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If the SHTF we can assume a few things will happen (either as the cause or the effect). The monetary system we are used to will shut down, currency will be valueless, power and other services will be gone, the infrastructure as we know it will be non-existent.
In the aftermath, everyone will be struggling to simply survive (current scenes from Port-a-prince may be a reminder). Someone killed for a sandwich could become commonplace. Food and especially WATER will be in short supply. But if you make it through the first few days/weeks a new type of barter will inevitably develop, so what will be the valued items?
Of course food and water will be up there on the list, as will any “creature comfort” items. Money will be worthless, and initially even gold or silver will be hard to trade, but defense may be one of the more lucrative items. I often thing that I have more guns than I could use should the SHTF, I mean how many guns do you REALLY NEED to strap on, or rotate through usage??
Then it dawned on me that a gun and some ammo will likely be worth a truckload of food (and maybe the truck) after SHTF. So suddenly to me those “deals” that I keep picking up to play with may just be investments.
Now I’ve decided to stock a few hundred rounds of cheap ball ammo for each of the “extra” guns I have laying around so they become trading packages should they be needed (of course my personal “arsenal” is exempt and stocked with a bit more sophisticated ammo).
So the other day when my wife looked at me with “that” look and said “what the h---- do you need with another d---n gun”? I said, “remember that could be worth a fortune in trade if the bottom falls out, and explained the theory. She looked confused, but realized it was a hard point to argue against … so she just walked away. I will call that one a score!
In the aftermath, everyone will be struggling to simply survive (current scenes from Port-a-prince may be a reminder). Someone killed for a sandwich could become commonplace. Food and especially WATER will be in short supply. But if you make it through the first few days/weeks a new type of barter will inevitably develop, so what will be the valued items?
Of course food and water will be up there on the list, as will any “creature comfort” items. Money will be worthless, and initially even gold or silver will be hard to trade, but defense may be one of the more lucrative items. I often thing that I have more guns than I could use should the SHTF, I mean how many guns do you REALLY NEED to strap on, or rotate through usage??
Then it dawned on me that a gun and some ammo will likely be worth a truckload of food (and maybe the truck) after SHTF. So suddenly to me those “deals” that I keep picking up to play with may just be investments.
Now I’ve decided to stock a few hundred rounds of cheap ball ammo for each of the “extra” guns I have laying around so they become trading packages should they be needed (of course my personal “arsenal” is exempt and stocked with a bit more sophisticated ammo).
So the other day when my wife looked at me with “that” look and said “what the h---- do you need with another d---n gun”? I said, “remember that could be worth a fortune in trade if the bottom falls out, and explained the theory. She looked confused, but realized it was a hard point to argue against … so she just walked away. I will call that one a score!