Firearms -- a new MAJOR currency


New member
If the SHTF we can assume a few things will happen (either as the cause or the effect). The monetary system we are used to will shut down, currency will be valueless, power and other services will be gone, the infrastructure as we know it will be non-existent.

In the aftermath, everyone will be struggling to simply survive (current scenes from Port-a-prince may be a reminder). Someone killed for a sandwich could become commonplace. Food and especially WATER will be in short supply. But if you make it through the first few days/weeks a new type of barter will inevitably develop, so what will be the valued items?

Of course food and water will be up there on the list, as will any “creature comfort” items. Money will be worthless, and initially even gold or silver will be hard to trade, but defense may be one of the more lucrative items. I often thing that I have more guns than I could use should the SHTF, I mean how many guns do you REALLY NEED to strap on, or rotate through usage??

Then it dawned on me that a gun and some ammo will likely be worth a truckload of food (and maybe the truck) after SHTF. So suddenly to me those “deals” that I keep picking up to play with may just be investments.

Now I’ve decided to stock a few hundred rounds of cheap ball ammo for each of the “extra” guns I have laying around so they become trading packages should they be needed (of course my personal “arsenal” is exempt and stocked with a bit more sophisticated ammo).

So the other day when my wife looked at me with “that” look and said “what the h---- do you need with another d---n gun”? I said, “remember that could be worth a fortune in trade if the bottom falls out, and explained the theory. She looked confused, but realized it was a hard point to argue against … so she just walked away. I will call that one a score!
When the riots broke out in California in 1991 the government ordered a halt to gun and ammo sales. Halting gun sales was pretty pointless given the CA 10 day 'for the safety of the children' period. I know people who had neighbors trying to buy any gun from them for outrageous amounts -- if they could have it right now! Of course, the people I know refused because they didn't want to have a felony they'd have to deal with later...

But, I believe you're right. When the situation becomes desperate people will become desperate to feel safe -- at any cost they can afford.
The only thing gold and silver will be good for after a total breakdown of society will be for casting bullets.
and it is when that happens, that all these ani-gun american pansies will realize the importantce of firearms. but it will be too late for them anyway. i agree with ya. ammo and other essentials will be worth more than money.
I agree 200% and I am on the wagon with all of you,lol my collection keeps going up, and my wife says the same d__N thing, then walks away, lol freedom is not cheap we all pay.....
When the riots broke out in California in 1991 the government ordered a halt to gun and ammo sales. Halting gun sales was pretty pointless given the CA 10 day 'for the safety of the children' period. I know people who had neighbors trying to buy any gun from them for outrageous amounts -- if they could have it right now! Of course, the people I know refused because they didn't want to have a felony they'd have to deal with later...

But, I believe you're right. When the situation becomes desperate people will become desperate to feel safe -- at any cost they can afford.

I figure if I still respect the law enough that I care about something being a felony or not then the S HAS NOT HTF! I'm talking total collapse, not neighborhood unrest. When the revolutionaries decided to take up arms against the British, they really did not care anymore that they were "violating the law" :pleasantry:
I figure if I still respect the law enough that I care about something being a felony or not then the S HAS NOT HTF! I'm talking total collapse, not neighborhood unrest. When the revolutionaries decided to take up arms against the British, they really did not care anymore that they were "violating the law" :pleasantry:

UH, I agree, but that was not the point of my post. I was addressing the fact that people who will not prepare will spend an exorbitant amount to secure a bit of safety when they become scared.

All those who hoard gold and silver may (will) find that a rifle or shotgun with some ammo worth a few hundred dollars before the 'emergency' has suddenly become worth more than its weight in those once-precious metals.
Conceivably gold and silver could still have value, especially on the international scope. What amazes me are those who are hoarding CASH?!?

That truely seems like it will be only useful as TP:biggrin:
I think the 3 biggest bartering tools will be food, ammo and batteries. Pints of alcohol and over the counter medications wouldn't be a bad investment either. I think you should have enough cash to handle a very short term crisis such as food and fuel to get out of Dodge. It won't take the store owners long to figure out that cash is worthless. I still think a small amount of silver is wise; maybe 100 silver eagles and some junk silver coins.

The best "bang for your buck" bartering tool in the long term will turn out to be .22 ammo. Stock up whenever you can find it. I keep at least 10,000 rounds in reserve.
The best "bang for your buck" bartering tool in the long term will turn out to be .22 ammo. Stock up whenever you can find it. I keep at least 10,000 rounds in reserve.

I bought 1000 rounds yesterday, and I don't even have a .22....yet.
It seems everytime I or anyone else suggests having guns and ammo as currency, someone says, I'm not selling my ammo or guns. BUT, I'm talking about having specific guns for trade or barter and an investment of certain firearms and ammo strictly for that purpose. Not your main battery of firearms. For instance, a few used Glocks or Police trade-in 9mm's a few Hi-Points and an extra case or two of ammo. Can you imagine the services or items you could get in trade for a 9mm pistol and a box of ammo, or a cheapo 22 rifle and a box of ammo? I know several guys that have been buying inexpensive 22 rifles, single shot shotguns, and used handguns just for that purpose.

I say, a few extra "investment" guns, an extra case or two of FMJ ammo, some extra toilet paper, some smokes, some Bourbon and you could wheel and deal for alot of stuff you need.
The best "bang for your buck" bartering tool in the long term will turn out to be .22 ammo. Stock up whenever you can find it. I keep at least 10,000 rounds in reserve.

Did you pick .22 just because it can be purchased now inexpensively or are you seeing .22 as must have caliber?
Did you pick .22 just because it can be purchased now inexpensively or are you seeing .22 as must have caliber?

I would say it's a "must have" caliber. It's also inexpensive enough to stock up on large quantities. You can use .22 to hunt just about anything. There are more ethical calibers for larger game, but if it comes down to a starvation situation, a 22 will do. Also, 22 is the most common caliber and you're more likely to find people that use this caliber to trade with. Having a couple extra scoped Ruger 10/22's to trade would be great as well.