Don't laugh but...


God Bless Our Troops!!!
One of the best survival guides for he field EVER written is the BSA boyscout handbook. Good first aid, good food, good shelter, good advice!
Somewhere around here, I have an old, torn and tattered BS handbook I picked up at a yard sale. I think I put far more miles on that thing than the boy it originally belonged to.

If the Girls Scouts had been more like the Boy Scouts, I'd have likely joined the Girl Scouts.
GCF, you could've dated a Boy Scout and "borrowed" his book. Check yard sales and thrift stores and get a copy. The only thing I know that is as good a reference guide would be the Foxfire books, and there's 10 or 12 volumes of that, IIRC.
GCF, you could've dated a Boy Scout and "borrowed" his book. Check yard sales and thrift stores and get a copy. The only thing I know that is as good a reference guide would be the Foxfire books, and there's 10 or 12 volumes of that, IIRC.

Of course, Wolf, you are correct, but I was only trying to be funny. I really wanted to join the Sea Scouts. Both of my brothers joined. My pop was of the impression that his daughter didn't do things like that. He sure was mad when I told him I'd joined the Army! lol
I thought both the Boy Scouts and the Armed Forces practiced DADT. No gays welcome in the BSA.

I recall several girls over the years trying to sue the BSA for membership because, like me, they GSA didn't appeal to them, but the activities the BSA participated in did, so they wanted to join. Doubtless they, each and every one, failed.

What are the BSA-like scouting orgs that take both girls and boys? Explorers is for older kids. Girl Guides are just like the GSA, single sex.
The Assembly of God churches have a program outdoor skills program. It wasn't segregated by gender for any events except overnight trips, the last time I saw anything about it. Lots of day hikes and field skills classes.
One of the best survival guides for he field EVER written is the BSA boyscout handbook. Good first aid, good food, good shelter, good advice!

I'm not laughing. I was an Eagle Scout, My Dad was a Scout leader. I learned an awful lot of outdoor skills in that book and applying them in the woods.
I thought both the Boy Scouts and the Armed Forces practiced DADT. No gays welcome in the BSA.

I recall several girls over the years trying to sue the BSA for membership because, like me, they GSA didn't appeal to them, but the activities the BSA participated in did, so they wanted to join. Doubtless they, each and every one, failed.

What are the BSA-like scouting orgs that take both girls and boys? Explorers is for older kids. Girl Guides are just like the GSA, single sex.

I've seen females in the "Venturing Program"who were as young as 14 years old. Venturing Not exactly for the very young females, but it's a start.

I thought both the Boy Scouts and the Armed Forces practiced DADT. No gays welcome in the BSA.

I recall several girls over the years trying to sue the BSA for membership because, like me, they GSA didn't appeal to them, but the activities the BSA participated in did, so they wanted to join. Doubtless they, each and every one, failed.

What are the BSA-like scouting orgs that take both girls and boys? Explorers is for older kids. Girl Guides are just like the GSA, single sex.

Well, speaking from my memories as a young boy, just growing into my teenaged years, there would have been alot of skill learning with boys and girls mixed together, but it wouldn't have been camping skills. I just can't imagine their little homones screaming at that age and being on camp outs. There would have been some tent to tent sneaking, I'm afraid. Maybe that's why girls weren't in the Boy Scouts. I don't think I would have let my daughter go on a "Boys and Girls" campout back then. Besides, there were some issues in the manual and insome of the merit badges about boys becomming men and talking about guy stuff and how boys mature, etc.
My Sister was in Girl Scouts and they did alot of camping and outdoor stuff. Not just selling cookies and making crafts. My sister would come home with blisters from cutting firewood and burns from learning to start fires, and map and compass skills. They had a big girl scouts camp not too far from our home. They also used the Boy Scout camp a few times a year. It would be reserved for them to use on a regular basis. Big Lake, lots of trails, lots of woods and a very secure environment.
I'm not laughing. I was an Eagle Scout, My Dad was a Scout leader. I learned an awful lot of outdoor skills in that book and applying them in the woods.

No laughing here either. I have 13 year old twins who are in Boy Scouts. Both are Life rank, one short of Eagle.

In about 6 months I will have two books for sell. Any bidders? LOL.
In about 6 months I will have two books for sell. Any bidders? LOL.

Keep them.

My firstborn son will be with us in about 4 weeks. I still have my book stowed away somewhere, and it will be my (our) guide in about 9 years when it's time for him to have a then, it'll all be in PDF format anyway. :biggrin:

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