiots. Most wanted to get out, but they feared what would happen to them if they tried. They were in fact massacred by their own weakness and stupidity. The "good muslims" are worthless in that regard because they'll follow along like the mindless, gutless, little robots that they are. They don't have the spirit or guts to play with the big boys like the ones in the video, so they are simply a bunch of quiet little tagalongs who "go with the flow". Either way they'll support radical islam because they are too fearful or stupid to do otherwise.

These people have no backbone, or else they wouldn't allow themselves to be so controlled in this manner. I have an idiot sister in law who is stuck in the Jehovah Witness "religion" in much the same way. The woman is miserable as hell because she is an invertebrate with zero backbone. She hates her life, but is powerless to do anything about it. They can't have cable TV, go on the Internet, drink alcohol, see action movies, name it. They all but need the "church's permission" to take a dump. She's ready to blow her head off because of it. She's such a total bitch, my wife won't even have her in the house because she can't stand her.

This is what "religion" does to people. The really fu*#ed up ones like islam just do it better, (or worse), than the others. We're going to end up in a super war with these people because it can go no other way. Idiot liberals who think we can peacefully co exist with them are as nuts as they are, and will end up paying a very large and violent price for their total stupidity. Muslims cannot adapt the "live and let live" philosophy. It's not in their make up. They want to convert the world to their way of thinking. The world doesn't want it. That spells war in any language. I just hope these people are up to it when it happens. Considering the total idiot they put into the White House, I rather doubt it. They wanted hopey changey from Hussein. the muslims will give to them all right. Just not the way they had envisioned it. Bill T.

I agree with most of what you have to say here. Though I think helping the ones that are against it start a revolution of sorts would be a better starting ground, rather than just killing them all..